How will you feel if..



Your crush likes your closest friend a lot.

But the thing is..

Your closest friend's first name is the same with yours.



Damn it.


Whenever they by his crush's name (which is my friend that has the same first name as me)

I can't help but to freaking feel hurt and doubted.

Because they also know that I have a crush on him~!


Although my friend doesn't really like him too.

Because she think he's some sort of weirdo.

He's quiet, often loner and doesn't really talk much at school.

He's always good in drawing anime characters.


And he even draw sometimes without caring if anyone will see it.


But still!!!






To all the other people to get to have the same name as me why does my closest friend get to be his crush!!!!


And now my friend was becoming distant to me for no reason!

Aigoo, eotteohke~?!








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I know the feeling that well..
But luckily my friend first name is not same as mine..
But seriously it does hurt me sometimes..
BUT NOW!! I am determine to not fall in love..
