MYSTIQUE application



[ Chang BoMi]

[ The Witty Mouth]


Hello ! So, Who are You Really ?

username :  1kissinlove

name : Mimi

rate : 75%


This is Me.

name : Chang BoMi

nickname(s) : Mibo- majority of people who know her call her that because she's so funny with her witty remarks. It's a mix of BoMi and pabo.

birth date : 01/25/1992

ethnicity : Korean/Chinese

bloodtype : O

zodiac sign :  Aquarius

birth place : Los Angeles, California; US

home town : Los Angeles

languages : Chinese fluent, Korean fluent, English fluent- learned to communicate in the US


personality : 

BoMi is one of those girls who can do things on her own. She's independent and does things for herself. BoMi is very spontanious and outgoing. She likes to make new friends every where she goes. She isn't shy but she isn't boistorous. Since she is the type to get along with others well, girls often judge her. Whether their jealous or just talking, BoMi dislikes it. She is also a very quick learner when it comes to logical stuff. She's very quick at improvising on the spot. Above all, BoMi likes things to go her way. She doesn't care what anyone thinks. She's someone who is serendipitous and has an optomistic attitude. 

Underneath all her layers of friendliness, she is pretty quick to lose her temper. It doesn't mean she goes psycho, she just throws a small temper tantrum and gets over it. But if you ever do her wrong, she'll make sure you get a mouth full. She can't stand when people harrass and humiliate others. BoMi often speaks up to those who do the teasing. She's very passionate about her goals and her future. BoMi hopes to pursue a career that will help the world understand each other better. That doesn't mean she's an emotional rainbow lover. She wants to make her parents proud and also herself. She isn't the sweetest person alive. She's straighforward and realistic. She tells you the truth even if it hurts you. BoMi is someone who always tries to weasel her way out when she's in trouble. She talks nonsense to confuse others and walks away quickly. She's very slick with her words and can easily manipulate a fun way.

Although you may think she doesn't get emotional, she actually is the type to easily get her feelings hurt. Certain things she would take to heart. She doesn't normally give up on anything however, if she feels that it's going to hurt her in the end, she would rather not go through with it. What ever the emotion is, she tries to endure through it all. When she's deeply thinking, she becomes absentminded. Even though she has these emotions going on inside herself, she manages to keep it cool and quiet. She doesn't always like to share her feelings with others unless she's comfortable with them. If you didn't ask, then she doesn't tell. Her contagious smile and flirtatiously cute atittude usually hides her true feelings. She always uses her witty and sly remarks which makes others laugh. Being quirky and strangely cute couldn't have been any better.

All in all, BoMi is someone you can trust and get along with. Even though she has her raging rants at times, she's someone who you can talk to. BoMi isn't the bubbly type but she can fill your day up with entertainment by just being herself. Her intentions may come off as bad sometimes but she doesn't mean it. She'll sincerely apologize if she knows she's in the wrong. BoMi isn't the type to fight but she does what she has to do to defend herself. Charming and strong, she can either hurt you with her words or sweet talk her way into anything. With her free spirited personality, people will love her or hate her for who she is.

back ground : 

BoMi was born and raised in California. Her mother is Chinese and her father if Korean. Her parents of course never wanted her to forget her nationalities, so they taught her how to speak fluently in Korean and Chinese. Bomi never had any problems growing up. Her childhood was very fun but lonely. Her mother wasn't able to concieve anymore children and so Bomi was the only child. As a teen, her parents didn't really let her go out. So, she did what any normal teenager would do and either lied or sneaked out. Just because she lied to her parents, it didn't mean that she wasn't good in school. She went through school with a 4.0 and has gotten awards from the school. At the age of 15, she found what she was truly passionate about, which is singing. She became obsessed with the dream ever since. Bomi has auditioned over 2 times and wasn't able to get through. She has auditioned for JYP and Pledis before applying to SM and getting in. At 16, Bomi moved to Seoul, Korea  after convincing her parents and began her journey as an SM trainee. 


likes : 

  • Thai boba tea
  • strawberries, mangoes, persimmons
  • traveling
  • ballads
  • shoes
  • curling hair
  • dying hair
  • pumpkin pie


dislikes :

  • snakes
  • foul odors
  • candles that smell like vanilla
  • girls who are stuck up
  • onions/ tomatoes
  • sleeping in the dark


hobbies :

  • fencing
  • reading motivaton books
  • sketching
  • nature walking
  • playing badminton
  • journal writing
  • studying new languages


habits : 

  • speaking a lot to get out of situations she doesn't want to be in
  • fiddling with her necklace her mom gave her as a gift when she's worried
  • running her fingers throug her hair when she's stressed
  • talking to herself when she's concentrating
  • unkowingly swiping her lips with her fingers


trivia : 

  • lives on her own
  • has caramel long hair
  • light brown eyes
  • sleeps with a night light on
  • she wiggles around before sleeping to find a good spot
  • has her driver's license
  • listens to ballads as she gets ready for her day
  • has asthma so she carries her inhaler around
  • Studying at Seoul National University
  • wants to be a international translator
  • curvacious hips and bum


The Beauty or The Beast ?

ulzzang name : Jung Hyun Joo

links :  1 2 3 4 5

back-up ulzzang : Jung Seong Ah

links :  1 2 3 4 5


height : 160 cm

weight :  110 lbs


style description : 

 BoMi is always found wearing something that is sweet and a hint of y. She doens't like anything frilly. She's in love with maxi skirts and dresses. She likes to pair things with denim jackets. Everyday is dress up day for her. When she sleeps, she likes to wear something simple like a tank top and shorts. At formal events, her favorite thing to wear is body hugging dresses to show her figure....not in a ty way. When she's home or just has a day to herself, she is usually wearing something that is comfortable and fitting. She isn't the type to always wear things that are too loose. She loves dressing up to go out. Sneakers and heels can never go wrong with her.

examples :

 Casual ; 1 2 3 4

Formal ; 1 2 3 4

Dorms ; 1 2 3 4

Airport Fashion ; 1 2 3 4

Training ; 1 2 3 4


Family and Friends mean most.

family : 

Father | Chang MiSuk | 42, June 1969 | Doctor | He loves Bomi and always tries to make her happy even if it's not what he wants for her. 

Mother | Chang Bixue | 41, September 1970 | Real Estate agent | They both have a very close mother-daughter relationship. She always helps Bomi with everything and they tell everything to each other.

best friends : 

Lee Hyun Woo | 20 | Actor | They've known each other since she moved to Seoul. They both attended the same high school and ended up being really close after hanging out. They are almost like twins. They seem to think and feel the same way about most things. They support each other just like a brother and sister would. They even pick fights with each other just to tease.

friends :

Lee BiJae | 21 | SM trainee | They have been friends since Bomi got to Seoul. They definitely clicked right away since she is Chinese as well.

Kang JooRi | 20 | SNU student | They began chatting in high school. They ended up going to the same college the next year and had the same class. They both grew closer as friends when Bomi invited her out to lunch.


rivals : 

 Jessica | SNSD | 22 | Met in SM | Jessica used to be good friends with Bomi until she debuted. Jessica now has a big head about being famous and has forgotten how to be humble. They never really talked to each other afterwards. Jessica just thinks that Bomi doesn't have what it takes since she's in the almighty group SNSD.


You're the only one .

love interest : Kris (EXO M)

age & birthdate : November 6, 1990 (22)

relationship : not together but playing cat and mouse ;)

how you met : They first met when he joined SM as a trainee. Bomi was already familiar with Seoul by then and decided to help him out. He didn't even know how to speak Korean at the time and Bomi felt bad. Since she knew how to communicate with him, She helped him with speaking Korean and learning his way around Seoul. Since practice got the best of them, they weren't really able to hang out.

how you interact : In kris' mind, he acts a little gentle than usual and he makes a lot of jokes for her to laugh at. He likes to playfully . He becomes someone more caring and charming when he's around her. He sometimes gets nervous but he tries not to show it. Kris becomes a little jealous when she speaks to other guys. He definitely tries to show his manly side. Bomi isn't a shy person so she jokes along with Kris. She tries to get him to open up and relax a little more. She tends to smile more when he's around. They both flirt and playfully interact with one another. He likes to play mind games with her but she never really falls for it. 


back up love interest : Luhan (EXO M)

age & birthdate : April 20, 1990 (22)

relationship : one sided love (he likes her)

how you met : They both met during training. He was practicing his dance routine and Bomi decided to help him on his monthly dance test. Since they both knew how to speak Chinese, it made things even easier to communicate. 

how you interact : Luhan acts a little more shy around Bomi. He becomes more manly also. He looks out for her and becomes relaxed. Bomi is more outgoing and tries to help him out of his shy shell. She tries to make him do things that are different. He may act shy but he also acts pretty cool around her. He wants to show her that he is a strong person that can protect her from anything. She is more gentle around him than usual.


Stage Charisma.

stage name : Bibi (beebee)

persona : The witty mouth

position :


Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer 

Main Vocals, Lead Dancer

Main Dancer, Lead Rapper

Jack of all Trades

Lead Vocals, Sub Dancer, Visual

personal fan club name : MiBi's (a mix of her stage name and her name)

personal fan club color : Lavender


trainee years : 5 years

transferred? :  Pledis Entertainment: 1 year

trainee background :

 Bomi began her first trainee experience at Pledis. She was very well known for her singing and rapping ability. The company promised her a debut day but eventually pushed her back. They felt like she was not fully ready yet. During those days, Bomi felt helpless. She didn't know what to do but cry. She felt like her dreams were being crushed. Bomi decided that it wasn't time to give up. So she practiced through out the night and became well trained. Pledis then contacted her and decided to remove her from their company and transfer her to SM entertainment. When she heard about the transfer, she felt upset because she worked hard, but at the same time she felt good because SM was a bigger company name. She stayed and trained with SM and it was as miserable. She had her fun moments and she had her moments where things were tiring, but she stuck through with it.

weaknesses : 

[] singing

[] dancing

[] rapping

[] acting

[x] modeling


vocal twin : IU 1 2

dancing twin : Chachi 1 2

rapping twin :  Hyuna- 1 2


Any Last Words ?

comments : Nothing to critique about! :) I haven't gotten chosen into any stories I've applied to yet but I'm working hard to. I hope this story goes a long way! fighting!! :D

suggestions : The fan club name could be Mysteries. Debut songs can be I'm Missin' You (D-Unit), Volume Up (4minute), or Loving U (Sistar). :)

requests : lmao Sorry for making such Its totally fine if their not in the story though. :D

1. Kris is tired of chasing and finally confesses his true feelings to Bomi.

2. Jessica makes a move on Kris and he begins to wonder if being with Bomi is what he really wants. Bomi then lets him go because she knows that it would hurt her if he let her go. Later Kris finds out that Jessica just did it to mess with Bomi. He ends up confronting Jessica and tries to win back Bomi's broken heart. Bomi is scared and makes Kris work for her trust and love back.

3. Bomi and Kris end up on a variety show and are questioned if they are dating. Embarrassed, Bomi doesn't say anything and Kris confesses that he is interested in Bomi.

4. Kris gets jealous when Hyun Woo is around since Bomi and him are best friends. 

5. Kiss scene!!lmao

Kaythxbai !



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