As i told yall in my previous blog, school started today. and here's a timeline of what happen.

  • stupid alarm scared me almost making me fall out of bed <-- i know, stupid right but it was CN Blue's I'm A Loner XD
  • shower, dress, woke my other sibs, ate cup of noddles(chicken flavor remind me of onew XD) went to school
  • got attack by one of my bff who found my shield(ours mascot is a knight so we have paper shield with our name to identify us seniors) which my other bff was suppose to be looking for it.
  • 1st per start(AP BIO), got teacher to make me his TA, 2nd period starts(AP Eng LIt.) got moved right to the front because of seatring chart, and then was told all the work i  worked so hard on yesterday was not due until monday. FEN  MONDAY! and i spent 8-10 hours on it too! XD *pulls hairs out of frutstration* anyways
  • THEN 3 period start(ROP ADV Multi Media) and i was the first on in (since im hekka cool with the teacher and all) first one to sit down and watch the students walked in. boy after boy after boy after boy nonstop walked in, class starts and i realized im the only girl(oh well i was planning to switch out to be tutor for my teacher anyways)
  • lunch meet with a bunch of friend which was awesome, then have 4 period starts(AP Calc), opps skipped some math problems uh oh and teach expect us to pass AP class with 5 <-eh? ima die
  • 5th period(Band) comes along and i was looking forward to it. except teachers talked soo much i never got a chance to introduce myself as a student leader and future Drum Major! <- planning to kill someone but hey i got two more person this year joining my section! >_<
  • 6th per stars and im all thinking, 'Shot im all alone :(' then one of my other bff walks in and i'm all throwing confetti and juping in joy in my head. but sadly people talk soo much at the end of the day! XP 
  • SCHOOL ENDED! yes freedom and AFF here i come but nope instead i went to eat out with the fam in south side and them couldn't come home since there was an arrest and the person who got arrested got stop right behind my dad's car.


        And that was my first day of school XD lol. sorry for just going on about my boring day! XD lol. but i did enjoy it and enjoy seeing my friends again! ^_^



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jungminian0403 #1
<b> just called CN blue's I', A loner a stupid alarm?!grrr!!! he he! XD</b>
You didn't tell us..what period was 6th period? xD School doesn't start till the 6th of Sep for me, but I'm kind of dreading it...xD
LOL Hope you have fun in school !!!! And Tell Your Random BF's Except For The Juan Guy I Said Hello.
Gosh. What a day! I wonder what my first day will be like... Probably get lost in the school even though I've been going there for 2 years already. I'm so ready and not ready for school to begin. Unnie, goodluck in school! Cheers to a great year! So many AP classes. O.O
coercion #5
lol. I will read this tomorrow. I have to go to sleep. SO :)<br />
Good night unnie ^^