World Date with SHINee

Filipina celebrity Jessy Mendiola, to be a special guest on by KBS World.

The first photo (on top) is a screenshot of the official announcement from KBS World's website. Below is a screenshot of the actress' tweet about going to Korea for the said event.

Isn't she lucky?

*Flashback: Back in 2010 for the , the Philippines' representative was Ms. Bianca Gonzalez.




re: KPOP and Culture Fest




filipino, are you? INGGIT AKO!!!!!!!


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Aw.. Dapat ordinary fan lang dba ? :/
:( ! na awa ako dun sa fan na nag audition para makapunta jan tas artista ung pinapunta nila :( nung last world date ! 2010 ... ang ganda pa ng excuse ! grabe !