To Nat...and To You All♥

I wore your bracelet! :D 

And look, can you see my poster tube and my panda in the back :3 

And for you guys....

I'm soooo excited today!! Gonna get nail polishes later and then paint my nails! Gahhh~ I will post pictures later! :DDD 

Right now, I'm thinking about doing homework... :3 Especially my social studies project...

But first, I'm gonna import some pictures and clean out my tablet cause I'm running out of space! D: 

Here's a selca that I never posted... :P

I trolled you! But guess what I did to Quaker when I was in the car and was bored?! I turned him into TOP Quaker! >:DDD 

This is oldddd...>_> 




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Top quakerXDDD haha funnay>w<
... i see Tao LOL