{APPLICATION} Victorious


The Real You

AFF USERNAME: EverLasting_Cloud

AFF Link:

Your Real World Nickname: Jessie

About Your Character

Full Name: Soe Rin Kay

Nickname: Rinny, KayKay, Soella, Soerin, Ella

Age: 19

Birthdate: April 16th, 1993

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: Suwon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Japanese/Korean


  • Japanese | Fluent
  • Korean | Fluent
  • Vietnamese | Basic
  • English | Conversational

Height: 162 cm

Weight:116 lbs


Ulzzang Name: Bonny

Ulzzang Pics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12


Statistics Attitudes

Personalities: Rin Kay is the girl you'd expect to be sweet, angelic, and innocent. But she is far from it, with her devilish mind and mischievious ways. Although she can cause a bit of trouble every now and then, she's one of the happiest girls around without a care in the world besides music. When she first meets a person, she puts on her natural shy act , which she hates, and blushes easily when being complicated or embarrassed. After getting comfortable around a person, Rin Kay will be the girl that is always smiling, laughing, and having a good time. Parties, skateboarding, whatever she wants to do, she does it. This upbeat, I-don't-care attitude is what makes her so likeable and unique. From time to time, she does let her emotions show, but only for a second before she catches herself and hides them again, letting a smile mask her true emotions.

    Although Rin Kay gives off that cheerful, sweet vibe, there are times when she gets really emotional, but she chooses to hide it so that others don't worry about her like she worries about them. She loves and cherishes her friends more than anything else in the world, even music. With her friends by her side, that is how she became known to and interested in music. Not only does she get moody every once in a while, she gets angry too. When she's angry, she doesn't freak out or yell, she gives the cold shoulder, but in a subtle way as to not be rude. Her aura really is sweet and innocent...at first.

     Behind Rin Kay's adoring eyesmile, she is a dark girl who secretly has her other personality; the bad-, rapper who loves to take risks and try new things. Her forward personality and confident attitude accent her already-amazing talent in both rapping and dancing, although she's always preferred dancing. She'd sometimes even dance in the streets at night with her brother's friends, now known as the members of Infinite and Beast.

     Rin Kay is a sweet, special girl sometimes, but someone who expresses her emotions through dancing and showing her other side, the dark, laidback side that stands up for herself. With all of these traits in one person, Rin Kay is likeable by many, yet observed upon as an intriguing girl with many secrets. Shhh.


  • Baby Wolves & Foxes
  • Flavored Water & Orange Soda
  • Fruit
  • Kitties
  • Sneaking Out
  • Sneakers
  • Horror Movies
  • Paint
  • Nighttime
  • Sweets (especially ice cream)
  • Kids
  • Pokemon
  • Junk Food
  • Video Games


  • Being Shy
  • Spicy Foods
  • Causing Too Much Trouble
  • Arguing
  • Getting Yelled At
  • Really High Heels
  • Bears
  • Tea
  • Thunderstorms
  • Being Called 'Cute'
  • Crayons
  • School
  • Dim Lights
  • Bright Colors


  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • Painting
  • Sketching
  • Drawing
  • Taking Pictures
  • Making YouTube Videos With Her Brother's Friends
  • Skateboarding


  • Bites her nails when she's nervous or distracted.
  • Squints her eyes, glares lightly, and balls her hands into fists at her sides when she's angry or frustrated.
  • Blushes and tugs on her sleeves when she's embarrassed or shy.
  • Smiles and plays with all of her friends like a little kid, naturally being cute but not too cutesy.
  • Twists her hair in her fingers and rocks on her heels when she sees someone cute or attractive.
  • Sticks her tongue out of the side of and bites down softly when she's concentrating really hard on something.

About Your Family

Mother: Soe Kim Soo | 49 years old | Small Cafe Owner | Sweet, caring; She works hard at what she does, and loves it too. She always supports her kids and tells them to follow their dreams, since she backed out of following her own dreams when she was younger. She supports them every step of the way in anything they do, and cares for them more than they could imagine. She graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Art, but never bothered to make a career out of it. 

Father: Soe Jo Kim | 52 years old | Lawyer | The father graduated from Harvard with a master's degree in law, and he became a lawyer after marrying and having two kids, but he became a cold, stingy man who only worked for the money and paid no attention to his kids. He's not the ideal type of father, but he doesn't torture the kids either, he just acts civil towards them.

Sibling/s:Soe Min Han | 22 years old | Her brother graduated from her high school 2 years before Rin Kay, along with Dongwoo, his best friend whom he was always with. And by always, I mean always. They have sleepovers and like to tease and make fun of Rin Kay in a jokingly way. Min Han loves his younger sister and is very protective of her, even though he doesn't always show it.

Outside Your Family

Friends: SISTAR's HyoRin, f(x)'s Amber, Beast's Kikwang, SHINee's Taemin, Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Infinite's Dongwoo and Sungjong.

Best Friends: Infinite's Sunggyu and SHINee's Minho.

Where do you meet?: Sunggyu; They usually meet at her mom's cafe and catch up with a mug of hot chocolate. Since Sunggyu is 4 years older than her, he always has lots of stories to tell her about his idol career and such. She loves to listen. And he loves to hear more about her crush on Dongwoo.

Minho; they usually meet at the dance studio where she dances, and Minho helps her with her rap. In a way, they're close as siblings but still have that awkward aura to them due to certain things.

When do you meet?: Sunggyu; they meet in grade school when her brother brings him home to stay over for the night, and even though he's 4 years older than her, he heard her get up in the middle of the night, crying. He went to her room to make sure she was okay, and stayed with her the rest of the night because she had a nightmare.

Minho; they met when Rin Kay snuck out of the house in the dead of night and walked to the park where she swung until her legs felt like jelly. She began falling asleep on the merry-go-round, in which Minho, a completely attractive stranger picked her up and carried her home.

What are you usually do together?: Sunggyu; They usually just hang out wherever, the park, cafe, beach, and have fun, they really are the best of friends. There are no secrets between the two, and they always have stories to tell.

Minho; they mainly dance and rap together, but Rin Kay sees her hoobae as one of her close friends, but she's not sure if she can still trust him the same way she could before.


Partner: Dongwoo

Where and when do you meet?: They met as little kids in little kid grade school and were known as the 'class couple' for toddlers because of their cute ways of holding hands and building lego houses together. They grew apart when Dongwoo moved up a grade and had to switch schools, but reconciled a few years later when her older brother brought him home, finding that the boy was her old best friend as well. They stayed friends, even though Rin Kay formed a crush on him later on.

Ex: SHINee's Minho

Where and when do you meet?: They met at the park where he brought her home at dawn when she was falling asleep on the merry-go-round at the small park. They meet often at many places, but most generally, the school's dance studio or the park where they first met.

Why do you broke up?: They broke up because Minho cheated on her with Bo Mi from A-Pink, which started the whole rivalry between the two. Rin Kay was so hurt, yet she still walked away with a smile on her face, and waited until she got home to cry. She hates crying in front of others, it makes her feel vulnerable. Minho and Rin Kay stayed friends, but their friendship wasn't the same after that anymore, even though they were still close friends, she couldn't trust him anymore.


Rivals: Bo Mi

Why did she become your rival?: Bo Mi was the same age as Rin Kay, and had taken her first boyfriend, and her second crush. When Rin Kay found out that Bo Mi was flirting with Dongwoo, she officially set out to destroy her in the only way she knew how; to beat her at her own game, rapping.

On The Stage

Stage Name: Soella/Ella/Soerin

FanClub Name: Foxees

FanClub Color:

Desired Position: Lead Dancer/Sub-Rapper

Years of Training: 5 years

Anthing Else

Suggestions for Victorious' Debut Song: 'Bad Girl, Good Girl' by Miss A; 'Run Devil Run' by Girl's Generation; 'Can't Nobody' by 2NE1

Comments: I'm really excited for your story, author-nim!! :D ~

Scene Requests: Maybe one where Rin Kay goes to see her brother at his dorm in university and she stumbles in when her brother isn't there but Dongwoo is, whom he's rooming with because him and Rin Kay's brother are best friends.


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