
Username: -shadow

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/254315

Activeness: 9


Name: Alexandra Lee (Lee Yun)

Nickname: Bunny

Codename: Lex

Age: 18

Birthday: December 31, 1994

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: O

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: L.A

Languages: English (Fluent) Mandarin (Fluent) Korean (Conversable)


Ulzzang's Name: Lee Dasom

Link: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwgn7uygG21qld9zco1_500.jpg




Backup Ulzzang's Name: Song Ah Ri

Link: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxvs4xdwTt1qfcxpoo1_500.png




Height & Weight: 167cm, 143kg
Clothing Style:  http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsldzcTySS1qg0j6mo1_400.jpg




Others: She noticeable scar on her left palm, this is also one reason why she wears gloves.



Personality: Alex is very cold and nasty person and sometime very selfish. Ever since she her parents has a very successful business, they started to make her everything perfect. She has worked herself harder and pushed herself more, but her parents were never happy with her. As an only child, she hasn't had time to socialize, the only friend she has is her loyal gardener. She is kept to herself and is extremely quiet. She hates annoying things, she just reads reads and reads all the time, she doesn't really give a damn about other people. When she is fighting or not, she looks very scary with her gray cold her eyes and black eyes circle under her eyes. People describe her cold and rude. When she is fighting, the style is very harsh and fiesty. People don't go near her because her looks are untouched and very scary . Lots of people try not to mess with her because her coldness. Alex's movements are very quiet and quick. No one has actually seen her smile or she never smile. One thing that make Alex extremely angry is when you disturb her in her sleeping without reasons. She turn out to be a monster and will beat you up pretty badly. You never know if you get into her bad side or not because she is always on her bad side. She really hates noise, annoying things and sometimes hates girly stuff.

Don't underestimate her fighting skill.  Alex can fight very well. Alex doesn't get along with any type of person. Alex learns that she has no future. If she wants to release her anger and stress she would just stare at one person(anyone) for a very long time with her cold eye then her anger will release slowly. Alex has been in L.A for a long time so she doesn't really like Korean stuff. If you make Alex angry or annoy her she will just stare at you with her cold eyes for a moment and just walk away like nothing happened. She never trust people except her 'friend'. She usually doesn't listen to people and  hates being given orders. She  can be really be very nasty at times and that fact that she is an only child whose parent wants to make her perfect. Alex doesn't know what family or love means.

She is someone who is really good at secret and stuff. She doesn't know how to help people and thank people, which made people hat her more than they should, and sometime it make difficult for her members too. She is confident. She hates the attention, and the last thing she will do is to get notice by people.  She is someone who seems like she wouldn't care, and she doesn't mind having herself like this, but what she doesn't know is that deep inside she is such a dork. She's great at standing up for herself but doesn't know a bit about her feelings. She keeps her past bottled because she hates her past but sometimes she thanks her parent for it because she like herself, who is cold and rude.

Background: Alex was found on the door step of her parents when she just a new born baby. She looks slightly American but she doesn't know that she is adopted, the reason she has gray eyes is that her real mom is American. Alex adopted family used to be very poor but after her father has sign a contract with his friends and a few days later they became very rich. So her father and her mother wants Alex to be perfect. She has to learned things that are very difficult for her. She has to perfect her 'everything'. She has to learn fighting from a Kungfu master. She was always home schooled making her away from the real world. Alex used to go out at midnight just to enjoy the peace.


Likes: Reading books, peace, coldness like herself, sleeping, eating and fighting.

Dislike: Annoying, agyeo, noise, flirty, attention, her parents, skin ship.

Hobbies: Archery, eating, sleeping, skateboard and drawing.

Trivia: She always wear gloves because she hates to touch people with her bare skin.

She like to stuck her finger or a lollipop when she sleeps.

She doesn't laugh, but when she does, she like to cove with the back of her hand.

She is left handed.

She has scary deep voice.

She has cold gray eyes.




Recruit: Alex used to work for another secret organization. She was exchange into midnight sun with another trainee because she has some disagreement with the boss. She was known for her spy skill and her weaponry skills. She was accepted in the program because her last boss forced her to.


Specialties: Alex specializes in spy skills.  Alex is very quick and quiet and  can protect herself with weapons more than her hand to hand combat.  She is good at sneaking out and spying people without noticing. Alex's weapons skills are stronger than her hand to hand combat skills, if there is no weapon in her hand, she might lose a fight. She is good at aiming at people and good at hiding too. Alex can use any weapon, even a stick or a rope, she will find a way to use it. Her favorite weapons are blunt weapons and samurai sword.



Intelligence: 4, she is pretty smart, and she know how to used the computer very well.

Stamina: 2, she doesn't know how to spare her energy very well, she might just use all of her energy in one move.

Agility: 5, she moves very fast and makes no sound.

Perception: 4, she is very good with figure and clue.

Teamwork: 0, she hates team works, she hates being with other. She would messed up the whole mission.

Weaponry: 5, Alex is very good with weapons, she can turn anything into a weapon like a tick or a rope.

Finesse: 1, Although she is very good at fighting, she would messed up her mission because she hates being given orders.

Position on team: Spying other people, or the brain.



Experience in field: Alex has been to many secret missions and fights too. Her fighting skill are not perfect but her fast reflexes helps her, if she has weapons, she can just take down a person less than a minute, even though Alex is skilled with gun, she doesn't use them, she like using blunt weapons more. She got accepted into this program because her spy skill are really good. Alex actually ran away from L.A and came to Korea when she was 14 and got accept into a secret organization when one of the agent saw her fighting a man, who was twice bigger than her, than she was exchange with one of the trainee form midnight sun, because she has a disagreement with her boss.



Family's Background:  The Lee family is very rich. A rich father who owns a famous company. A elegant mother who is very evil. they want Alex perfect. While Alex was first adopted they bother love her but when their family got rich they ignore her, Alex tried to get back theri attention but failed which she learns to be like her parents, cold, scary and rude. After a year from the rich business, they settled in L.A. Now that both her parent are busy they doesn't give a damn about Alex. Alex got fed up with the coldness in the house and ran away with her friend.
Father's Name: Lee Joon
Age: 45
Occupation: Company's CEO

Mother's Name: Choi Dara
Age: 43
Occupation: Fashion Designer


Best Friend's Name: Kim Myungsoo

Age: 18

How did you guys meet?: Myungsoo used to work for the Lee's but ran away with Alex to Korea. Myungsoo is very friendly and always there when she always need someone to talk to, he is the only one Alex is opened up to. He is the only one seen Alex smile, being dork and childish.





Lover's Name: Oh Sehun

Age: 19

Birthday: April 12

Personality: He is quite cute and happy going and sometime annoying. (the reason Alex hates him) He has the habit to make cold person open up. Sehun likes to help people a lot. Sehun is trying his best to perfect his missions. He doesn't really care if people are cold or not, he also doesn't care if people are annoying to him. He likes working with people and loves making new friends. Sehun is innocent and sweet. Sehun doesn't like bossing around.  Sehun is total opposite of Alex, he hates killing and capturing. Sehun has a very bright aura, which warm up the people around him. He always get along with new people.

Since Sehun see Alex, he just knew to make this girl open up. They would always have to yell at each other, which Sehun think it's a improvement for Alex, because Alex usually doesn't talk to people. Lessons are always tiring for Sehun, because he have to yell at Alex, but it always make him happy.  Whenever he is with Alex, he feels happy and sad. He always annoy her because it what he does best, he love making her mad. Later, Alex slowly open up to Sehun, which she surprise him with her dimple eye smile.  He really feels sad for Alex's past and wants to help her loads. When training Alex, Sehun always feels something strange.

He loves to show his love to people even though he know it's forbidden. He believes love in first sight. Seun loves 'love', he know it powerful and brings happiness. Sehun hates lying.

As the happy virus for Alex, he fed her with his happy aura. He really likes to interact with her and skin ship with her even though he know Alex hates skin ship.

Scene requests: If Sehun confesses her, please make him confess in the rain. :)



Back-up Lover's Name: Suho

Age: 19

Birthday: May, 22

Personality: (Same with Sehun's)

Scene requests: (Same with Sehun's)

Extra: I really have fun writing this app, even though I am not chosen, I will still be reading it!! :D


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