Can I tell you all a short, stupid "like" story?

[format of story stolen from musicgeek LOL it seemed like a good idea and format for storytelling]


So there's this girl, her name is...


and a while ago, Hyuna had a crush on this guy named Donghae

It was back in Middle School. The two of them were both considered nerds, and they both had a lot in common. He was always slightly more popular than her, but that didn't matter. They were casual friends. Keep in mind, never CLOSE, but casual. 

Eventually, people began saying they looked 'cute together', and rumours spread that Donghae liked Hyuna. Of course, Hyuna didn't tell anybody except her trusted friend Sunny,

but she liked Donghae as well. Well, she THOUGHT it was "as well".

Hyuna was unfortunately not the type to express romantic or sentimental feelings towards,well, anyone, so obviously she didn't bother confessing her feelings for Donghae. Sunny told her she was being ridiculous, and told her she should have not been a chicken and confessed when she had the chance. Well, for once, Sunny was somewhat wrong.

Turns out Donghae DIDN'T like Hyuna, and it was just a rumour. In FACT Donghae actually liked this girl named Gain.

Now, Gain was an upperclassman. She was a grade older than Donghae, but he didn't care. 

Of course, Hyuna felt a pang of jealousy. She only told Sunny this, but why is it fair that Donghae likes Gain, who barely paid any attention to him, when she was there and had liked him for two years now!?

Sunny could do nothing but tell her she didn't need him, and after a while, Hyuna listened. Donghae was no longer important to Hyuna, and over summer she completely forgot about him. Afterall, Middle School love means nothing, right?

Then came Highschool Orientation.

Since Sunny was actually still friends with Donghae (Hyuna and Donghae stopped hanging out, she just couldn't anymore), when she saw him at Orientation, she forgot about Hyuna's past feelings and called his name. He heard her and came over to talk to Sunny... not speaking a single word to Hyuna. He saw her, trust me, they briefly made eye-contact before he ignored her.

So he talks to Sunny for a bit as Hyuna stood there as an awkward third wheel. He finally left, and when he did, Hyuna pretended to brush it off. Even Sunny, who could usually tell her emotions with ease, couldn't see that she was disappointed. Well, I wouldn't say so much disappointed as irked that he didn't even acknowledge her.

But whatever, Hyuna didn't need him

So after talking to Sunny for a while, curiosity got the best of her, and Hyuna asked, "Hey Sunny.. I saw Donghae's facebook status says he's in a relationship. Who's he dating?"

"Oh, you didn't know? He got over Gain and now he's dating Woori."



Hyuna acted like she didn't care, but deep inside, she was agitated. Why all of a sudden Woori? How did SHE suddenly come around??

Anyway, time passes, school has started, and Hyuna gets a chance to start hanging out with her guy friends again, including Daehyun, Chanyeol, and others.

Straying away from the main plotline for a second, let's go into some backstories with Hyuna, Daehyun, and Chanyeol.

Daehyun and Hyuna met in the 2nd grade. They've been friends since then, and they still are today. However, in the midst of their friendship, a few more-than-friend-y feeling came about. Sometimes mutual, sometimes not. Basically, they liked each other on and off. Sometimes they liked each other at the same time, sometimes one liked the other but the other didn't, things like that. The good thing about their friendship, however, was that they were so comfortable with each other that they literally confessed to liking each other mutually, and then instead of dating, they just became even closer friends. They said that they like the fact that somebody likes them back, but since neither were ready for a relationship, they just kept it at that mutual knowing of their feelings. It worked out well, the feelings eventually died away, and their friendship is still strong today.


Chanyeol is a bit different. Hyuna met Chanyeol in the 6th grade, and back then, Chanyeol was the DEFINITION of a nerd. Glasses, braces, acne, honors classes, all that. Both of them were in band, and they both played the same instrument. The two were always pretty good friends, never too close, but they thought of each other in a friendly way. It was in the 7th grade that Chanyeol magically sprung out of his nerd stage, and became really attractive. He was still in honors classes and band, but he cut his hair, he got contacts, and he cleared up his acne. His braces are apparently coming off soon too. Hyuna was glad for him, because she knew he was handsome on the inside, and it was the way he carried himself that made him look bad. The one FAULT in this, was that now basically EVERY girl in their grade liked him. "OMG CHANYEOL THIS CHANYEOL THAT" would be the talk of every single girl in the 7th grade, continuing on to 8th. Chanyeol became really popular, something Hyuna never had and never will experience. The s-l-u-t of the school (let's not give her an idol name), Hwang Ji Min even took a liking to him.

Of course, being Miss Everything, she easily got him to date her. That's when Chanyeol's ego boosted and he began dating every girl that took the slightest interest in him.  He and Hyuna had remained regular friends, but Hyuna didn't have any feelings for him because of his now almost player-like personality. But the problem was, a rumour spread... a rumour that said Chanyeol liked Hyuna! The loser, Hyuna! Hyuna didn't believe it at first, because rumours are just rumours, so she asked her friend Ye Eun (while they were at another friend's barmitsvah) to ask Chanyeol who he liked.

Yeeun came up to Hyuna later and confirmed the rumour to be true- Chanyeol DID like Hyuna. She was flattered... but she felt no feelings for him. Well, not NO feelings, but not enough to say she liked him back.

After a couple of months, Chanyeol got over Hyuna seeing as she wasn't gonna start dating him, and their friendship got a bit awkward for a while. Eventually they got over that awkward phase, when Chanyeol got another girlfriend. Now, in highschool, Chanyeol has no girlfriend, but he had his eyes on this one transfer student from Japan named Aiko Minamoto. She was kind of a whoer- she dressed very provocatively, and she was constantly flaunting her chest around when there were boys around. (Keep in mind- we're only freshman ._.) So apparently Aiko liked Chanyeol too, but she wouldn't date him because she ALSO likes another guy! So what does Chanyeol do? Date her best friend. And that's where I'll end Chanyeol's backstory.



So Hyuna began hanging out more with her two guy friends, and basically forgot about Donghae again. In her mind, boys didn't really matter. She had to focus on her studies, and keep training for her sports team. Not to mention practice piano, and tumblr all day long. 

She took this time at school to get closer to her guy friends rather than girls, because you know how girls can be. She and Sunny had kinda grown apart- they still hangout, but they're not as close anymore.

It was also during this time that Daehyun and Chanyeol both began talking to her more, unlike before when they were always preoccupied with something else.

She was with Daehyun more than Chanyeol, because Chanyeol usually sat with his Soccer team at lunch. Anyway, Daehyun had also began teasing her even more than he used to. Like, CONSTANTLY. He always picks at her, insults her, and puts her down.. and then laughs like a maniac when she makes a witty comeback. They've developed that kind of tease-and-be-teased relationship at this point, which both of them liked quite a lot. Hyuna never expected anything romantic to come of this, and honestly thought that without realizing it they had both friend-zoned each other in a way. So, she thought, even if feelings DID come back between the two, they were too friend-y for it to matter.

But she was noticing someting a bit different. Usually, when he made fun of her, he wouldn't sit near her because it would ruin the whole point of making fun of someone. He would pretend to detest her, and pretend she's stupid (when in fact they both know she's not), and he used to call other people smarter than her all the time. What he DIDN'T used to do was purposely walk past a totally vacant seat at lunchtime to sit next to Hyuna in a less comfortable place. He also didn't used to call OTHER people stupid, and he DEFINITELY never said "naw, I'm kidding, you're not ____ (stupid, annoying, etc)" after he made fun of her. There was never a "jk" moment, until recently. It's like he's become more cautious of hurting her feelings... I mean, his joking around never bothered her because it was a mutual cat&dog thing going on, but still.

She's also caught him staring at her numerous times. Sometimes they would even hold eye contact, until one of them did some sort of funny eye-dance or something that made the other laugh and look away. She didn't really know why, but Hyuna found herself wanting to stay longer at lunch to sit next to him (Hyuna has a zero period, so that means she gets to leave school early, usually around lunch, so she can eat at home and have more time for homework and tumblr...). 


Then of course, Chanyeol's still in the story, isn't he?

When he was rejected by Aiko, instead of immediately moving onto her best friend, he stayed single for a couple weeks. It was during this time when he began hanging out with his other non-soccer friends more, and sitting with them at lunch. "Old friends" included Hyuna and her friends. 

Recently, Chanyeol has been very sweet to Hyuna, and has more than once complimented her or comforted her when she felt sad. When he texted her, he dealt with her spazziness and always made sure to end each message with either a ":)" or a ";)" When they finished messaging because she had to leave, he would always say "Oh, bummer.. sweet dreams :)", giving Hyuna this subtle, butterflies-in-my-tummy sort of feeling. She was actually quite convinced for a while that he liked her..

but then apparently he's dating Aiko Minamoto's best friend, Choi Sulli. 

So, he led her on, and dropped her, just like that.

Basically, Hyuna no longer even bothers with Chanyeol, because since he's been dating Sulli he's barely been talking to her. Whatever, his loss.


Hyuna had sort of given up, she didn't really care to be honest. She didn't really have any desire for a boyfriend, so whatever.

Romance wasn't exactly in her mind for a while.. until the homecoming dance was announced. 


Hyuna is sitting with Sunny, YeEun, and a couple of other friends at lunch (this happened today, btw). Daehyun was in New York for his cousin's barmitsvah, and Chanyeol was hanging out with Sulli and Aiko.

Woori's locker, as Hyuna DIDN'T know, was right next to the area Hyuna and her friends sat at lunch. So of course today of all days, Woori comes to her locker and finds a note plastered on it, saying



on it. Woori smiled, and Hyuna pretended not to notice... but she kept looking of course. SUDDENLY OUT OF NO ING WHERE, Donghae appears, holding a bouquet of pink roses to "propose" to Woori. 

Like, jfc, it's HOMECOMING. Not a WEDDING, children.

She of course agreed, and they kissed..

and BAM.

Here came that reoccuring pang of jealously in Hyuna.

Thinking about it now, Hyuna doesn't think she was annoyed because she wanted to date Donghae still, because to be honest Hyuna doesn't feel anything like that anymore.

It was the fact that, 

right in front of her, mind you,

her ex-crush for two years asks his girlfriend for two months to homecoming, giving a whole cheesy proposal, and then kisses her.

Right in front of Hyuna.


To think, "maybe if I had confessed at that time, I wouldn't be so mad now.".....


Anyway, Daehyun is still in NYC, Chanyeol doesn't talk to her much, and Hyuna is kinda stuck with her gullfriends for now. She doesn't want to tell anybody, because they'll get the wrong idea and think that she still likes him, which she doesn't.

It was just bitterness.



. . . . . 


Now her thing is... who is she going to homecoming with?

Most likely her friends.... Like (sunny's not going, neither is gayoon because they're party poopers) YeEun, Minji, Jiyeon, Hara, Sohee, and probably some guy friends.. Like Daehyun, Yongguk, and Shindong.

But would it kill the universe to MAYBE give the forever-unpopular Hyuna an ACTUAL date for homecoming? 












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So I hope that story wasn't too painful to read

What do you guys think, based on what I've written? I dunno, I'm just... eh

*Donghae* is a jerk, jussayin.

No lingering feelings there, just bitterness.

I feel like maybe I just "liked" *Chanyeol* because he led me on subtly for a while.

I don't even know with *Daehyun*, literally, the two of us have liked each other on and off for so long now I just can't say anymore about it, I just DON'T KNOW.. asdfg.


Anyway, your thoughts?


And of course you too, Rachel ;)



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Poor you, I hope things become clearer! To be quite honest, advice-wise I'll be pretty useless here. I go to an all-girls school, so there isn't as much "boy troubles". But I hope things become clearer for you, and you're able to work things out. Fighting! :)
when you're in a relationship, you get to do lesser things than usual.
focus on your studies first!
do all the crazy while you're still wild, free and single...
Well, for one, take a break and stop thinking about relationships for a while. Clear it out until you feel you're ready for one. Which I don't suggest in High School. Because between senior year of hs and freshman year in college is when people change the most.
As for the homecoming thing, go ahead and go with your girl friends. It's a ton of fun because high school dances. And you can laugh at all the miserable couples that probably won't last very long anyways.
awwwww i feel like you and "daehyun" would be a good couple if you guys got out of the friend zone
aish donghae-.- it's okay, i've been through that. it hurts but after some ranting and just busying yourself with other stuff, you'll forget him. and maybe you'll meet someone new in sophomore year!
that happened to me. i had a one sided crush on a guy for the longest time but i just gave up and always got jealous when he was with some other girl. then near the end of freshman year, my friends became friends with this other asian group and we all became really close. i liked, well you know who(; and we soon became close! I thought i would never get him, but recently i've been seeing some hope so don't ever think you're forever alone!
as cheesy and lame as it sounds, the right guy is out there! you just have to wait!