Protecting The 9 Prince App Form


~Application Form~

Jun Jaehee

Let me know you~

AFF Username: innasa_nadine354

AFF link: Click Here!!

What do you want me to call you?: Either Nadine or Jay is fine ^^



Let's create yourself~

Character's Birthname: Jun Jaehee

English Name: Emma Rosaline Harper

Nickname(s): Em, Emma, Jay, Jun, Jaehee, Rose

Birthdate: 23 September 1995

Age: 17

Birthplace: California, America

Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea

Personality:  innocent, pure, bubbly and kind hearted. She likes to have fun and she also likes to laugh. Around strangers she is shy and a little guarded. Even though she has friends, she still has a barrier up. When she is around her group members, or close friends, she is very open and strsight forward. She is not afraid to show her weird and quirky side.  She would do ar say the craziest thing to make someone laugh. She is the type of person that feels happy just by watching others having fun and enjoying themselfs. Her bad side is one to watch out for. She would always give someone the silent treatmentand her sarcasm will reach its highest peak. She unknownly shows mysticism even though she is a hit on variety shows. She is alittle self-conscious but she wont stand for anyone to put her down. She is passice-agressives, with more passiveness. 

Height (in cm): 184cm

Weight (in kg): 36kg

Bloodtype: B

Nationality: American-Korean

Language: English (F) Korean (F) Japanese (B)



Let me look at you~

Name of ulzzang: Choi Jongmi

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 ||  

Back up ulzzang: Lee So Ah

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || || 6 || 7

Style (pictures please...): 


  • Sweet foods
  • going to parties 
  • drawing
  • singing
  • dancing
  • hip-hopping
  • listenig to music
  • reading books ; novels
  • cooking


  • Vegetables
  • waking up in the morning
  • going to school
  • going to high places
  • thunder storms (the sound and the lightnigs)
  • ghost stories
  • When someone she cares about gets hurt
  • bullies
  • darkness
  • shopping


  • Playing pianos
  • singing 
  • dancing
  • rapping
  • hip-hopping
  • cooking


  • Hugging random stuff she sees when bored (even boys!)
  • Mouth wide open while watching TV
  • Checking out herself in the mirror every 5 seconds
  • laughing out loud 5 minutes after something funny happens
  • Mumbles thought aloud when upset. 



Let me know the peeple around you~


Father -  Jun Yongjun | 49 | CEO of 'Sunshine Motel' | Alive

Step-MotherLee Hyerin | 41 | Housewifeu | Alive

Sister - Jun Jaein | 13 | Student in St. Kent High | Alive

Brother - Jun Kiwook (I-HO) | 21 | Former member of LEDApple | Alive

Did they tried to kill you when they know your powers?: Nope ^^





Status: Single xD


C-Clown members

Teen Top members

SHINee Members


Zelo | 16 | Member of B.A.P | Alive

Sarang | 17 | Zelo's elder sister | Alive

Love Interest: L.Joe

Why: Because in California they used to be friends until one day L.Joe had to go back to Korea because his mum was hospitalized.

Back up love interest: Taemin

Why: Because Jay likes guys that are a little bit older thn her and guys that does lots of aegyos.

Rivals: Wooyoung (2PM) 

Why: because everytime Jay think about something, he would always read her mind and would always about it.



My other side.....

What are your powers? Animal Mimicry, Freeze Vision, Speed

Since when did you find out about your powers?: she discovered about her powers when she was 13 y/o

How did you cope?: <---- i dont get this one

What class? Animal Mimicry (Class 3) Freeze Vision (Class 5) Speed (Class 4)

Fears: Dogs, darkness and the movie "Chukkie"


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