
So I'm writing right now, but to keep myself entertained and to break the monotonous chain of fluff that goes through my mind, I like to post blogs and read your comments :D

So this one is about boys.

So I'm Vietnamese,

and I mean no offense by this to any races, but the people I end up liking fall predominantly in the Asian category.

Chinese. Vietnamese. Korean. Japanese. Laos... the list goes on and on.

But I don't generally like outside of Asians, and I noticed that especially after I became enamored with Kpop.

And I was just wondering, is it like that for you?

I mean, I'm still attracted to some other races, and they are beautiful, it's just, Asian just seems to claim me in the boy aspect of my life.

I was just wondering, is it because I'm Asian that I have preferences like this? Or is it Kpop? 

I think my being Asian has a lot to do with it.

So I'd like to know if this pattern fits with you, and who are some attractive non-Asian people(as in actors)?

I'll tell you some of mine:

Justin Timberlake- his voice is y.

I like dat.

Wentworth Miller- OH GOODNESS. PLEASE. MMM. HE'S SO. MMPH.(Gay. No fo real. He is. But as the author of many things, homouality does not bother me)




See how pretty he is?


That's so nice.


Jude Law- Yeah, I like dat.

And you know the pretty boy everyone likes- Johnny Depp.


And this was recently brought to my attention:


I didn't know Clint Eastwood looked like this when he was younger.


Pretty darn handsome.

So tell me :)




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I'm Asian, too~ (Myanmar)
and yes! It's definitely bcuz of KPOP (for me)!!!.and drooling over ANIME guys doesn't really help at all!
yeah, I'm not really attracted to non-Asian guys! esp, their structure!!!
yes, I don't like muscular ones, and I like how Asians' bodies are built! I'm attracted mostly to Korean and Japanese guys~><!
but I really LOVE Johnny Depp and Harry Styles(One Direction)!!! XD
MeiXiah #2
Oh I'm Vietnamese too =DDD But also half Chinese but I guess that doesn't really count. I guess our ethnicity plays a huge part of this. I also prefer Asian guys over any others but I don't know if it was influenced. Before I started listening to Kpop and watching Anime etc. I didn't really mind where the guy came from.. so I'm guessing Kpop (and Anime) influenced me to only take interests on Asian guys... e_o Then again it might just be me....
I'm not asian and I'm just like you :)I'm German/Spanish tbh ^^
I have to quote you: "I mean, I'm still attracted to some other races, and they are beautiful, it's just, Asian just seems to claim me in the boy aspect of my life." Couldn't describe myself better ;) I dunno why but I have a "suspicion" why: I grew up with Asia. Anime, Manga, J-Pop/J-Rock - nothing else. Those were my only interests, so the only boys I looked at in primary sch. were asian .__. Last year: K-Pop intruded my life. And here I am now ^^ My 1st crush was/is actually a boy from Vietnam at my school ;) There are ofc some boys I knew since childhood and I kinda got to like them but I think more of friendly basis :/
Since KPop, asians are asdfghjkl*--*sfhj*drool* for me! And it doesn't help that they're always so perfect ㅠㅠ
origthugmcnasty #4
Ya know, I'm the same as you. LOL. I really like Logan Lerman though. Some other guy that I can't remember either.
JKetchup #5
I'm asian, and i used to LOVE caucasion people, i dont know, they have a different look and personality. but then i got into kpop, and i realised that asian people are pretty cute and have different features, which i like ahaha :) I think it's just asian style that gets me, like clothes, ear pericings...
I'm Brazilian, but I still prefer Asians. Of course I find other races attractive as well, but since I was a little kid (and by that I really mean it, like since I was 6) I've had a thing for Asians - everything that is Asian to be honest. Alex Pettyfer is pretty hot and handsome, but an actor I /really/ love is Logan Lerman. Maybe it's his baby face - I don't really know. He's just cute and handsome and I would easily marry him
Japanda #7
Yea same for me too, but i still find some white or other race males attractive. Oh yea you know Chad Murray and Alex Pettyfer, they're pretty hot actors!!
ImBigBangsVIP #8
YES I AM THE SAME WAY!!! Im chinese and its not that i dont like non asian guys, its just that im not nearly as attracted to them as asian guys you know? XD good thing im marrying a kpop star (LOL jk... kinda haha)
I, unfortunately, am nowhere close to being asian as much as I wish and pray lol (I am 75% italian and 25% peruvian) but I am so freaking attracted to asian men that's it's not even funny. I think it might have something to do with kpop but I've been liking asians since I got into j-rock really, but yeah. I do like other men and I find other races to be attractive but if i ever had to choose between races I would pick Asian in a heartbeat. lol Umm...some actors I find Chris Hemsworth (Thor) super attractive, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) (both chris and Hugh have australian accents *drools*). I also find ppl like johnny depp and jude law, robert downey jr, James McCovy (Prof. X in X-Men 1st class; he has a british accent x.x) and others to be attractive. Another man I find GORGEOUS beyond reason is Ian Somerhalder. I don't know if you watch The Vampire Diaries, but he plays Damon and OMFG this man!!! He has pale skin, with black hair and icy blue eyes like omfg but yeah lol
I'm american... Caucasian... wutever you wanna call it..
BUT I PREFER ASIANS!~ <3 I think... I don't really find any american guys (that I can think of right now) very attractive.. Whenever I think of an attractive guy I think of asians... XD
but i swear im not racist or anything and have something against caucasian people~
BUT to me it's not just about what their race is~ It's about how they treat me who they are and how they treat the people around me~ stuff like that~ -i feel so sappy XD-
oh I just thought of Johny Depp~ hes not to bad lookin~ ^3^
BUT I also like abs~ XD and hair.. idk why but if i dont like there hair its a big turn off for me.. XD -dont judge me-
I'm white and I've always liked Asians a lot (I blame this guy I've admired since we were 3 OTL), but since I got into K-pop, Asians are like apsoidjf;lakejf;lakwejfwae. LOL.
I still notice (like really notice) cute/hot guys of other races just as much. It's just that Asians like overpower them or something. OTL XD
haha I'm black and kpop ruined it for me. lol yeah I favor Asians now. Before kpop, it was outside of black people anyway so I've always liked outside of my race. Kpop has definitely screwed a lot of non-asian guys because majority of us go for Asians now.
Oh! William levy is too y for his own good. Along with Jensen ackles. And Jared padalecki. And Johnny depp.
kiikiichan #14
I'm Filipino and Guamanian and I think kpop slightly played a part in my preference towards Asian males. And on another side note since I am a senior and looking for colleges my major is going to be East Asian studies ^_^ kpop gave me that passion for Asian history .. But I still find other guys attractive
Especially freaking JAKUB GIERSZAL from the suicide room.. Definitely check him out... 我爱你!<3
I'm attracted to bodies. LAWLLLL
Like there's this kid in my physics class and me and my friend both stare at his delicious body cus DAMN. Nah but I'm Mexican. I like da Asian men, but I will still find other races attractive. Though lately, I've come to not be so attracted to Mexican boys because they all wanna be cholos -__-
White boys are eh. I've never been attracted to a black person, though there is one in my class who's black, white and Japanese. He's cute lol
But as long as they're attractive and intelligent I don't mind the race.