
Hello all,

Just wanted to make a very small rant on one certain subject that has been an annoyance for a while and probably will always be an annoyance for some forever and always.




I know it's completely weird that I get annoyed over a person plagiarizing another persons work that isn't even my own but someone might understand how I'm feelings.


There are certain fanfictions that I sometimes come across that are completely awesome and captivate me in every way humanly possible. There are fanfictions that I have read from my first day of being a kpop fan that I always remember and sometimes still go back to read even if it remain incomplete. I know some people might think I have no life for doing this and the sad truth is...those people are probably right. 


What really annoyed me today though, that set me off on this rant, was that I started reading a fanfiction (Will not mention the name of fanfiction or author) and I was really getting into it until half way through I notice this familiar feelings I was getting. After thinking about the story line I was reading, it just clicked into my head why it felt so familiar.


I had read the same damn story around 4 years ago. The only difference being the two lead groups of the fanfiction had been changed!


Taking a break from my reading, I set out to find the original fanfiction that I had read years before and I kid you not, I spent 1 and a half hours looking for that god damn fanfic (Like I said, I have no life). I searched high and low for it trying to remember the two groups that were the leads in it. I knew one of the groups for certain but since I'm what I like to call a 'drifter' when it comes to Kpop, (Definition of Drifter - A Kpop fan who's interests move from group to group over time but will always support every group that said Drifter takes interest in), remembering the other group took a lot longer.


Eventually I did discover the other group and migrated from Soompi to Winglin after have no such luck finding the fanfiction on the former website. Surprising, I did eventually find the fanfiction and to make sure I going completely crackers, I brought up for the fanfictions. The original and the suspected plagiarized fanfic so I could compare. The writer had tweaked some certain situations but it was undoubtedly plagiarized.


I posted a comment on the plagiarized fanfiction with the link to the original fanfiction. I tried to be nice about it and just pointed out that her story really resembled that same story that the link would lead the author too and before I knew it, the plagiarized fanfic had been removed.


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that the author had the decency to take the fanficition down once she/he realized they had been caught but what really annoys me is why do people plagiarize in the first place?!


They should know that at one point, they will get caught by at least one person. Why bother spending so much time copying a person's fanfiction and claiming it as their own when they could spend that time writing their own story? Fair do's, there are a lot of fanfictions out there that have similar story lines which makes them slightly unoriginal but at least they can twist the story line up a bit to make it their own.


Thankfully, I have never been plagiarized before and if I ever do get plagiarized, I will obviously be very angry because I spend my own time making my fanficitons into what they are today with my own ideas and imagination. I mean, I know my fanfictions aren't the best and there are clearly better fanfictions out there but they are my own creations that I spent my time on.


So why do people feel the need to plagiarize? They wouldn't want other people taking credit for something that they themselves created, so why bother stealing other peoples works and claiming it as their own.


Well that's the end of my rant (If it can be even called that). If you're still reading this then leave a comment with your opinion on plagiarizing or even give me a link to your fanfiction since I'm always looking for a good read (you can check out my fanfictions if you want as well[No pressure XD]).


Peace Out!


(Always wanted to say that at the end of a post but it just feels weird. Oh welp :])



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That was actually pretty kind of you to find the original story and send the author the link. ^^ I friended you btw.