Forbidden Secrets ➵ xia, liyue

Forbidden Secrets Application
Xia LiYue the Vampire
Hello, love
Username: ChOrCeE
*Nicknames: Rui
Is English your first language?: no
Online activity: 3
May I know your name?
Character name:  Xia , LiYue
Birth name: Selene , Byrne
*Nicknames: Starberry , since she loves the stars and that fruit(strawberry), her friends who knows about this calls her with this nickname to .
Age: 17 yrs.old
Birthday: 03/26 
Species: Vampire 
Languages: Hungarian(basic), Korean(conversational), Romanian(fluent & conversational), English (fluent)
You've caught my eye, special one
Ulzzang name: Byeon JiYoung
Ulzzang pictures: one | two | three | four | five
Back-up ulzzang: Choi EunHee
Back-up ulzzang pictures: one | two | three
Style: her style usually is feminine and semi-formal clothes that are salubrious looking, but matches them depending on the occasion.. one | two | three |four | five 
Hair color: Hazel brown
Eye color: Light brown
Activated eye color: right is silver & left is purple..
Piercings: none
Markings or Tattoos: none
Anything else?: 
➵ a bracelet she always wear and is never remove even when taking bath's or etc.(infairness it's not rusting)
➵ Her height is 165cm and weighs 47kg. She has a large pretty eyes with long lashes. Her skin is as white as porcelain and has this frame that looks very fragile. 
You're very lovely... even beautiful perhaps
Character personality: 
Selene posses a strong and self-assured personality. She's normally a quick  thinker whose indifferent , aloof and is often seen worrying about her friends. With her snobbish aura and noble upbringings that gives her an uninterested air for strangers. Selene is a very outspoken and an unpredictable lady who has no qualms of speaking her mind. Being naturally long tempered and calm natured that takes everyone a century to reach her interior  , the latter still has her short tempered side which rarely shows itself. She usually has this indifferent and impassive expression that makes her unique and hard to read. She's known for her elegance , intelect , professional ways and faint smile.
She's isn't one of those who likes wasting her energy and uses it only necessarily. She 's occasionally a cynical being who appears haughty all the time. When it comes to her love ones and friends, Selene is very loyal and protective. If you dare lay a piece of hair or a finger with those people, I tell you. Be ready to lose your senses. Unlike some normal vampires whose almost perfect in everything. Selene is a girl who lacks in many things. Being  very self-doubting and indecisive which makes her apathetic and vulnerable. Receiving good advices gives her encouragement and self improvement. Because beyond all her complicated aspects this lady knows how to appreciate and return favors.
Through all her life, Selene has only loved two places on where she spent all her life. One is Transylvania, the place that gave her a lot of important life lessons and learning new things. Including on how to act properly, when interacting with the other kindred’s or when present in the higher court. As the only child coming from two well-known noble parents, she learned all the etiquettes and disciplines needed in order to survive. Growing up well informed about things that she needs to be aware of, Selene doesn’t have any problems left. Mean-while, the second one which is Seoul that gave her the fun and the unseen colour of life. She treasures that city. Even if she's rarely visiting that place, it's the closest next to Transylvania for her. Because there. She met a lot of different people. Including some Vampires, Humans, Wolves and etc. Who became her allies and something that we cannot avoid. An enemy.  Having the right wisdom and the proper training by her parents. Selene can easily identify which being is which and who’s being is who. At Seoul , she knows she might experience something new in her life of living. Until an unexpected day comes.  Where she’ll be sent to that loving place.. For a very special mission.. A mission, to find out how the noble vampires at Seoul are doing after all these years(the Seoul vampire never reported at the court for decades and that’s what made the latter suspecting and wondering what they’re all doing these days).. She was happy and of course fluttered by finding out she was the one chosen to go there..While the latter was cherishing the moments on how she’s almost reaching her dreams (to visit Seoul once again).. The idea was opposed by  a lot of vampires on the council.. Of course! Why would they give such ‘young’ and ‘unskilled’ vampire (as they say) a very special task? Why? Although, we know.. Yes.. Selene is the oh-so- what they call the perfect successor of the ‘Byrne’s.. The famous vampire family who never ever failed at anything before.. She’s still young as they say.. Too young to be handling that kind of assignment.. But once the elders have decided and already made their final verdict.. They just have to simply shut their mouths and keep their faith.. The elders also remarked and cleared some thing’s before closing the issue.. As stated, ‘if we send a skilled member from the council.. Wouldn’t it be too obvious that someone’s or we are (the nobles in Seoul) watching them?.. Look.. If we send a younger yet unknown vampire.. They wouldn’t suspect us or anything.. Through all this years! We know that thy children’s evolved.. They improved in everything.. So why not try? And give someone an opportunity’.. Her parents are proud but worried at the same time for their fruit.. This mission was a big ‘trap’.. An experiment to test her abilities.. They believe in her but couldn’t help to worry.. Because if she fails.. Everyone knows, they’ll lose her.. Knowing their child, who has an indecisive and self-doubting quality, they worried too much.. And so they ask her that night if she can do it.. To watch over the nobles in Seoul with their every move, words and actions, she just simply say her yes and promise that she won’t fail them.. The day when she finally landed at Seoul, she don’t know what’ll happen next but she kept her determination and optimism.. But, when she met the other nobles. Her life became totally different from before.. She tries not to be close to them but.. Can’t help too.. Will she fail to do her mission or not? Oh.. one thing more.. If she falls in love.. Tomorrow  will never come back again.. to her..
➵ Sweets - are one of the things that makes her smile
➵ The night sky - one thing in nature that refreshes her.
➵ Silence - it gives her peace
➵ Music - removes her sadness
➵ Books - for she thinks she can gain a lot of knowledge from it.
➵ Peanuts - makes her hard to breathe
➵ Sun burn - she just hate it!
➵ Oily face - it irritates her
➵ Outdoor activities - they bore her
➵ Super bright colored places - it irritates her eyes
➵ Stars - a lovely piece that is in nature which inspires her.
➵ Strawberries - oh~ she just can't live without it.
➵ Pocky - her all time favourite snack 
➵ Fights and Argues - she thinks its immature.
➵ Sweating - she feels really filthy if this happens
➵ Pressures - she'll kick you if you push her to do things she don't like.
➵ Bloods of fat and super skinny people - for she thinks it's unhealthy.
➵ Losing someone beloved because of her fault - she'll kill her self if this happens.
➵ Stargazing
➵ Reading
➵ Listening to music
➵ Eating strawberries
➵ Happy: will let out her infamous 'faint smile'. 
➵ Angry: She'll probably walk away and ignore you.
➵ Sad/Upset: will stare blankly at the sky and faces palms.
➵ Hungry: sniffs then opens slightly looking at the target. 
➵ Bored: approaches a random person and starts flirting him (it makes everyone surprised when this happens!)
➵ Tired: Glares or smirks to any person she encounters.
➵ Frustrated: punches the desk/wall or etc.
➵ Jealous: doesn't really have any definite habit for this though, she'll smirk alot if it happens.
➵ Nervous: her eyes will probably become larger than the normal.
➵ Others: her lip when something caughts her attention.
➵ Ambidextrous but originally is right handed.
➵ Her favorite color is blue.
➵ The bracelet she wears is almost a century older than it looks like.
➵ She has a very faint and soft voice.
➵ Her bloodtype is A+
➵ Always brings a parasol or an umbrella whenever she goes (she hates sun burn after all!)
➵ Has a pet cat named Eiren (ey-rehn) 
➵ A big fan of stars , strawberry and pocky. (take note she never loses a pocky or a strawberry on her bag!)
➵ Her mom has purple eye while her dad has silvere  eyes on his active form whic, she inherited..^^
Additional information?: ---
You keep me in line
Vampires: Xiumin | Kris | Chen | Chanyeol |D.O. | Sehun
How do you two interact with each other?: 
➵ D.O - with his motherly and polite personality, Selene feels very comfortable and at ease when he's around. Because for her  she have never lost a mom who's always there to give her comfort and her needs when she's down and bored. To him Selene is like a cute little doll, he treats her like a princess and will never fail to attend her needs.
➵ Xiumin - being older than the latter. He sees her like a little sister. He would say things he sees wrong on her without hesitation which Selene finds to be very attractive. When she's with him , her different sides comes out . She smiles often which makes him a little happy.
➵ Close friend/Moon JongUp/17/Idol/Compared to all the vampire she have met, he's one of those who doesn't act like a vampire. For you can always see this guy smiling and spacing off at times./ He's very cheerful and loving towards her.
➵ Bestfriend/Lee TaeMin/19/Idol/Some says when he and Selene is together, they're like an apple who's cut in half.Why? For this two almost have the same personality and can get along very well./He's like an older sibling to her who often gives a lot of affection.
(Fr)enemy/Gong'Minzy'Minji/18/Idol/She's a flirty little cat who often strolls alot at the city to find a prey. She's bubbly and very outspoken/Maybe because of their opposit personality and both being outspoken ,they get along but sometimes they're like a magnet who keeps on getting repelled to each other.
Slowly... you've become a part of me
Love interest: Huang 'Tao' ZiTao
First impressions:
➵ For Selene when she first met him she felt an unknown feeling which she finds to weird. His sharp looks and thoughtful actions made her consider him not... as an enemy.. For Tao, who doesn't know she's a vampire, felt very good and different. Seeing her pretty face first time, his impression (unlike the others) to her was very different. For he sees her as a sweet lady with the heart of gold that is needed
Did you like him?: Yes, for she knows that.. something's special about him and she can't explain that feeling.
Did he like you?: Yes, because he desn't know she's a vampire (an enemy). He can't help but to fall for her seductive and lovely charms.  
How do you want to meet?: She was out with her cat 'Eiren' that time having some fresh air in the morning at the park, when she felt a very rare presence following her.. She knows what being it is coming from.. She can't be wrong.. As the cat jumps out of her grip, she closes her parasol and whips it on the direction where she felt it. There she saw a fine young man with some bruises on his cheeks, although she's aware that he's an enemy she felt a very weird feeling and didn't notice that she's losing her guard. And so she decided to ask him "Why are you following me?" she ask sternly , "I-I was just passing by~" he answered rubbing his nape.. Looking at the boy from his head to toe she sighs picking the cat up on her arms and opening the parasol again. She looks at him for the last time, before making her way without saying anything.. The boy was left dumbfounded he was quite amaze by her actions.. Shaking his head while watching the latter to vanish from his sight. A part of him tells she's special and yet.. He can’t tell what it is.
How do you two interact with each other?: After that day until they occasionally or always see each other.. She will avoid him which he finds to be weird, while he on the other hand keeps on following her. Although Selenes finds it to be annoying, she can't help but to feel comfortable and 'a-little' excited with his presence. To him, he just want to know and dig more about her. Because it is the first time when a girl (and is actually a vampire), caught his attention at first sight. They fight sometimes which is a little immature but later on it'll develop that will go to the next level
Who likes who first?: Him.. :)
I don't apologize for stealing you away from him
Back-up love interest: Kim 'Kai' JongIn
First impressions: She thought he was very unlikable because of his lazy nature and his 'oh-so-cool' appearance.. While he on the other hand thought she was abit of an interesting specie which! he's determined to find out more about her.
Did you like him?: No,she didn't really like him with their first encounter.. Knowing he's an enemy just by looking , it was a little different when she met Tao.. Because a thet time she saw him.. A hint of anger bioled in her blood yet, she doesn't know why..
Did he like you?: Yes, he likes her.. For he knows that there's something different about this girl.
How do you want to meet?: They meet one time when he wasplaying with Tao.. Running towards any street corners he sees.. The latter accidentally bumped unto Selene.. Selene on the other hand was really pissed.. Everything on the shopping bag she's holding fell on the ground.. He apologized and was about to pick everything when she stops him, that surprises the latter.. Selene picks the precious pieces (strawberry and pocky!) by her self without a help from him.. He just starein amazement as the altter walks away.. Leaving him dumbfounded..
How do you two interact with each other?: Like cats and dogs.. He likes to bug her , althoug we know that Selene has a very long tempre and calm nature.. She doesn't know why when she sees him.. Her blood boils and an unexplainable feelings takes place..He spies on her alot which is a little annoying.. SHe knows she hated him right away.. But little did we know that , there's only a thin line between hate and love..
Who likes who first?: Him ;}
Oh, you're very strong indeed
Vampires: Echolocation | Illusions | Possession | Psychometry | Mind control | Magnetism manipulation
Magnetism manipulation -She can generate , control and manipulate magnetism in all its forms , both naturally (planetary,solar,lunar,stellar,magnetosphere,magnetic materials/ferrimagnetism,etc),organic,(generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial(everything creating/usingelectricity). She can also affect any matter that is magnetic(iron,nickel,cobalt and their alloys , some rare earth metal , naturally occuring materials such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as she will and inderectly use them to manipulate other things.
Psychometry - the ability to relate details on past or future events just by touching a person/things.
Overall strength in battle: 8
Strength: 6
Evasiveness: 8
Agility: 7
Speed: 6
Mentality: 8
Intelligence: 7
Luck: 7
Trustworthiness: 6
Stealth: 7
Social skills: 2
Endurance: 6
Intuition: 8
Reflexes: 8
Team work: 3
Persuasion: 3
Bravery: 5
Observation: 9
I can't believe the journey is almost over
Comments?: Done with my app*wipes sweat*... I actually love the idea of this fic esp.! When I found out that it is inspired by one of my fave anime 'Vampire Knight'.. Aww I really love Rima and Shiki there.. Anyways! hope you consider this boring application .. Goodluck and do remind me if I did something wrong and if I need to change my eye color..<3!
Suggestions?: Uhm.. none so far.. hehe..^^
Scene requests?: 
➵ Maybe a 'masquerade' where she'll see her parents there.. It'll be fun..^^ 
➵ Some lovely scenes for everyones character will be great..
➵ When they found out about Selene's real motive. *I would like to know their reactions!*
➵ He will see her one day at the same park (her love interest).. ANd at that time, she was really hungry.. Him still not knowing about her realy identity approaches her.. He'll be surprised when she'll hug him and his nervous.. until.. TA-DAH!! *bites him* haha..
Every day, I make history




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