Stuck Application

Application Form





Hello There!

Aff Name: HelloKelly

What Can I Call You? HelloKelly, Kelly, Kitty, Whatever you want.


Let’s start with the Basics...

Birth Name: Yeun Glenn

Nickname: Lennie (Her younger brother used to call her it when they were children and it just stuck, her family calls her it and close friends)

Age: 20

Birth Date: July 19, 1992

Their Group: Stylist at SM Entertainment, She normally styles for f(x), she helps with SHINee, and was recently put on EXO, since there are so many members to care for.

Ethnicity: Korean-Irish


Tell me about yourself...

Personality: Glenn used to be a sweet, cute, fun-loving girl. She is ignorant to a lot of things that don't inolve her life. She's not really selfish, she just doesn't care to know what is going on in others' lives. She is energitic and outgoing. However, with the apocalypse at hand, she doesn't quite have full control over her emotions. She's never had to deal with any really bad hardships, so this is a character developement for her. When the apocalypse first started, Glenn couldn't get a hold of herself, actually it's amazing she survived the first round. She was the type of person to scream and cry because of what was going on. She is easily frightened. However, once realization hit, she understood what she had to do.

When she finally got hold of her emotions (mostly), she acts like a little mouse. She is meek and cautious. She is always hiding and keeping quiet. If someone reaches out to her, she is very trusting in them, but if they don't reach out to her, she won't even talk to them, she's afraid. She doesn't want to be alone, she will feel like she will go insane from loneliness and anxiety. She wants to be who she used to be and often longs for her old life. She has a hard time adjusting to this new life.

She is the type that will rely on others, she is a follower. However, she always trusts her intutition. If she feels like somthing is wrong, it usually is. If she thinks something will go well, it usually does. She will be the first to speak up if she thinks something is a bad idea or if she doesn't want to do it. She is the type that can take care of others well. It's her job to make sure everyone is how and where they should be. She obeys well, unless its something she really doesn't want to do. She is also a bit clumsy. She trips over things often, but she gets back up easily and quickly because she's so used to it. She doesn't feel any pain when she falls.

Since she is a sylist, she likes to keep in style. Her appearance is important to her. When she has free time, she is usually trying to clean herself of dirty and grime. Because of the apocalypse, she chopped of her hair in order to manage it and keep it clean easier. She likes to be clean.


Alice in Wonderland


Green Apples




Hello Kitty

Cute things

Salty foods




Scary movies

Big animals (like deer and big dogs)


Being Alone


Pet Peeves:

Dirty under her nails

People touching her hair (even if it looks bad)

People cracking their knuckles


making and designing clothes





She has a habit of curling her hair

She sleeps with her eyes open (it's really freaky)

She chews on her bottom lip

She rarely eats anything, skips breakfast and eats small portions

Anyways has sheers (clothing scissors) on her (carries them around)



The Dark (Closets)


Loud Noises


She is small, she fits into small places easily.

She is creative, she can make things out of almost nothing

She has good Intuition

She has a good sense of direction

She can get away easily, hard to keep a hold on

She doesn't eat much, easier to save food


She tries quickly

She is the first to run away

She doesn't have good control of her emotions (she may scream)

She gets sick looking at blood (has been known to thrown up because of it)

She has a hard time killing zombies, though she can


Her Blood Type is B negitive

She is an Insomnic, she is sometimes the lookout at night because she's too afraid to sleep aways

She holds onto a locket that was from her family

Her family is in the USA, she doesn't know if they are alive or dead

She is an older sister


Let’s see what you look like before you become undead...

Ulzzang Name: Sasyo

Ulzzang Pictures: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Hyang Suk

Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Description of Appearance: She is very short, but though she is short, she has a little weight to her. She has a it of a bigger bust than average, and often hides it under layers and sports bras. She used to have beautiful long hair, but she cut it because she wanted it to be easier to manage during the apacolypse. She has very pale skin and small eyes. She has cubby cheeks but beautiful full red lips. They are red because she chews on them. She has very long natural nails, and very small feet, she can still fit in children's sizes. Her ears are pierced.

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Outfit: Since she came for work as a stylist, she had to look stylish. She also had to wear black. She was wearing a white tank top with a black shreded crop top. With that she wore black harem pants but because of the harem pants, they added problems with running so she had to edit her outfit. She was wearing sneaker heels when she was attacked, because of the extra height she's a little clumsy walking over mud, sometimes she'll take them off. She was wearing a sports bra to make her look smaller while she worked because she has to lean over a lot. With her sheers she cut the middle of her harem pants so she could run better then cut her crop top to use the ribbons to tie the pants' material close to her body. She also, took a men's blazer from a dead man to keep her warm at night. It goes a little higher than her knees. She is also still wearing earring, a necklace, and a bracelet from work. She has glasses but doesn't always wear them.

Hair color: Her natural hair color, is a dark brown with auburn (orange-red) highlights

Eye color: Dark brown eyes, with golden flecks

*Additional: She has three piercings in both ears. As explained above, Glenn edited her outfit to make it easier for her to move. There are some times, because of how she cut her pants, that her underwear will show. She really hates that she can't change her outfit, or at least fix it better. She doesn't even have to find a store she just wants to find a sewing needle and thread. She feels embarrassed if her underwear shows ans tries not to walk in front of a man when that happens. She really hates how dirty it is.


Good old times before the flesh-eaters...

History: Glenn has had a happy life so far. Things always came to her easily, which is why she was so happy. She lived in America for most of her life. She only came to Korea when she was 18 to study at Seoul University for fashion design. She has dealt with bullying before, which is why she is so meek, but someone was always there to safe her. She always attracted the knight in shining armor because of her damsel in distress personality.

However, when the apocalpse happened, she was completely unprepared. She was caught completely off guard. She just got out of work when it happened. She was walking home with a friend, another female stylist, when a strange man came up to them and grabbed them. Glenn only got out of everything due to dumb luck. The man had a hold on both of them, but Glenn managed to get away first. When she turned back to help her friend, the man was digging his teeth into her neck, right into an artery, needless to say, her friend died instantly. As her friend's body fell limp on the floor. The man began to advanced towards her. She couldn't move because of fear. She was like a deer in headlights. As the man grabbed her, he went to bite her only to have his head explode in her face. She turned around to see an older gentleman with a gun. The older gentleman told her to get out of there quickly. When she asked about he friend, the man told her to leave her. The man noticing he spent too much time left, leaving Glenn with her friend's corpse. She never saw that man again. Her friend slowly came back to life. Glenn was suddenly happy, however, it wasn't her friend anymore. Glenn watched as her 'friend' lurged towards her and snarled. Glenn couldn't take it. She ran away crying. She ran the only place she could think off. She went back to her work.

People saw the blood on her and quickly began to question her and comfort her. She tried to explain but didn't know how to. Some people thought she was crazy and was delunsional. One even offered to take her to the hospital. No one was listening to her, she felt something bad was going to happen if she didn't get out of there soon. She began screaming for no reason, as she replayed what happened in her head. She tried even harder to get people to believe her but no one did. Someone in the office couldn't handle her reactions any longer, and brought her to an office room for her to calm down by herself. She waited there as she tried to tell herself it was a dream. She tried to keep calm but she had a feeling it wasn't just a dream. After what seemed like hours of complete silence, there were suddenly loud shouts and bangs. People were screaming. Glenn had an idea what was going on. She quickly hide under a desk, hiding even though she was in closed quarters. Someone came in panting, they reached for the phone above Glenn's head trying to get help. There were bangs on the door. Gleen just stayed quiet hoping it would end soon. She wanted to scream. Tears streamed her face. It was then she noticed the air vent.

She addressed the person in the room to help her with the vent, she ended up scaring him, but he helped her. As soon as the got it open, the door broke, the dying people tried to get in, she quickly entered the vent making room for the man, however as he entered he was pulled back gripping onto her almost pulling her out. She trid to help him but she had to leave and she knew it. She lived in the air vents until it had calmed down. She managed to survive so far, by hiding in small spaces, where people can't normal reach and being very quiet. She cried every night though while she was alone.

Childhood: She lived with her parents and younger brother in America. She ahd a very happy life there. She was always treated well and was the little princess of the family. Her father often had to work so she spent most of her time with her younger brother and mother. School was good too. She wasn't the brightest but always did well in school. She made a lot of friends, and was the person in the crowd that just followed along with things. She tried not to d bad things, but sometimes she just ignorantly followed a long without releasing it.

She never did anything really bad and never had any really bad moments. She did get attention from boys easily, however, she usually doesn't notice this. This did cause a problem once with a friend of hers who liked the guy that liked her. So she has been the subject of bullying, but again she usually doesn't notice it because of how ignorant she can be.

In middle school she found a passion for making clothes and designing so that's when she knew she wanted to be a designer. Her parents helped her. She went to a trade school and learned comsotology before she entered a university for design. That's when she came to Korea to study fashion.


[Yeun Daejung || 47; January 6th || Father || 7 || He is a kind hearted man, who is very hardworking. His heart is split in two, because he has to work a lot to get money to support the family but he wants to be with them too || Glenn isn't sure if America got hit with the disease. She is praying it didn't. She doesn't want to think they are dead. (She assumes she will never hear from them)]

[Yeun Shannon || 45; March 21st || Mother || 9 || She is loving and caring. She always puts her children before herself. However, when she does this, she sometimes get herself sick || Glenn is extremely worried about her mother. She hopes America is safe, but she has a feeling, if America isn't safe, her mother was to be the first to go protecting someone.]

[Yeun Dillion || 18; July 15th || Younger Brother || He is a very protective brother. He is really smart and strong. He is always doing sports and getting good grades in school || 8 || Glenn has hope he is still alive. She knows that if anyone is living in her family, he would be the one living, and hopefully looking for her. She refuses to think he is dead.]



[Key || 21; September 23rd || Member of SHINee || They get along perfectly because they both have such a passion for fashion || He is a diva. He is sassy, and people tend to get the wrong idea about him, being cold and rude. But he really cares for people and always looks out for them || I don't think so]

[Amber || 20; September 18th || Member of f(x) || They get along well. Amber likes how Glenn doesn't force her to wear girly clothes || She has a tough air about her but she is really nice and cares for those around her. She is really protective of her group members. || I don't think so]


Run, run as fast as you can...


She can make something out of almost nothing: She is very creative and understands how things are pieced together. She is able to fix things, as long as it isn't technology.

She is stealthy: Because of how small she is, she can fit into small places and move around with ease. It makes it easier for her to sneak around and not get noticed.

She is flexible: This also helps her be steathy. It also helps her move around in tight areas. She likes to hide in tight areas that aren't easy for people to reach.

Good Sense of Direction: She has an idea of where she is going.

Side effects:

Scared Easily: She frightens easily and sometimes she screams because of it just out of habit and causes attention to herself

She has asthma: Though her asthma isn't bad, it still can effect when she is running. She mostly just coughs, but if it get serious (which it rarely does, unless she been running as fast as she can for a long period of time), she can't breathe.

Bad Eyes: She eyes aren't seriously bad, things are just a little fuzzy when they are far away. She has glasses but she doesn't wear them besides when she drives. Now she tries to wear them more, but she wouldn't be in trouble if she didn't have them.

She isn't Strong: She has no strength. She never had a need for it. So when it comes to being strong she can't do it. She can't carry things well for a long time.

Weapon: [Pitchfork || Short Range || She can use it decently well. It's not too heavy and its long enough that she doesn't have to get close to the zombies. || It was left over in a barn area that she had been wandering in when she was looking for food]

Back Up weapon: [Bow and Arrow || Long Range ||She isn't quite good at it. Since it's makeshift bow, it's not as good as a really bow so the aim is off, also if she isn't wearing glasses things are fuzzy to see || She realized she needed a weapon and made a bow and arrows with twigs, sticks, rocks, shards of glass, and fabric or string.]


Intelligence: 6/10

Strength: 2/10

Speed: 6/10

Stealth: 9/10

Stamina: 4/10

Endurance: 6/10

Resolve: 7/10

Intuition: 10/10

Agility: 6/10

Bravery: 2/10

Trusting: 7/10

Trustworthy: 7/10

*Additional details: She seems useless to some people, but she always tries her hardest. She is willing to try and prove herself. She does a lot of the miscellaneous stuff, like getting water, preparing food, being the lookout at night, etc. She doesn't want to get involved in killing the zombies if she doesn't have to.


I love you Zombie Boyfriend!

Partner: [Taemin SHINee]

Age: [19; July 18th]

Personality: [He is the cute maknae of the group SHINee and it shows. He is used to being treated well and being showed in love. He is still very childish and is slowly growing up. He wants to be grown up but at the same time he wants to stay himself. He is very caring and hardworking. He loves to dance]

Abilities: [Taemin may not look it but he is strong. He is fast and has a lot of stamnia and endurance. He carries an baseball bat and he is very good at using it. Though he prefers not to kill. He is also flexible and agilile. He is very trustworthy and makes people trust him quickly.]

Relationship: [They are co-workers. Glenn has worked as his stylist before and they get a long well. Taemin is always there to protect her, over time he starts to fall for her. Glenn also notices this and ends up caring for him too. Despite on how she usually feels, she really wants to protect him as they get closer.]

Interaction: [Taemin watches over her though he is younger than her. He understands that she is one of the people having the hardest time grasping the situation. He is there for her and tries to protect her when he can. She always give him her extra food when she doesn't eat it. He wants him to have energy since he usually ends up saving her.]

*Anything Else? Glenn always thought he was really cute but thought he would never notice her because he was an idol. Taemin actually really likes it when she is his stylist because Key really likes he that he grew fond of her.


Back Up Partner: [Dongwoo Infinite]

Age: [21 almost 22; November 22]

*Personality: [He is fun loving and he is always smiling, even at the worst of times. He always tries to lighten the mood. He jokes around alot, but he cares a lot as well and always works hard.]

*Abilities: [He is extremely strong and has really nice abs. He carries around an ax and has no problem using it becase he has so much strength. He is very smart though most people think he is stupid. His way of thinking is different from others. He tends to come up with plans that seem suicidal but are really good and make they safe.]

*Relationship: [They are strangers. They've seen each other before but have never talked or gotten to know each other. At first Glenn was wearily of Dongwoo but he quickly opened her heart and helped her loosen up so that she was calmer when they were in danger. Over time their feelings grow for each other.]

*Interaction: [At first, Glenn was very wearily of him. She didn't like how he smiled all the time and found it creepy. However, he tried to calm her down and joked with her. She began to loosen up around him and now she can smile and joke with him. When she's with him she acts like she used to happy and hyper.]

*Anything Else? Nope


Scene requests: [I'm really bad with coming up with scene requests. But I would like at least one romantic scene where she kisses the boy she likes. I think it would be interesting if she randomly gets a brave streak, just for a moment. Maybe like she is hiding with some of the others while the stronger one try to clear the way a little and she begins to have a bad feeling about ti so she runs out to help them in order to protect the guy she likes.]


This is the person you have To run faster than...

*Enemy/Rival: [CL 2NE1]

*Age: [21; Feburary 26th]

*Reason: [CL is amazing at killing zombies. She is badass and Glenn is far from that. Glenn is jealous of her but also scared of her. CL tells that Glenn just causes problems for the group and will just cause all of them to die.]


Thank You!

Comments: [I don't believe so. Thank you for still letting me apply though i was past the deadline thank you!!! *bows* I hope your story goes well it looks great and you seem amazing :D I 'm so excited. also is there anything I need to change or edit? o.O]

*Suggestions: [Currently there isn't but if I think of something I will. I think it would be good if you added some of their friends to the story line if you haven't already like Key and the rest of SHINee that way you can kill them off and cause character developement because they are struck with grief or what not]

Ending: [Honestly, there is no cure, lol :D I think it's best that there is no clue. They can try and find one but never do. But that doesn't mean it can't have a happy ending. I see it more a long the lines is that they live out the zombies, flesh can only last so long on a body. I think it would be cool if there was like a biblical end, where only one couple a male and a female out live the zombies and it's assumed the repopulate the earth together. Over all I'm fine with a tradegic ending and people dying :D]

Sacrifice: [I would scarifice my character and my partner. If they both die I would still read but I would hope they make it further in the story. It might be fun to kill off my character's partner and have it so that she slowly gets closer to the other backup partner and ends up falling for him. Because of that she would be afraid to lose another person she loves and when he is about to be attacked and die she step in and dies. If she doesn't have to die I would like that too, but I understand people have to die. I hope that works out for you and I make sense. :D]



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