APP- Dolls' Generation


Unexpected You

Username: ctmgonzaga

Profile Link: HEY

Activeness: 9

Name to call you: HI, remember me?? *puppy eyes* if not, I'm Cristina unnie


Spread Its Wings

Name: Hwang Myeong Hee

Second Name: (Optional)

Age: 18

Date Of Birth: 9/06/12

Ethnicity: Half French, Half Korean

Languages: French, English, Korean, Chinese

Blood Type: +AB


To The Beautiful You

Ulzzang/Actress/Idol Name: Kara's Jiyoung

Appearence Links: (5+)

Backup Ulzzang/Actress: Suzy Baek

Appearence Links: (3+)


Formal (like going to parties/shows) -

Informal (staying in the house) -

Going to mall with friends/to somebody's house -


Personal Taste

Personality: (6+ sentences, but not TOO long. 20 sentences are enough)

Likes: (7+)

Dislikes: (7+)

>Killings/suspense movies

>Revealing clothes


>Food, especially American and French dishes. Her favorite American dish is PASTA (any kind). Don't you dare get her pasta away. She loves pasta SO MUCH. She would be super happy if you were to give her pasta.


>Blood/ sharp things

>Scary creatures- cockroaches, bugs, lizards


Your phone: (like what, Galaxy S3? You can put whatever you want, the name and the link pls)


High Kick!

Life Background:

How You Lived in Your Childhood: (Which toys did you played with, whatever)

Family: (Name, Age, Personality, Family Member, Relathionship with You, put that all in a paragraph)

How You became a Trainee:

Trainee Years: 5 years and 6 months

Other stuff you did/you'll do: (put if you did or not)


Dream High

Stage Name: Mimi

Position: TIFFANY

Persona: Innocent eye smiling princess

Fanclub Name: ForeverYOUNG

Song/Dance/Rap for Audition: (Link pls)

Singing Voice: Tiffany

Dancing Skills: (Just for dancers)

Rapping Voice: (Just for rappers. Yuri, Sooyoung and Yoona can be count as)


Marry Me!


Tiffany- my trainer | We are both compatible being with each other, no awkward moments. When our trainers was already announced, I was really happy to know that my trainer isTiffany and so we ended up hugging each other (take note that both of us don't know yet each other personally). I can tell every little secret to her. We are fond of teasing each other. We often watch movies together- horror to be specific, because we find it fun though it's scary. We also speak English when talking to deceive other people. We're really close. Both eye smile princesses, both loves pink, both fluent in English, both husky voice, both PRETTY. LOL

Having Tiffany as my trainer, I always see SNSD and get to bond with them, how lucky I am. From that bond, I got closer to Yoona unnie.

Yoona | I always copy her alligator laugh that makes her laugh even more. She barely do anything besides laugh and talk. She is the type of person who always likes taking selcas with other people. I think we already have thousands of selcas. I asked her why, she said it's for memories. She's really sweet when you get to know her more. She likes treating me ice cream since it's cheaper than American pasta here in Korea but I appreciate it.

Friends: (max. 5, decribe your relathionship)

I've been closed to Tiffany unnie. She has this friend that she's always with, that I also met him and we're already friends.

Baekhyun | At first, I was suspicious but when I joined their bond, it's way too far from 'crush' or 'love' but it's more of 'brother-sister' relationship between the two. It is Beakhyun who always approach Tiffany and Tiffany unnie gives her time to him too. But I and Baekhyun have gotten pretty close. He totally likes teasing me. He's super naughty and he can't just stand straight in a place, he would always drag us and make us join his naughty things. But I have to admit, it's fun. He's joyful and.... cool.

Krystal | Many people say she's as cold as her sister, Jessica. But none of those were true. Both sisters aren't cold at all. In fact, both are nice and friendly. I didn't expect to be friends with Krystal unnie. But one day, we just met and I became friends with her and it's not bad. She's gorgeous. She likes laughing and smiling too. She always compliments my voice and would always go to me and congratulate or bring luck to me. I think there's a high possibility that we can be close friends when we have enough bonding time with each other.

Sungmin | 


Love Intrest Name: (OC)


Personality: (5+ sentences)





How you met:

Your relathionship:

How You Act Around Each Other:

What He Feels For You:


Why are you rivals:


Good Job, Good Job






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VampireKnights #1
Rise a half Korean half French Haha