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Username: 1kissinlove

AFF profile Link: Anyeong!



Birth Name: MiAe Chang

Nicknames}:  Mibap (MiAe/rice)-- usually because she likes to eat.

Birthdate: 01/25/1993

Age: 19

Birthplace:  Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Gangnam

Height: 160in 

Weight:  50kg

Appearance: 1 2 3 4 5

Name: Jung Hyun Joo

Back-Up Appearance:  1 2 3 4

Name: Jung Seong Ah

Clothing Style: Casual: 1 2 3 4 Training: 1 2 3 4 Formal: 1 2 3 4



Personality: MiAe is someone who is very lively and outgoing. She enjoys meeting new people and having fun. She isn't the type to be too loud or too quiet. She's someone you can talk to or go to when your feeling down. She isn't quick to judge no matter your situation. MiAe enjoys being out doors a lot. She sets her goals pretty high and is always determined to reach it. She is someone who can make your day by just being herself

.Behind that outer shell, her inside isn't always nice. She is quick with her temper and doesn't back down to anything. She can really be a hand full if you ever get her angry. Although revenge isn't in her vocabulary, she's quick to make karma come back around. When she's upset, she throws a little tantrum and speaks a lot. She stands up for herself and does what she can to defend herself.

Though MiAe is tough on the inside, she is pretty quirky and witty with her words. She can easily con you into things just for fun. MiAe is one of those girls people consider the "cool kid". Her heart is just filled with joy and love. She's very realistic and tells you the honest truth. Since she doesn't like to hurt people's feelings as much, she tries to ease her way into the words that she uses. 

MiAe is very intelligent and is a quick learner. She likes to be clean and tidy. She tries to do what's right for herself and the situations she gets into. She doesn't like to be yelled at. If she does get scolded, she can ignore you for long. Her feelings can be easily hurt, thus putting on that tough side. She is someone who has her own opinions and doesn't try to hide it.

Even though MiAe may seem so tough, she is actually gentle inside. She doesn't like to feel guilty at all. If she does, she'll sincerely apologize or try to make the situation better. She isn't the type to do anything cute, but just one look at her guilty face, nobody can be upset for long. She doesn't like to make others feel sad or worthless either. MiAe is someone who likes to make sure that nobody is having a bad day. If anything, she'll always try to lighten the mood. MiAe is usually the one to break fights up, not start fights.  

All in all, MiAe is someone who will be there if you need her. She's not a person who will run away from her problems. MiAe can handle herself and is independent. Whether you like her or not, it's up to you.

Background:  MiAe's parents came from different backgrounds. Her father is Korean and her mother is Chinese. MiAe learned how wto speak both languages fluently. MiAe is considered the miracle child because her mother was not able to concieve. Growing up, MiAe was quite lonely since she didn't have any siblings. She substituted that with her close friends. Her childhood was pretty easy going. During her teens, she was never aloud to go out since her parents worried that she would become a hoodlum. So, as any teenager would do, she had to lie or sneak out to avoid being caught. Just because she did those things didn't mean she was a wild teen. She did very well in school. MiAe always ranked within the top 5. At 15, she discovered singing as her talent when she was admired by a couple of her firends. She was then determined to audition and get into a entertainment company. MiAe has auditioned for JYP and SM. She trained with JYP but a 6 months later, they decided to drop her. Devestated, she began to work harder than ever. All the practice hours for her became a success when she was finally accepted and trained to debut. She soon grew interested in learning new cultures and languages. MiAe graduated from Whimoon High School and was immediately accepted into Seoul National University. She was of course accepted to internationl schools to study abroad but she chose to stay behind with her family. She now is currently in her second year in SNU majoring in language and English.


1. strawberries and mangoes

2. traveling

3. Thai tea with boba

4. curling her hair

5. animals

6. frozen yogurt

7. cooking

8. ballads 


1. spiders

2. snakes

3. when people pinch her cheeks

4. foul odors

5. onions and tomatoes

6. sleeping in the dark

7. stuck up girls

8. when people lie

9. mosquitoes


1. photography

2. badminton

3. journal writing

4. studying languages

5. solving puzzles

6. nature walks

7. drawing

8. playing violin


1. speaking gibberish to get out of trouble

2. fiddling with her necklace that her mother gave her when worried

3. running fingers through her hair when stressed

4. talking to herself when she's concentrating

5. rubbing her lips with her fingers unknowingly

6. scrunching her face when she is confused

7. massaging her face when she's tired

8. listening to music as she gets ready for her day


1. She has asthma, so she carries her inhaler

2. She likes to snack on food all day

3. her favorite drink is thai tea or coke

4. she likes high-low cut dresses

5. has light brown eyes

6. has caramel brown hair

7. loves to have long hair

8. enjoys wearing heels

9. doesn't likes to be forced to do things

10. enjoys paint ball



Stage Name:  AeCha (pronounced asia)

Trainee years: 3

Fan Club Name: Aedores' (adores; the apostrophy means that they are hers)

Fan Club Color:  royal purple

Position: Leader/ Main Vocal

Persona:  The charming wit


Friends: IU, f(x) VIctoria, Miss A's Suzy

Rival: Jessica (snsd)

Her personality: 

Jessica can be nice if she wanted to be. She isn't the snobby mean girl, but if she doesn't get her way, she becomes your biggest nightmare. She tends to get jealous very easliy. She's very slick and can ease her way out of anything with just one "innocent' look. Jessica definitely thinks she's better looking and is always caught looking in a mirror to fix herself. She's a bit ditzy and doesn't really understand what people are trying to say to her from time to time. Jessica is never sorry for anything she does. Just because she's in SNSD, she thinks she should get star treatment everywhere she goes. She doesn't ever like to be wrong and assumes that everyone is against her if they think otherwise. She's not a person that can get along very easily with others.

Love Interest: Kris

His personality:

He's very quiet and observes from afar. He can be very funny and sweet. He isn't someone that will back down from a challenge. He's got that bad boy feel to him. He is definitely good looking and he knows it. Kris takes his career seriously. He takes the lead when possible. He isn't the brightest crayon in the box. He's very wise and intelligent. He may seem cold and rude but its just his looks on the outside. He isn't the type to like to embarrass himself in front of others. Kris is someone that cares for those that are very close or important to him. His temper isn't quick, but he isn't patient either. He's a bit flirty and teases. He is a person that doesn't really show his true feelings unless you are close. When he's sorry, he tries to express it but it somehow manages to come out wrong since he doesn't know how to be sincere.



Password:  Synchronize

Comments/Suggestions: I can't wait for you to start your story! Good Luck!


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