BaNilla Application~

Name: Ae Seong Jun
Age: 17
Nationality: Korean/Taiwanese
Family Members: Ae Jung Lee | Mother (43) | Ae Soo Kim | Father (45) | Ae Ri Na | Sister (10)


With love and passion, Seong Jun solely spent her life living for music, hoping, dreaming, wishing. As a young girl, she grew up as an only child, until her younger sister popped out 7 years later. From then on, Seong Jun became a very caring, conserved person who took matters seriously. She cracked down on her studies and took part time jobs to help pay for bills, due to her family being poor. Working night shifts at bars and clubs, morning shifts at gas stations, and weekend shifts at a fast food restaraunt, the busy girl barely had time for herself anymore. With the little freetime she could spare, Seong Jun put on her headphones and played her keyboard, composing new pieces to go with her song lyrics she'd written some time before. Although Seong Jun transferred her focus to school and work, she still kept the hope and dream of becoming an idol, to show off her talent and show her family that she could amount to something more than just a piggy bank.

As Seong Jun went through school life, she didn't grow to be very popular, but was moreso labeled as the nerd of the school. No, she didn't have a crush on any of the kingkas on the school or any of that, but she did take what people said to heart, which hurt her more in the end. Most people didn't know about her home life, so they judged her merely off of nothing, spreading false rumours and making life ten times more difficult than it had to be. By the time she got to high school, Seong Jun was used to the teasing and insults to where they didn't bother her anymore, but instead, embraced them and built up her confidence to become a stronger person. With the few friends she had by her side, Seong Jun was able to make more time for herself, entering street dance competitions, talent shows, and even playing small gigs at the clubs she worked at. Was it much? No, but it was enough. Enough for Seong Jun to hold onto that hope and ambition of becoming an idol, pushing herself to strive harder for the real prize.


Conserved and quiet, busy and hardworking, Seong Jun isn't your typical aegyo, cutesy teenage girl who only lives to have fun. She does like to get out and have fun her own way once in a while, but the chance of seeing her at a party or school dance is rare. She's often tired and isn't very popular with the girls in her school, but her big, dreamy eyes and rare but sweet smile make all of the boys look twice. Another reason the male population of the school is so intrigued by Seong Jun is her mysterious aura that surrounds her quiet, dark-expressioned figure that struts without a care. Honestly, Seong Jun doesn't hate the world, she just doesn't see the point in trying to stand out and be nice to the people who've tormented her throughout her school years. She walks with an I-don't-give-a- attitude and a don't-mess-with-me expression that lures the boys but scared away the girls. There's only two people that can actually handle her unique personality, her two best friends, Amber and Yoseob. The three are always together, but Seong Jun is the only one that stands out due to her lack of social status.

While being with her friends, Seong Jun let's her wild self come out and often shows them the crazy side of her; witty jokes, silly facial expressions, random outbursts, dancing with no music, eating tons of junk food, laughing over the littlest things, etc. Sometimes, to get what she wants, she even pulls the aegyo card, where she pouts cutely and blinks her eyes, showing off her long eyelashes, with big sad eyes. Seong Jun doesn't often do this though, due to her I'm-a-badass reputation that keeps her from getting made fun of still now. Remember how Seong Jun was teased? Well that all stopped once one rumour started around that she was a street fighter that knocked out a 300 pound guy within 2 minutes. Of course it wasn't true, but Seong Jun went along with it anyway, wearing her leather jacket to school with her spiked finger-less gloves and short choppy haircut that made her different from the rest of the bunch.

Naught, nice, and everything in between. Seong Jun has many pieces to her personality that clash and mix in weird ways. She's not an innocent angel, nor is she a mischievious devil, but rather an unreadable person. With her dangerous reputation and kind eyesmile, Seong Jun is an odd mix of sophistication, busybody, confidence, dream, love, and trouble. She's not perfect, because she makes mistakes all the time. The one main kink to her perfect personality, is her undeniable lack of coordination and foolishness. Seong Jun often trips up flights of stairs, over little bugs, and even over her own two feet. The only time she's graceful is when she's in her hip-hop sneakers dancing on the squeaky gym floor. Her foolishness comes into play when her friends, or anyone for that matter, pulls a prank on her. She'll believe almost anything if you say it in a convincing tone and straight face.

Never having been in love before, Seong Jun didn't really know how to act around the boys when they confessed to her. The closest she'd ever been to being in love, was crushing on one of the popular boys at her school, or 'kingkas', who paid no attention to her and acted as if she didn't exist. After a few months, the confused girl got over it and moved on to bigger better things, not stopping to crush on someone else. Seong Jun can be awkwardly shy, or just her usual, tired self. If she feels comfortable enough around someone, she may smile and carry on a conversation, but it's usually hard to get her to open up and come out from under her rigid shell. Maybe someone will come along who can change that, who can make her spill her secrets and bring her true self out.

Visuals: Jang Hae Byul | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Style: On stage, Seong Jun is usually the modestly dressed girl with the charismatic charm to her outfit, and the unique sense of mismatch that brings out her sweet, dreamy charm. Her hair is almost always waved but kept short with different colored layers and straight across bangs that accentuate her small face and big eyes. Off stage, Seong Jun is often seen wearing skinny jeans with baggy t-shirts, shorts with suspenders and tighter t-shirts, sneakers, her famous leather jacket, and accessories to accent her outfit. At practices or film shootings, Seong Jun's style consists of leggings, shorts, designer shirts, and heels/sneakers. Overall, Seong Jun has a very comfortable, boyish style to her that makes her original.

Role in Group: Maknae/Main Dancer
Persona: Boyish Rebel

Love interest: Kikwang of BEAST | Kikwang was actually the kingka, or the "popular" guy, that Seong Jun had a small crush on as a kid. She forgot about him, until Yoseob, one of her best friends, introduced her to his bandmates, where she met him once again, not really realizing that he was her first real crush. Kikwang and Seong Jun got along well, to the point where they even began going out together as friends and exchanging numbers and such, with Seong Jun still not realizing who Kikwang reminded her of. Kikwang had known Seong Jun since gradeschool, and had always had a big crush on her, but just ignored her, to scared that she'd push her away, and to keep his reputation. Kikwang is a preppy, humorous guy who lives up to his reputation, and comes off as a jerk at first impression. He may act mean and rude at first, but it's all just an act. Behind closed doors, he's a caring, nice person who pays close attention to things he wants/likes. He's possessive over certain things; his dreams, his close friends, and the special person in his heart. But who is she?

Friends: Yoseob | best friends | During a hard time for Seong Jun, when she first started working, she kept getting really sick due to lack of sleep and nutrition. Yoseob, who'd been going to her school with her and hung out with numerous cliques, noticed her lack of effort at trying so hard not to care, and followed her home one day, hoping to approach her and see what was wrong. Yoseob had always been fascinated by the tiny girl, yet never really had the nerve to talk to her. Once he followed her home, she passed out in the middle of the sidewalk, her malnutrition and lack of sleep finally getting to her. Yoseob carried her home, and waited for her to wake up. From then on, the two became really close friends, and Seong Jun opened up to him more and more as time went on, until there were no secret between the two.

Amber | close friends | When Amber first moved to Korea, she started attending an unfamiliar school, to where everyone picked on her for being from America. The only person who seemed remotely alright, was a girl who never talked. Amber ran into the girl one day as she was walking to class with her hands full of books, in which the girl apologized and helped her with her books. Later, Amber saw the girl at her locker, struggling to get it open. Walking over to her, Amber soon found out the girl's name, Seong Jun, and helped her with her locker. Seong Jun merely thought of the new girl as an aquantiance, until she practically saved her life. Seong Jun was gullible, falling into everyone's pranks. One day, as Seong Jun was walking through the soccer field, the boys soccer team had a plan formed to bombard the girl with water balloons, soccer balls, rock, and whatever else they could find, all because she was different. Amber saw the boys hide out behind the bleachers, and quickly caught up to Seong Jun, knowing exactly what was going on. Amber grabbed Seong Jun's arm and ran with her off the soccer field before anything could happen. That's when Seong Jun grew friendly towards Amber, trust growing between the girls.


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