Love Letters application



Love Letters

(Chang MikSoo)


❥ The basics

AFF username: 1kissinlove

Profile link: Anyeong!

Name: Mimi is fine :)



❥ The character

Character name: Chang MiSoo

Nickname: Miso or Mibo

Birthday: August 4

Age: 20

Blace of birth: Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Gangnam

Languages Spoken: Chinese fluent, Korean fluent, English basic

Height: 5'3 (160cm)

Weight: 110 (50kg)

Likes: 1. ballads 2. thai tea with boba 3. strawberries and mangoes 4. frozen yogurt 5. traveling

Dislikes: 1. foul odors 2. tomatoes and onions 3. spiders 4. snakes 5. sleeping in the dark

Hobbies: 1. badminton 2. journal writing 3. solving puzzles 4. sketching 5. nature walks

Favorite color: royal purple


            MikSoo is one of those girls who can do things on her own. She's independent and does things for herself. MikSoo is very spontanious and outgoing. She likes to make new friends every where she goes. She isn't shy but she isn't boistorous. Since she is the type to get along with others well, girls often judge her. Whether their jealous or just talking, MikSoo dislikes it. She is also a very quick learner when it comes to logical stuff. She's very quick at improvising on the spot. Above all, MikSoo likes things to go her way. She doesn't care what anyone thinks. Underneath all her layers of freindliness, she is pretty quick to lose her temper. It doesn't mean she goes psycho, she just throws a small temper tantrum and gets over it. But if you ever do her wrong, she'll make sure you get a mouth full. She can't stand when people harrass and humiliate others. MikSoo often speaks up to those who do the teasing. She's very passionate about her goals and her future. MikSoo hopes to pursue a career that will help the world understand each other better. That doesn't mean she's an emotional rainbow lover. She wants to make her parents proud and also herself. She isn't the sweetest person alive. She's straighforward and realistic. She tells you the truth even if it hurts you. MikSoo is someone who always tries to weasel her way out when she's in trouble. She talks nonsense to confuse others and walks away quickly. She's very slick with her words and can easily manipulate a fun way.



❥ The look

Ulzzang name: Jung Hyun Joo

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5


Back-up ulzzang: Jung Seong Ah

Pictures: 1 2 3 4


Style: MikSoo is always found wearing something that is sweet and a hint of y. She doens't like anything frilly. She's in love with maxi skirts and dresses. She likes to pair things with denim jackets. Everyday is dress up day for her. When she sleeps, she likes to wear something simple like a tank top and shorts. At formal events, her favorite thing to wear is body hugging dresses to show her figure....not in a ty way. 1 2 3 4



❥ The relationships

Mother: Chang Bizao // 43 // alive // middle school teacher // Their relationship is very good. Her mother always tries and gets MikSoo out of trouble with her father. She protects MikSoo as much as she can.

Father: Chang Jaegoon // 44 //alive // works for Samsung Media // Their relationship is also very good. He loves his daughter very much. He does whatever he can to make her happy.

Siblings: no siblings


History: MikSoo's parents came from different backgrounds. Her father is Korean and her mother is Chinese. MikSoo learned how wto speak both languages fluently. MikSoo is considered the miracle child because her mother was not able to concieve. Growing up, MikSoo was quite lonely since she didn't have any siblings. She substituted that with her close friends. Her childhood was pretty easy going. During her teens, she was never aloud to go out since her parents worried that she would become a hoodlum. So, as any teenager would do, she had to lie or sneak out to avoid being caught. Just because she did those things didn't mean she was a wild teen. She did very well in school. MikSoo always ranked within the top 5. She soon grew interested in learning new cultures and languages. MikSoo graduated from Whimoon High School and was immediately accepted into Seoul National University. She was of course accepted to internationl schools to study abroad but she chose to stay behind with her family. She now is currently in her second year in SNU majoring in language and English.


Best friend(s): Lee Hyun Woo // 20 // They met during middle school and have been close friends since. // MikSoo always treats Hyun Woo like a brother. She has always had a great respect for him. Hyun Woo loves MikSoo as a sister. They very much think and act alike. 


Friend(s): Jang BiJae // 20 // During high school days. // They have a close bond. When ever MikSoo needs something she always goes to him. They both have the power of knowing what the other is going to say.

Kang JooRi // 21 // They met first year in college. // Their relationship is like nagging sisters. They both care for each other and are always trying to protect the other. They have tons of inside jokes and are always hanging out in school.


Enemies: Jessica // 22 // They used to be good friends until the boy she liked confessed his feelings to MikSoo. Jessica began to distant herself away from MikSoo. All the anger grew into hatred towards MikSoo. // They don't even talk to each other as friends anymore. Jessica is usually the one to initiate something while MikSoo doesn't even understand why she became that way. MikSoo tries to rekindle their friendship but Jessica won't let it happen.



❥ The horoscope & love

Horoscope: Leo


Letter's author:  Kris (exoM)

Age: 22

Personality: He's very quiet and observes from afar. He can be very funny and sweet. He isn't someone that will back down from a challenge. He's got that bad boy feel to him. He is definitely good looking and he knows it. Kris takes his career seriously. He takes the lead when possible. He isn't the brightest crayon in the box. He's very wise and intelligent. He may seem cold and rude but its just his looks on the outside. He isn't the type to like to embarrass himself in front of others or to be put in the spotlight. Kris is someone that cares for those that are very close or important to him. His temper isn't quick, but he isn't patient either. He's a bit flirty and teases. He is a person that doesn't really show his true feelings unless you are close. When he's sorry, he tries to express it but it somehow manages to come out wrong since he doesn't know how to be sincere.

How you act around him: MikSoo likes to joke around with him. When she is around him, she is more witty than usual. She likes to make him have fun. MikSoo wants to show him that there is more than pride and good looks. She is always trying to get him to open up and share his true feelings.


Back-up author: Luhan (exoM)

Age: 22

Personality: Same as above.

How you act around him: When she is around him she's definitely more relaxed and humble. He helps her calm down and become more gentle than usual. At the same time, she tries to get him to open up more than to stay quiet.



❥ The rest

Comments, questions, concerns?: I hope your still accepting applicaitons!lol Either way, it was fun to do this app. :) Good luck!

Scene requests?: 1. Where MikSoo is fed up with Kris hiding his true feelings for her and decides to walk away, but Kris ends up confessing in order not to lose her. 2. Jessica uses her ways to get Kris and he becomes confused as to who he really wants. He then tells MikSoo and she decides to let him go since he can't make up his mind. Kris later realizes that he loves MikSoo and understands that Jessica was using him to get back at MikSoo. 3. (following number 2) MikSoo can't seem to forgive Kris and so he does everything he can to get her back...even if it meant standing in the frozen winter.



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