▬ 나인 원더 랜드 { Nine Wonderland } | Application


▬ 나인 원더 랜드  


Serina Kimitarou

☆ Brain among the Wonders


       Tell Me       

Username : QrincessJihyeon
Active-ness : 8/10 


       I'am The Best       

Birth Name : Serina Kimitarou

Birth Date : 3 January 1992

Age : 21

Height : 167cm 

Weight : 47kg

Ethnicity : Japanese- American

Languages : Fluent:- Korean, Japanese, English | Conversational:- Chinese, French, Spanish | Basic:- Thai, Tagalog, Indonesian

Home Town : Kyoto, Japan:- from birth till 11 | Seoul, South Korea:- from 12 till now

Birth Place : Kyoto, Japan

       Noona Neomu Yeppeo       

Ulzzang Name : Jang Haebyeol | Byul

Ulzzang Picture : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 

Back - Up Ulzzang Name : Baek Sumin

Ulzzang Picture : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 

Fashion Style : She's the most susceptible to fashion trends and brands. She likes limited edition items that bring out her personality. She has a thing for splashed colors and designs. 

She enjoys taking her credit card and going shopping in Shinsadong. There are many designer brands with character there.She loves wearing short with t-shirt or mini skirt with blouse. She also wears mini dress. 

Favorite Body Parts :  Her favorite body part is her sharp collarbones. Her collarbones clearly stand out and when she wears off-shoulder clothes, her shoulder line stands out the most among the members'. Also, one of her charming points is her robust and muscular body that she has built since she was young, by practicing athletics, swimming, kendo and more. Her body is fat-less. Her whole body is firmly toned.


       I Melt You Down Like Ice Cream       

Your personality : She is the never-give-up always fighting, always moving, always gaining altitude kind of person. The most notable of her personality traits being that of complaining and grumbling. Although she keeps doing work, won't shut up about how hard it is. Being whiny is like her habit.

She brings about a trait of not being contented with prevelant conditions, which is good in a way because it spurs people to do something about it, but it also brings about this other not so congenial and understanding side. She is very committed to her cause and are really good at getting what she want. There is a negative side to this too – she become successful and privileged and find that there are not a lot many people up there and it is not really possible to be friends with people who are not there – so she feels quite lonely. She is really good at coping up with this, but now this not something that can be completely taken out of the system, is it?

She is a person who seem to be a little formal, a little out of place with her fun-loving background, but that is because she actually like to have the right thing in the right place. She likes to climb the social and professional ladders and is not left behind in trying to impress her superiors and even loved ones. She has a different kind of sense of humor which is rather refreshing in a gathering or party.

In matters of love, even though she might seems a little too suited-up and unromantic, she makes very good partner and very faithful spouse. The problem with her is that she might be a little too strict and formal even with her loved one. She might never wanna deviate from the formal methods, and expose her hard self a little too often. So, accordingly, her lover might learn not to take her seriously, and this might be a serious cause of heartache for her. There is no doubt a lot of satisfaction to be had from professional and domestic spheres for her, but things can get a lot better if she learns to take things easy, and deviate from the norms.

Habbits : 

  • her lips
  • Sits up before sleeping, can't sleep if she's not tired enough
  • Hugging someone or something when sleeping
  • Cuts her food before eating
  • Takes time when eating, she can eats a bowl of ramen for 2 hours
  • Writes her feeling in diary

Likes : 

  • Keroro
  • Exercise
  • Animals
  • Rose
  • Greenery
  • Spicy food
  • Books
  • Field and tracks
  • Water
  • Martial Arts

Un-like : 

  • Hot days
  • Arguing
  • Sasaeng
  • Scandals
  • Non spicy food
  • Animal abuser
  • Environment pollution
  • Rule breaker
  • Liars
  • Playboys

Phobic & Trauma : 

  • Phobia of darkness
  • Phobia of thunder and lightning
  • Trauma of clown
  • Trauma of accidents

       The New Born World IMine      

Stage Name : A

Persona : Brain among the Wonders

Position : Lead Language, MC, MV Queen, Main Vocal

Back - Up position : Leader, Main Vocal, Sub Rapper, Ulzzang

Trainee Years : 8 years

How do you act in the stage : She tends to say things in her mind in an interview, that is being whiny. She is commited to her doings and always try to show her best. She talks formally but got a sense of different humor that people don't really expect her to have. She talks much during interview and the good in acting. Although she's overly tired or feeling sad, she won't show the weak side of her in front of the cameras and fans.

Stage fanservise : Exo- K's Kai

Suggestions for the Group yel-yel / motto : Nine Sparkling Girls of Wonderland

You're on motto / yel - yel : My brain is A grade

Fanclub Name : Aces

Fanclub Colour : #9900ff


        Omo Omo This Called Training Power       

Why do you join SM : She joined SM mainly because singing is her  soul. Singing is her theraphy. Singing is her strength. Since she was born pre matured, she got a problem to speak. Until she was 4 I can't say any words. Her parent met various proffessional and they suggest them to teach her talk through singing a song. Hence, she started singing since she was four, she is 21 now so she had been singing basically for the whole of her life. She want to help people through her singing. 

How can you be accepted : She was street casted at Gangnam street. That's mainly based of her face and fashion styles. They told her about SM and being a trainee. She was quite skeptical about that, is they really representatives from SM? She got their numbers and went back home. She told about that to her family and contact her best friends. Her parents and sibling supported her and her best friends who are idols too verify that some of the idols got street casted like her too. She contacted the representatives and arranged one date where she gone to SM and got to show off her skills to people that incharged of approving her as a new trainee of SM.

How you act with other trainees : She was not trouble maker nor the social awkward. She got few friends that are trainees as well as idols. Following the tradition of SM, non- Korean trainees tend to get bullied. But that didn't happened to her. She knows how to climbs the social. She is good in impress and take care of others' feeling. But She make a thin barrier between the other trainees, She didn't want to get too close or find any enemies. They are just friends during trainees.

Your trainee life : It was quite a pressure for her during trainee. The tension between getting accepted in a group or just left behind as trainee only. But with this pressure, she told herself that she must work harder. She will show her skill. She has evolved alot over the last few years. She consistently improves and reveals new talents. When she first auditioned it was her voice that grabbed everyone’s attention. Since then she has shown that she is so much more than a one-dimensional idol. She sings, dances, learning languages, playing piano and impersonation. 

Job when you are a trainee : 

  • Cameo in Drama 'Shut Up! Flower Boy Band'
  • Appeared in SHINee's mv 'Sherlock'
  • Duet with Sunny in To The Beautiful You's OST 'It's Me'
  • Cameo in Drama 'Dream High 2'
  • Appeared in Teen Top's mv 'Be My Girl'

Audition Song : Luna- Beautiful Day

Non - idol talent : 

  • Taekwondo, 3rd Degree Black Belt
  • Hapkido, 1st Degree Black Belt
  • Sports, field and tracks
  • Swimming
  • Kendo

        Dear MFamily        

Parents :


Jonasu Kimitarou ♡ 49 ♡  Alive ♡ Father ♡ He has a weak heart, he can't stay mad as long ♡ Comic Creator   He is always busy but he knows how to take care of my feeling ♡ He is a Japanese   10


June Parker/ June Kimitarou ♡ 44 ♡  Alive ♡ Mother ♡ She is so supportive and young at heart ♡ Lyricist   She is always overprotective of me and a perfect mother for me ♡  She is an American ♡  10


Sibblings : 






        Dear MFamily        

Best Friend 1 name : Amber

Age : 21

Member of : f(x)

Personality : Most self confident and sometimes a bit conceited

Interaction rate : 10 


Best Friend 2 name : Sasha Richman

Age : 21

Member of : N/A (university student)

Personality : Hardworking and always being passionate

Interaction Rate : 10


Friend : 


Kim Myungsoo (L) ♡ 21 ♡ Infinite ♡ Hard and rough on the outside but sweet in the inside ♡  Met at the shooting of Shut Up! Flower Boy Band ♡  7


Kyuhyun ♡ 25 ♡ SuJu  ♡ Romantic and good at saying honeyed words ♡  Met during trainee ♡ 7


Memorable story about your bestfriend : Serina and Sasha met at Elemtary School. They met with Amber in Middle High School. There's a time where they secretly went to Busan when they were 18. They attended a music festival there. It was the first time they went to somewhere out of Seoul together and the last time too since Amber and Serina are trainee for quite a long time. The triple love music much. They will skype and keep in touch until now.  

        Run Devil Run        

Rival / Enemie{s} name : Sunny

Member of : SNSD

Age : 24

Personality : An aegyo queen and all time cheerful

How do she act to you : Does aegyo to Serina a lot but sometimes she is serious and is confusing Serina.

Why she is your rival / enemie : Ability rival. Since they sang the ost of To the Beautiful You together. Sunny feel intimidated to Serina and took her as her enemy.

Interaction rate : 5


Love rival : Park Jiyeon

Member of : T-ara

Age : 20

Personality : She is cute but sometimes scary.

How do she act to you : She loves to bully Serina. She thinks that she is more pretty than her.

Bad things that she do to you : Once she lied to Serina at Music Bank before Nine Wonderland's Debut Stage. She was looking for toilet and asked Jiyeon. Jiyeon gave her the wrong direction just for fun.

Interaction rate: 3

        Love MMBoy        

Lovers Name : Onew

Age : 24

Member of : SHINee

Personality : Shy and quite blur at times

How do you act with him : It's quite weird because they always bump into each other. Serina feels comfortable with him and sometimes she will find him when she's sad. She will cry to him. She rarely show her weak side to people but only to her family, bestfriends, her ex lover and Onew.

Your nickname to him : Niwatori (chicken in Japanese)

Your nickname from him : Nakimushi (cry baby in Japanese)

Interaction Rate : 10 


Ex-Lover Name : Suho

Age : 22

Member of : Exo

Personality : He is examplar, polite and considerate.

How do you act with him : Their personality went a long well. They talk a lot and Serina always receive present from him from when they are in relationship until now. She still care about him and they actually got a bit feeling to each other. But Serina drift apart from him after she knows Onew.

Your nickname to him : Myeon Oppa (from his real name Kim Joonmyeon)

Your nickname from him : Hyeon (her Korean name that Suho gave)

Interaction Rate : 7 

        Good Bye Baby Good Bye        

Say anything inside your brain : I'm sorry for answering in the third person of view. It will be better if i answer it in 1st person of view right? It's because of my crappy english, I feel that I can write better like this.

Anything else : Do tell me if I need to correct anything. If I get choosen you can change few things about my character. She is from my imagination and I'm not as great as her. I like her personality, do you? 

Suggestion about fanclub name : Mad Hatters

Password : 



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i made an app for this too. if we both get accepted we'll be band mates cool. it's kind-of weird tho you love rival is my sister and your best friend is my best friend to lol (who dosn't love amber), this is kool pm me if you get this and i really like your chacter maybe you can check mine out?