a p p l i c a t i o n || l u m i n o u s

t h e -- t r a i n e e


--mun in a bun;; 

AFF Profile Link: Kraydaughter
Activity in AFF: Active,Online Everyday~
Nickname: fei


i n t e r v i e w with manager choi

[basic character information]

Hi there hun, what's your name?: My name is Park Soojoon but you can call me Joon

I see, that's a pretty name, how old are you?: I'm 20 years old

Ah, alright, where did you came from?: Seoul, South Korea

By the way, when's your birthday?: My birthday on September 3rd. I'm 92liner

Ah, alright then, I'm noting that! So, what's your ethnicity?: I'm Korean

Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's your weight and height?: 49 kg & 166 cm

And oh, what languages do you speak? Well except Korean and Parseltongue of course!: I speak english fluently and japanese conversationally

[the inner you]

Mind to describe your personality for a bit?: Everyone say i'm an outgoing girl. I'm talkative also a little bit hyperactive. My Dongsaengs think i'm so caring that they like to call me "eomma". I'm also a smart girl, I entered my current university because i got a scholarship from that university. I'm also a responsible person. I like to smile a lot, so everyone see me as a super friendly person but actually i'm socially awkward to others who still don't know me very well. I'm a hardworker, i believe that i'll be success if i work hard and always pray to god. I'm also a good listener, sometimes my dongsaengs like to go to me when they have any problems and i like to give them advices. I'm a little bit ambitious. I also can be a bossy person. I'm also a little bit forgetful. I'm very sensitive, i easy to cry whenever i watch sad movies or read sad novels, and i hates it the most.

Hm, alright then. What do you like?: i like ice cream, coffee, grey-colored things, lemon candy, tteobokki, and video games

How about your dislikes?: i don't like strawberry milk, cheese, high places, cockroaches, and human-like doll

What are your habits?: i bit my nails or lower lip when i'm nervous, i always hug my bolster when i'm sleep, i like o rub my nose, when i hear music i'll dance randomly along the music

Well, hobbies?: i like listening to music, reading, watching movies, writing lyrics, dancing

Do you have any personal talents? For variety shows and stuffs: failed aegyo, playing electric guitar, and dancing to some boygroups's dance and beatboxing

[the outer you]

You are required to send at least three of your pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Ah, you look pretty in these! What's your style of clothing?: i like casual style. i like to wear t-shirt with jeans or short pants. i prefer wearing that to wearing skirt because i think skirt is a little bt uncomfortable. And i like to wear sneakers.

Name of the ulzzang: Ryn


Who's your family members? You know, in case something bad happens:

  • Park Youngjoon | 49 | businessman | father
  • Choi jihye | 45 | housewife | mother
  • Park Dongjoon | 18 | student | younger brother

Mind telling me a bit about your background? We want to have trainees from a good background: I come from a quite wealthy family. my family consist of 4 members. My Father is a businessman, my mother is a housewife and my brother is a student. I born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. I'm the only one who have a job related to arts. Being a singer is my dream since i was kid, At first my parents never allow me to be a singer or an artist. they always wanted me to be a doctor or a lecturer. When i was 16, i secretly joined an SM entertainment and got passed. I never told my parents about it but not long after that my parents found out that i was a trainee in SM. Actually my parents is supportive but i don't know why that time they weren't allow me to be an artist. but i'm really grateful that they allowed me to continue the training at the end.

How about close friends? Any idols? Ulzzangs? Models?: i close to F(x)'s sulli and amber, Block B's zico, EXO's D.O, and DBSK's changmin.

Friends? Acquaintances? People you wish to meet?: SNSD's Taeyeon, B1A4's Baro, and TeenTop's C.A.P are my friends

Do you dislike somebody? Like, a rival, be honest now! I know it can't be helped!: Actually, i quite dislike SNSD's Tiffany sunbae. because she likes to stare at me and being mean to me

Ah, be honest to Manager Choi, who's your crush/love interest, perhaps you have a boyfriend?: i have a crush on EXO's Luhan

[love interest]

Now that we're talking about love and I want to know more about you, how do you act around your crush/boyfriend etc?: Whenever i meet Luhan, I being a shy person. I don't know why but it's automatically. I also blushing. Actually it's embarassing. I also very nervous when i near him. But being my self, i smile a lot and my smile will brighter whenever i see his cuteness.

Aw, that's cute, what's his personality? Describe it a bit for me, yes?: He is very cute. he acts like a kid. he always use aegyo to get everyone's attention. But he can be very evil too. He is responsible too,just like me. He is caring to his dongsaengs and members. he's very hyperactive. his cuteness can make people annoyed too because he uses it a lot

If, perhaps you haven't met, how do you want to meet him?: -

Well, if you guys had met, how was your first meeting?:  I met him when i were a trainee. The first time i saw him when the first meeting of dancing class. As the first impression, i tought he's cute and there'll be many fangirls of him. And I was right. After several dance class meeting, many trainees squealed because if his dance moves. And i was jealous, not because his popularity but because the fangirls who easily to got so close with him. and since that time i realized that i had a little crush on her. and thanks to kyungsoo who make us become ccloser like now

[audition process]

Hm, could you show me a bit of your dancing? It is mandatory:  1 | 2 | 3 (the one who wear white and red jacket)

How about your singing? That's of course if you want to be a vocalist, you can show one if you think you're good at it: 1 | 2 | 3

Rapping? Of course, that's only if you want to be a rapper, you can show me one if you think you're a decent rapper: 1 | 2 | 3

Do you have previous CFs or cameos?: -

If ever you're chosen, which position would you like?: Main Rapper, main dancer

Well, got any ideas for your stage name, if ever?: hmm.. i'll use J-Soo as my stage name because it sounds cool and J stands for "Joon"

Oh, how about a fanclub name for yourself?: Since i like star, i'll use SooperStars as my fanclub name

[trainee days]

Well alright, how long have you been training for?: i've been training for 4 years

Woah! That's amazing, I salute your strength! How was your trainee days? Is it good? Tough?: since my skills weren't good enough, i had to practicing really hard. and ti's very hard because sometimes i stayed practice until almost midnight. i also wanted to balance my training with my school and i was afraid i had to postpone my school. but fortunately i can balance between school and training

Hm... what else... ah! What did you train? You know like, singing, rap, dance, acting etc..: singing,rap,and dance

That's all! Thank you for auditioning for Luminous, I'll be sure to contact you once Lee Sooman and other board members had made their decision, for now, continue training! But you know, we'll be having lunch, would you like to join us? If you do, what would you like with your rice?: Soup~!


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