Kpop Collection

Okay, so I've been thinking about posting this in a blog post for a while now and since I have nothing planned for today, I figured today would be a better time than anything to do this.


I started collecting kpop stuff back in 2006/2007 and my kpop collection has grown bit by bit over the years.


This is just a post for myself and others to see the loveliness that is K-pop.


I only took the photo's of the front covers of my CD's/Drama's unless they happened to be Limited Edition/ Special Editions so you can see what you get inside if you decide to get your own.


So let's get started...










Below are the CD's/Kdrama's that I keep in my two bedside draws. Unfortunately, I have ran out of room in those two draws and am no longer able to fit any more in.










Below are the CD's that I recently got. Usually I get more than 2 CD's when I order them online as Yesasia only does free shipping for order's over £30. Each photo shows which CD's came together when I ordered and in what order they were delivered in.


(Not entirely sure why this photo is sideways but you're still able to see it okay)






















Now for the Special Editions. Ill be showing the front covers and inside as well.








Infinite's She's Back Japanese Limited Edition











Shinee's Dazzling Girl Japanese Limited Edition











Block B Blockbuster Limited Special Edition




And inside you get...









Well that's all of it so far when it comes to my collection of Kpop and Kdramas. If I had decided to show you my posters, concert goods, calendars, fans etc. I would have been here a lot longer. XD


Until next time x


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