Possibly... Hiatus? ...... Me = Insomnia... Ish...

I know that you guys have been waiting for me to update and stuff... But... I MIGHT be on a hiatus for a while... It'll probably be only for another week though. I'm probably going to update on Sunday... Because right now, it's 12: AM, and I have had a VERY packed schedule today... 6:30AM wake up and go to school, 7:55AM-2:55PM school, 3:05PM-10:25PM working... People have said that they think I'm too young to work, but it's for the benefit for my family... >< So. If I don't update on Sunday, I'll be on a hiatus for about a week.. Sorry guys >< I'm trying though! Right now I'm updating, but if one of my family member comes, then I can't update it. It's their computer not mine. I wish I had my own... I would probably be on it updating nonstop if I don't have that many schedules!><



There's just one thing about me that's getting on my everlasting nerves... I think I'm like ... I think I have a little bit of insomnia... I very well much HATE sleeping... I resist it to do something else... I actually sometimes think it's a waste of time to be honest, but I know I'm wrong.. If I keep this up, I will eventually gain weight for not getting enough sleep... Plus I won't grow... Which currently is needed for me... I'm like only 5'2 or 5'3... I'm still growing though! No worries^^; So. This is another reason why I'm not updating so often. I'm TRYING to get sleep... If not, I'll be continuing on writing my fanfics on my notebook since I can't do computer like most of us Asian parents say ><; So I'm trying really hard to update... I was planning to update today (10-19 If you read this MSG a little late), but ... I'm VERY worn out.. I think I could be knocked out any second now because of work and stuff... -sigh- So... I guess I missed another day to update ㅠㅠ I'm sorry everyone, but I really do try! Please wait for me!! I also need to recover from my sore throat and knees... My neck has been hurting for the past few weeks... I can't see why it's not going away, but I hope it will soon... My knees... I think I have this problem.. I haven't went to the doctor to check... I hope it's not anything bad.... I STILL DON'T PLAN TO GO THOUGH!!! Doctors are scary!!.... That means my sister will be scary later in life.... Anyways... I'll be going now. Again, I'm so very sorry for not updating! I have to work again tomorrow for like 14hours, and that's my Saturday being wasted with work.... -sigh- So let's hope I update Sunday^^ I'm really exhausted now, so I'll be going. Thank you for everything everyone, but please just understand that I'm still a human being!><; Thanks<3333333


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OMS, hope your okay, i'm 5,5 so really tall.

you need to sleep more, i loveeeee sleeping. not a problem for mw, wish i had a job.

but hope your okay cuase i miss you. this is late i know, so yeah, sorry.