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AFF Username: DeiDeilove

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Name: Park HeeYoung

Stage name: Nikki

Nickname: Nikki 

Age/birthday: 20 oct. 1, 1990

Bestfriend (celeb): Joon |Seohyun |CheonDong

personality of you: A sporty but lazy person. When it comes to singing and dancing it is hard to belive it is the sane person. When meeting new people she tends to be shy but the more you are around her ou see she is actually outgoing and playful and you can't help but have fun around her. she is kind, untill you get on her bad side, loves animals and the color pink. she can accomplish anything she setss her mind to, especially if it is involves dancing. she is chill but when it comes to a bad situation she is there to take control if needed. if anyone does anything horrible toany of her loved ones she will pick you appart till you cry. when it comes to friends and family she will do almost anything for them, you will never meet anyone like her.

personality of your BFF: Joon- friendly likes to show off his "honey abbs" to HeeYoung everytime they are together dancing with thunder. Likes to tease thunder for no reason. he likes making her laugh and is always scaring off all the guys that want to out wih her. he likes to think he is your knight in shinning armor.

CheonDong- has the same passion for dancing. playful and is lika a brother you've always wanted. hates when Joon teases him. Helps joon when it comes to chasing off guys. likes dancing with Joon and HeeYoung.

Seohyun- loves to have fun and shop. sometimes gets jelous because their friends pay more attention to HeeYoung because of their intrests are the same. she is a bit of a diva. likes to watch HeeYoung, CheonDong, and Joon dance, she sometimes joins them when they dance to songs she knows.

Nationality: Full Korean Languages you can speak: english (fluent) korean(fluent) chineese(fluent) Thi (semi-fluent)

Position: main dancer

Hobbies: dancing, singing, collects hats, playing sports, collecting braclets Likes:listening to music, dancing, playing sports, sleeping, wolves, hanging out with friends, dancing and anything that is disney.

Dislikes: arrogant/cocky people, people who pick on others, people who insult her friends, wannabes,seeing and friends cry, flirts

Lover (celeb): seungho (MBLAQ) | Eunhyuk (Super Junior)

Competitor and why: Hyoyeon | always compeating in dancing because she saya she is the best but more people like my dancing.

How you look like:


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