
seems that the joke Jaehyo made on Block B comeback showcase about MInhyuk getting dumpred instead of dumping girls is real. 

In the show today (or yesterday?) Minhyuk admited he cried a lot during their no-schedule time and Kyung just pointed at him and said.

"Because he broke up with his girlfriend!"

And Minhyuk...well, it totally seems real...


"Minhyuk: “To be honest I cried a lot. The memebrs saw a lot of it….”

Kyung: “Because he broke up with his girlfriend!”

MC: “Wow, in a difficult time as schedule block experiencing break up is ….how did you feel?”

Minhyuk: “I was questioning if I really wanna live like this.”

MC: “Did you break up with her?”

Minhyuk: “…nope.”

Kyung: “He’s got dumped.”

MC: “Since he can’t even make money…” - lol-"


source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T_iT70ILpYs


Girls...what's up with that girl? Breaking up with Lee Minhyuk when he's probably experiencing the hardest time of his life? O.o

He's one of my biggest turn ons, but he has sides I wouldn't probably be able to stand in my boyfriend for too long, but no matter how hard would it be, I wouldn't be able to leave him in the times they were experiencing this year....what's up with that girl? :O/


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what kind of girl breaks up with a guy who is having a rocky life.. let alone who would break up with minhyuk. in the times when he need you, you left him....