Epik Skye Application

Name: Shin Hyunmi
Age: 18/19 (International/Korean)
Birthdate: July 24, 1993
Role in the group: Main Rapper/Lead Dancer
Stagename: Hyunmi
-sports (tennis)
-taking walks (it calms me down when I’m stressed)

-listening to music


-writing (poems, fanfics, random stuff like that)
-drawing (I usually like to draw anime characters)
Bio: The earliest memory I have is when I was 2, I fainted (I’m not sure how though). When I was 6 my parents got divorced. My dad remarried when I was 8. My stepmom can be mean (she tried to starve me and my brother one time when we were visiting my dad). My mom DOES NOT like me at all. She remarried when I was 11 and I lived with her my whole life. My stepdad is a goofball, who can’t speak a word of English, Korean or Japanese, he’s Chinese. When I turned 12, me and my older brother moved to Seoul to live with my dad.
Personality: When you first meet me, you'd think I'm shy and awkward, but when you get to know me, I'm nice and trusting (my friends think I'm too nice sometimes). I'm usually calm, cool, and collected in most situations, but I tend to be VERY sarcastic ^-^” I don't get angry easily but I get annoyed easily. I make friends easily and get along with almost everyone, but there are a few people who hate me (for some reason I don't know). I tend to get bored easily and say "geez chill" to people who are upset or angry. When people whine or complain, I whine with them to shut them up or I say “It’s okay to cry” as I pat their shoulder/back. I don’t like to fight but if I have to I will. I'm a bit of a sadistic, to be honest (I love to mentally torture my friends (=< ) I'm also a bit insecure and clumsy (actually I'm REALLY clumsy). =/ I’m sort of a “Go with the Flow” type of person.
I don’t mean to be, but my friends tell me that I’m really cute/adorable (I don’t see how though =/). When I want something, I guess I use aegyo to get it. And if I can’t I pout. My friends like to compare me to CN Blue’s Yonghwa because they say I look like him (In real life). I’m really playful and I like to play pranks on the other members, even if I get in trouble it’s worth it in the end ^-^ I’m always listening to music, even when I’m sleeping. Sometimes the people around me get annoyed that I listen to music 24/7 because I tend to sing without knowing. I’m a very patient person even though I get annoyed easily ^-^”
Natural Appearance: natural hair color is black/dark brown that is short on one side and long on the other with side swept bangs (that’s how my hair actually is ^-^), her eyes are chocolate brown (looks black from far away), and she has a dancer’s figure, but she has chubby cheeks.
Appearance Afterwards: her hair style is still the same but she gets rainbow streaks added to her hair after making the actual color of her hair all black.
-older brother (Shin Hoseok)
-older sister
Nationality: Korean
Block B member she likes: B-Bomb
Username: Ayu-chan724


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