MAMA 2012- disputes


I completly concur with her oppinion!


"Each and every one of you need to get a life if you plan on wasting your time arguing that your fandom is “better” than another fandom. There is absolutely no point in arguing and ing at each other about what group you think is “the best” or “deserves” more recognition. Trust me, no one has anything to gain from being the cause of fan wars or ing at other people, saying that so-and-so is a better group. All that will do is inflict unnecessary hate on yourself, as well as other people.

Yes, SM is a large company. In fact, it’s the biggest, most successful entertainment company in Korea. But do you think EXO would be where they are now if they had half the talent they do? Anyone can argue that EXO was at an advantage when they first debuted simply because they did so under the name of SM. No one is disputing that. But if you’re complaining that B.A.P or BTOB or Block B or Nu’est or any other rookie group is better than EXO, and that EXO is only popular because they’re from SM, I have nothing to say to you, other than you really must not have genuine faith in the group you say you support.

All of us are aware of the continuous “hate” that’s been riling between EXO and B.A.P stans. As a supporter of both groups, I seriously question the logic and sanity of those B.A.P stans who are complaining about EXO and their fans. B.A.P comes from a relatively obscure company, yet they’re obviously good enough and talented enough to even be able to compete with EXO. “B.A.P worked harder than EXO. They deserve the award more.” This is simply inaccurate. I personally want B.A.P to win just as much as I want EXO to win, but debating whether or not either group deserves the award won’t get anyone anywhere.

It’s true, some rookie groups don’t get as much recognition as EXO, but that does not give the fans of those other groups the right to bash EXO out of bitterness. Take U-Kiss for example. No one can deny that they’ve worked hard and “deserve” one, if not one hundred, awards for how much time and dedication they’ve put in. I will forever be a Kiss Me, and it does make me sad, seeing them fail to win even one award, despite how motivated and dedicated they are. But you don’t see me bashing other groups simply because I’m bitter and upset. It’s important to differentiate between what’s important and what’s not, and what I think is important is maintaining a certain level of respect to groups other than those you stan. Bashing and hating on “rival” groups and “rival” fans won’t get you anywhere, and you have my word on that." - byeolz





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Now would you excuse me, i'm on my way to my friend's page to share this. Hahaha.
100% agree!
I Love KPOP! and I can't stand fanwars!
u kno wht, I'm taking turns on voting EXO and B.A.P... XD
Voting is kinda difficult cuz I LOVE almost all the groups!
I also agree with U-Kiss! I really wish them to get awards cuz they and their songs are so amazing!
I totally agree I am not goint to vote for the best rookie group simply because I can't, it hurts me to see fan wars! I think they should keep quiet and enjoy the music, I see k-pop as a thing that can unite us all! I don't think someone is better then someone else, they all work hard to get to their goal and to make their dream come true.

We should appreciate that instead of arguing, I'm not bashing anyone I just want people to see that it hurts the idol that their fans are arguing.

One last thing: I Love K-pop!
Angelzdia #4
OMO I totally agree! I'm a fan of EXO and BAP and U-Kiss too!! :O
Taiyou #5
I love byeolz! She's such a nice person and I love her opinions.