Not A Chapter

I started drabbling in angst to compensate my imbalance.

What I mean is this: All authornim ever writes about is fluff because she has a weak heart and can't have anything happen to her beloved characters. So in order to expell the darkness brewing inside of her erted mind, she began to write about Kaisoo and Angels.

But it seems like you guys aren't responding well to it. Because most of my blogs get over at least 70 views.

My chapter blog have only gotten like, 10.

Which is totally cool. It really is.

But will you answer this poll for me?

Tag Response from QueenOfKyaa :)


1. Who was the first asian artist/s that you listened to?

TA TA TA TA TA TEEEEN TAP! (Teen top...)

2. What's your favourite colour?

Eh. Uh. Kai? Jk. White.

3. How many languages do you speak and what are they?

I speak-uh duh Engrish, that Vietnamese and da Seebanish

4. Favourite Dessert?

You ;)


I like a good Kaicecream

5. How long have you been an aff member?

Uh, lemme check.

bee booop boop...


So four months.

6. Describe yourself in 3 words.




7. How cool do you consider yourself?

Well, my body temperature is normal, so 98.6 fahrenheit, 37 celcius....

so not cool at all. I'm actually kind of warm.

8. What is your favourite tv show/drama/soap?

Uh, my favourite kind of soap is the foamy one that smells like cherries and apples.

Just kidding,

Favorite TV Show?

....Raising Hope (American Show)

9. How often are you on aff?

Like, all the time. Because I love updating for all my subscribers :D

10. How often do you update your stories?

I try to update at least once a week per story. Or something like that. 

Or whenever I can. Because believe me, given any chance, I will get on AFF and update the crap out of my stories. Like I did last weekend with Madness, Golden, and A18C, and MSYFAKOMAMBF, Blossom.. this new angst thing I blog.

11. What do you think of SHINee






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MeiXiah #1
The readers who didn't like or read Angel is just missing out on a lot of awesome stuff ;)
And LMAO your responses to the questions xDDD
QueenOfKyaa #2
OMG, you give the funniest responses! I'm glad I tagged you. <3333
You! I tagged you and forgot to tell you. Go look at Mah bloggie Kay?
colourlessrain #4
hhavent read it... and I love angst but it needs the timing for me. I will read it authornim!

(frankly all I write is angst)

you are super cool. for being warm ;D
you deserve to live on a cloud. how could people not respond to the kaisoo angel story? D: IT WAS SO FAWKING BEAUTIFUL