Application for BFFL

Username: Ayu-chan724
Name: Shin Hyunmi
Nickname: Hyun, Honey (only her close friends/brother call her that)
Stage Name: Hyunmi
English Name:  Savannah Shin
Date of Birth: July 24, 1995
Age: 16/17 
Ethnicity: Korean 
Birth Place: Incheon, South Korea
Mother tongue: Korean
Languages you can speak: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (moderate)
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Blood Type: B+
Personality: When you first meet me, you'd think I'm shy and awkward, but when you get to know me, I'm nice and trusting (my friends think I'm too nice sometimes). I'm usually calm, cool, and collected in most situations, but I tend to be VERY sarcastic ^-^” I don't get angry easily but I get annoyed easily. I make friends easily and get along with almost everyone, but there are a few people who hate me (for some reason I don't know). I tend to get bored easily and say "geez chill" to people who are upset or angry. When people whine or complain, I whine with them to shut them up or I say “It’s okay to cry” as I pat their shoulder/back. I don’t like to fight but if I have to I will. I'm a bit of a sadistic, to be honest (I love to mentally torture my friends (=< ) I'm also a bit insecure and clumsy (actually I'm REALLY clumsy). =/ I’m sort of a “Go with the Flow” type of person.
I don’t mean to be, but my friends tell me that I’m really cute/adorable (I don’t see how though =/). When I want something, I guess I use aegyo to get it. And if I can’t I pout. My friends like to compare me to CN Blue’s Yonghwa because they say I look like him (In real life). I’m really playful and I like to play pranks on the other members, even if I get in trouble it’s worth it in the end ^-^ I’m always listening to music, even when I’m sleeping. Sometimes the people around me get annoyed that I listen to music 24/7 because I tend to sing without knowing. I’m a very patient person even though I get annoyed easily ^-^”
Background: The earliest memory I have is when I was 2, I fainted (I’m not sure how though). When I was 6 my parents got divorced. My dad remarried when I was 8. My stepmom can be mean (she tried to starve me and my brother one time when we were visiting my dad). My mom DOES NOT like me at all. She remarried when I was 11 and I lived with her my whole life. My stepdad is a goofball, who can’t speak a word of English, Korean or Japanese, he’s Chinese. When I turned 12, me and my older brother moved to Seoul to live with my dad.
Family life: When I was first born, my mom wanted to get rid of me, saying my older brother was enough for them, but my dad objected, saying that I was their child and that my mom should love me like she loves my older brother. I was always the favorite in my dad’s eyes. We are like best friends. My mom doesn’t treat me nicely; she’s always hitting and yelling at me for no reason. My brother and I get along swimmingly. He always takes care of me and is always on my side.
Mother's name: Shin Miyoung, December 3, 1969, 42, stay at home mom
Father's Name: Shin Jaejin, January 27, 1965, 46, lawyer
Sibling 1: Shin Hoseok, April 12, 1992, 19, model/ulzzang
Ulzzang / Model name: Kim Shin Yeong
Fashion sense: Hyunmi always wears either skinny jeans or shorts. She likes to wear tops that hug her figure but can be loose at the same time. Her style is a mixture of girlyness and tomboyishness. And she is usually wearing a beanie on her head if it’s not hot. Hyunmi also wears any color except any shade of yellow or brown, but she generally wears dark colors. (I don’t look good in those colors so… ^-^”) Hyunmi also doesn’t really like to wear heels, but she will if it fits her outfit ^-^ she usually wears sneakers.
-anything cute
-candy (I have a severe sweet tooth ^-^)
-music (Since I listen to it 24/7 ^-^)
-the colors black, red, blue, purple, or neon colors (My favorite colors are black, blue, red, and purple and I like neon colors because they’re bright ^-^)
-pandas (I find them ADORABLE~)
-sleeping (I like to sleep because I never get enough of it, I usually only get about 4-5 hours)
-messing around (In other words, like pulling pranks and goofing off)
-Hello Kitty
-racing games
-any kind of bug
-the dark (I’m scared of the dark)
-repeating myself (It’s annoying to me =/)
-annoying things/people
-when things are too quiet (There always has to be some sort of noise for me, I can’t sit in a dead quiet room)
-thunderstorms when I’m trying to sleep (The thunder wakes me back up =/)
-I hate when I can’t listen to music
-when my feet are bare (I always wear socks and it feels weird if I don’t have any on)
-shooter games (I at them -_-)
-cracking almost every bone possible

-biting nails

-puffs cheeks when bored

-randomly breaks out into song/dance

-unconsciously rubs finger where ring is supposed to be if it’s not there
-always wearing socks (except in the shower)
-unconsciously singing when I’m listening to music
-fixes hair every 5 minutes even if it’s not messy
-always in a rush (even if I have PLENTY of time)
-taps nails/fingers when thinking or spacing out
-spacing out a lot
-playing tennis (I like to play tennis because it helps with my stress and its fun ^-^)

-taking walks (it calms me down when I’m stressed)

-listening to music


-writing (poems, fanfics, random stuff like that)
-drawing (I usually like to draw anime characters)
-surfing the web
-can whistle while breathing in
-can play the piano and violin
-can put my legs in a pretzel above my head (In other words, really flexible ^-^”)
-black belt in both tae kwon do, judo, and karate
-can make dinosaur noises ^-^ (mostly a pterodactyl)
Bestfriend: Chunji of Teen Top
How did you meet?: We met a VERY long time ago, when I was 6. His dad is a friend of my dad’s so naturally we spent lots of time together. We’re close friends and we go shopping together all the time ^-^
- Amber (F(x))
-Song Chanho (ulzzang)
- Ricky (Teen Top)
-Minhyuk (CN Blue)
-L. Joe (Teen Top)
How did you all meet?:
-Me and Amber met when I still trained at YG, we were paired together, and we tell each other everything. She’s one of my best friends and we practice rapping a lot ^-^
-Me and Chanho met through my brother. He asked me why I wasn’t an ulzzang and I told him that I wanted to be a singer. We’re best friends and we take pictures together all the time ^-^
-Me and Ricky met when I was 7 and when he was 6, we were both child models. We had so much fun together on the set and have been best friends ever since. We’re close friends, we watch movies and go shopping together when he has the time ^-^
-Me and Minhyuk met when I was 15, I starred in a new drama and met him there. He played my older brother so we hung out a bit to get to know each other better.
-Me and L. Joe met when I was 14, when I worked at a café when I accidentally spilled water on him (I just started working there at the time).
Rivals: IU and Krystal from F(x)
How did you meet?:
-IU, we met when I first started training at YG. She auditioned there, but I got in instead. She later got accepted into YG and would always try to beat me at everything, saying she was better than me, but since she always rushed, she never succeeded.
-Krystal and I are childhood enemies. We were neighbors and we didn’t like each other one bit.
Why are they your rival?:
-IU doesn’t like me since I’m always drawing the attention away from her, so we compete a lot.
-When we first met, me and Krystal got along fine, but she purposely pushed me off a swing and when we went to the same school, we always got the same exact grades so we’d compete to see who would beat the other.
Crush / Boy friend: Taemin of SHINee 
How did you meet?: N/A
How were you found? Before debut, I was actress (still am ^-^), I acted in a few movies, sitcoms, and dramas. I was also a child model. I auditioned for YG Entertainment when I was 10 and trained there for 4 years before auditioning at SM. I asked my brother what he thought SM would be like. He couldn’t give me an answer since he didn’t want to be a singer =/ so I did an online audition and passed the first round. A week after I passed the first round, they called me to the company building for the live audition. I did as best as I could, and they said they would tell me the results in 2 weeks time. After 2 weeks of anxious waiting, the president of SM contacted me and congratulated me on becoming a trainee.
Number of training years: 
Position in the group: Main Vocalist/Lead Rapper
Persona: Playful Prankster or Calm Sarcasm
Name of your fan club: Valors or Fantasy Factors


Fan club color: Royal Blue or Lavender Purple


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