Girlgroup songs I never heard before

Annyong (^_^)/"

how are you on this fine day or maybe night?

Well as some of you may know I am currently trying to write an apply story about a girlband and so me and my cute awesome Co-Author have been looking for songs. I never thought it would be sooooo hard at finding fitting songs! Why does it have to be so hard?????

And then there are soooooo many Kpop Girlgroups out there!!!! I bet most of Korea are idols or something!

They are just doing it to make it harder for me *pout*  lol


Anyways I even looked here at aff and many have the same songs and most of them from the same group. Groups that are well known soooo my head started thinking and in the end I came to the conclusion that I want a song from a band that isn´t well know but still sounds good. And I found some groups. So of course not all the songs are great but really some are greatly underrated. But I guess with so many bands out here it is hard to come up with something really originall that can outdo the others. 

Anyway here are some of the videos/groups I found. What do you think about them????





















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