The Show Must Go On {All Hallows' Eve Entry}

Boys and girls,

gather around

To hear such a happy,

and cheerful sound

Cirque de Lumière is in town,

a place where you can laugh and smile

But the fun only lasts,

just for a while

Beneath the mask of smiles,

is a tragedy,

Can you survive it?

Wait and see...

It starts with a little girl,

a talented one at it

But she was an outcast,

sad,isn't it?

A girl who could climb like no one else,

survive a walk on a thin line

But she wasn't normal,

no,she wasn't fine

She was an orphan,

a result of a murder

She couldn't reach her dreams,

she couldn't go furthur

One day,

she saw a flyer of the circus

Then an idea came,

like an ongoing circut

She attended the show,

and saw people tears overflow,

Not with sadness,

but with happiness

The orphan girl smiled,

like a very happy child,

Realizing she found her future,

she wasn't a loser

Now she's an acrobat,

doing this and doing that

But she has a disguise to wear,

something that could tear

Outside she's brave,

inside she's a slave

Forced to wear another personality,

oh,what a pity

But as the quote says upon,

"The show must go on..."




So this is my entry for the "All Hallows'Eve Writing Competition"

Comment about your thoughts and how I can approve!





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I know this is late cause in only new but~
*many thumbs up*