This is Some Freaky S=(t!

OMG I'm so freaked out right now, even though this happened hours ago.


So I'm in my 2nd block, taking my midterm. After we're done, we had the option to sleep of do work from another class (it's more than obvious which one I chose.) I lay my head down on my arms and 'go to sleep'. Go to sleep is in quotes because I was sleep, but I wasn't sleep.... get it? Laying down with your eyes closed but still conscious is a better explaination. So anyways, I laid there for about 45mins. to a hour.

When the bell rang for us to switch classes, I start to get up and get my stuff...

until I realize I'm not moving.

I tried to get up and I couldn't. I tried to talk and I couldn't. I couldn't even open my EYES!!

It took me a good 3 minutes after the bell to get up and leave. BUT-

When I did get up, I could barely walk!! As I was walking up the steps, I kept hitting the rail and missin the steps. I was dizzy and I could barely focus.

I have NO CLUE what happened to me!! All I do know is,  I was watching a paranormal show once, and it said that if you're in the bed or sitting down anywhere and try to move but you can't, there's a demon on top of you, holding you down... D=]



Aigoo, I need a drink.

........Kamsa. ♥♥



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OMG. This was EXACTLY what happened to my friends.
Its Kinda true. .-. My friend once experienced it when she slept on her couch. She said she could not even move an inch. Nor say or make a single sound or word. O_O
I suggest you do lots of praying. :| Bcos according to my friends who had experienced it, they say it wont happen only once. Aigoo! Im not trying to scare you! But I really hope you are safe! We'll be by your side!
oh wow! that's so creepy!!! i'm not sure about the demon part... i mean it's pretty scary and ____ but... i don't believe but i kinda do... get it? and well, yea your actions could be scientifically proven too?? idk...
XDaGoddessXx #4
It's really scary but I don't believ in that... Hmm.. No explanation... Anyways, it's just your brain just can't relapse whats going around you so it's just slow for you to react because of your brain. This never happen to me but my family member did, he said its really scary...
Coconutzie #5
My gosh, that sounds reeally creepy! :c
I don't think that has happened to me... Is it reallly bad?
No, I've had that happen to me. You know when it's something demonic. Your mind probably wasn't processing you were up, but you were probably half sleep as well.. When I woke once, I woke like so drowsy like and I felt my arm.. It wasn't moving at all, and I could feel it. It was really freaky so, I slept walked to my mom and told her my arm wasn't moving. I slept walked and rtalked then slapped my arm sane before going to sleep, even though I was already sleep.

Hopefully that helped..
I'm scared yo'
That happens to me a lot! :o
But i didn't know about the demon thing! :x

How are you??
Oodorii #9
wow....thats crazy! you know the same thing happened to me, except for the fact that i was I think I have a logical explanation for myself lol....but I would be freaked out too! Lets hope it wasnt a demon on top of you.