Ch. 5

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"No," Jongin responded, but he did with too slowly and with hesitance.

"You must be," I insisted as I began to feel forward. My hand met something smooth and warm, and I immediately yanked my hand back.

"I'm sorry," Jongin apologized quickly. I cleared my throat and felt around in the opposite direction.

"it's okay," I said. It was strange how comfortable I felt around him, yet how anxious I felt. Who was he? I don't think it's very smart of me to trust someone who tells me he's an Angel... But how else would he know all those things. There's no way I could tell if he spoke truthfully or not. 

But there was evidence... In his wings.


his voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes?" I replied as I felt my way to my small kitchen.

"Have you eaten in the past few days?" he asked," You're pale and you look tired."

"I've barely eaten, I guess I forget,"I replied as I removed some bread from the glass box that held it.

"How can you forget to take care of yourself? You need to eat!" Jongin said, as if he were chastising me.

"Why should I eat when there's the chance that my mother is not? I'm too concerned for her safety, I just forgot...," I said, not understanding why Kai spoke so fervently to me when I had just met him no more than two hours ago.

"I'm sorry. But why do you even believe me anyways Kyungsoo? For all you know, I could be some creep that wants to rob you," he sad with disgust tainting his voice.

"I'm not sure exactly why I trust you either," I said as I felt around for my potato jar.

"im glad that you do," he replied quietly.

"There's not really anything to rob either...," I laughed bitterly. It was the first time I had laughed in a while, though it was a bitter and sarcastic one.



I was sleeping in the cot opposite the opposite to Kyungsoo, and I was actually quite comfortable. I felt so much weight lifted off of myshoulders because I had finally found Kyungsoo. But I could sense his unease.

He was tossing and turning in his sleep. He exhaled sharply frequently as well.

"Kyungsoo, is there something wrong?" I asked as I looked towards his direction.

"No. There's nothing wrong," he replied quickly.

"Is it because I'm here?" I asked, looking quickly to ease his qualms.

"No," he replied, but his voice changed pitch and cracked.

"What can I do to convince you fully? I suggested quickly.

"I'm not sure... There are only a few ways to prove that someone is an Angel, and most of it involves seeing," he replied quietly. And tht was true. You could see my code tattooed in my skin, but you can't feel it. You can see my wings...

but also feel it.

I began to tug off my thin shirt,

"What are you doing?"

"You can feel my wings," I replied.

"Won't it hurt?" he asked me as he sat up. I thought for a second.

"It won't hurt too much," I replied," it'll feel like a pinch."

"Please don't Jongin, I don't want you to do anything that will harm you,"  he said. I stopped for a second as I thought about what he said.

I believe humans call that .. Concern? that didn't stop me as I crossed the tiny room and sat at the edge of his bed.

"It will be fine Kyungsoo, it would be easier for us both if you believed me," I said as I began to slowly to unfold my wings. There was a quick quake of pain before my wings extended, breathing air for the first time in three weeks.

"I hear them," he said.

"Reach out in front of you," I said. I looked over my shoulder to see Kyungsoo reach forward.

i couldn't explain the strange sensations of having another human touch my back. Kyungsoo hesitantly felt blindly along my back,looking for my wings.

His strange warm and soft hands found my wings, and his hands trailed the upper bone and trailed the v into the center. I shivered as his fingers pulsed around curiously underneath my wings.

"Do you believe me?"



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MeiXiah #1
OMFG YAYYYYYY =D Kyungsoo finally believes Kai!!! Now I guess Kai can help him now...
Please update as soon as possible ;A; loving the story^^
Omfg!!! Totally loving this story! I hope kyungsoo gets his sight back T-T I want him to be able to see how y his angel is ;) lol update soon please. I'm loving every thing about this.
why must you make me want more every time you post a chapter. Omfg
This is so jjjskdmjakjsnd