Questions and Answers


And like I promised, here are the questions that I was given and the answers to those said questions.


Do you like EXO-K? If yes, who is your bias?

I do like EXO-K, but I don’t really follow them as much. I follow EXO-M more and know more about them. However, if I had to choose a bias in the group, despite my lack of knowledge, I’d have to say that it’s Sehun.


Sorry, I don’t really know much about EXO-K, I haven’t really watched any of their interviews or anything.


How did you get past high school? Was it hard?

My method of getting past high school isn’t the same as others. I didn’t really study and I didn’t really put forth effort, but due to the type of high school I was in, which was basically a public high school, effort wasn’t really needed.


The other people in my school weren’t very smart, not saying that they’re stupid, but they’re just average while I was always classified as above average, so taking the regular classes without the “honors” or the “advanced placement (A.P.)” attached onto them, it was quite easy.


Saying that, the regular classes were quite easy, except the ones with the honors or A.P. tags which were a bit harder. I had to actually study for those classes and prepare because those were the ones that were challenging my mind. So in that retrospect, yes, high school was hard my junior year since I took 3 A.P. classes and was enrolled in 2 honors classes. Life was hectic and I learned to adapt quickly and not let things get to my brain for too long.


However, after getting out of my junior year, things were smooth sailing.


The important thing is to not let things go to your head very often, don’t stress out about things because that only makes it worse. I have a tendency to not be very excited about anything and I frankly could care less about what other people do if it doesn’t involve me. That’s my personality and I’m happy with it.


Because of the personality I possess, it helps get my priorities straight and keep them straight. Such as school work comes before play, but I have to eat before I do work, and then sleep comes before play, but after working. Developing a schedule is easy. I had one my junior year. It went something like this:


7:00             Wake Up

7:30             Leave for school

8:00-3:00     School

3:00-5:00     Tennis

5:00-6:00     Work (homework and things of that nature)

6:00-6:30     Eat dinner

6:30-9:00     Band (only on Tuesday and Thursday nights)

9:00-10:00   Work (finishing the homework if I had any to finish)

10:00           Shower

10:30           Play

11:30           Bed


That was the schedule that I lived by and repeated for a year. It was quite difficult during that period, so to sum up my very long winded answer to your question, high school was only hard for me my junior year. Other than that it was bearable.


What inspired you to write?

I can’t really say whether something inspired me to write or not. I just started one day and it just happened. Maybe my interest in reading helped spark it.


I have been reading for as long as I can remember, I started reading those small books when I was about 4. By the time I was 7 I was beginning to read chapter books. I think that was when I got the Harry Potter books set and at that point, the books were only up to Book 4.


But maybe because I read those stories, I thought about wanting to create stories, too. During school, they would always have us create stories and write things and I just developed an interest from there.


The first time I actually remember starting to write was when I was back in the 6th grade. Remember, I’m a freshman in college now so that was quite a long time ago. Anyway, the story was something about Greek Gods and writing a story about it. That was the first time that I ever remember being fully interested in continuing to write stories. I found it intriguing and I wanted to write them.


So really, nothing inspired me to write, I just started it. My grammar background comes from all of the books that I read as a child and my inspiration for stories just comes from my head when I wonder about things sometimes. It’s nothing too fancy or complicated, really.


And actually, I know this is slightly off topic, but I got into writing fanfics because of my sister, although she doesn’t even know that I write them. My sister used to be a big One Direction fan, and I don’t know if she still is, but she liked them when they were back over in England, I’m not so sure about when they’re over here. Anyway, she said that I should try reading fanfics and that I should attempt to write one for her. I told her I never would, but I secretly looked it up and before I knew it, I started writing on this site. So basically, it’s all thanks to her that my stories have come about, but she has yet to know that I write them.


Did you ever ask your adoptive parents the reason behind why they adopted you?

I actually already know the reason behind why my parents decided to adopt, it’s something that I kind of did frequently ask about, that along with how I was as a young child. I guess the stories just naturally came out and I knew from those.


Without diving too much into my parents’ personal lives, but the story went along about how they had attempted to have children of their own, but they were unsuccessful. My mother would have miscarriages and once she was pregnant with triplets, this was also before they decided to adopt, and she had miscarried those. It was after that incident that they had decided to adopt.


What’s interesting about the story, besides the whole reason, is that my mother has said that the first time that she and my father went to the first meeting about adopting children, it was the day that I was born, but they didn’t know that they were getting me since the adoption agency and the orphanage work together and just pick out children from the orphanage. My parents had no choice in which child they wanted.


Anyway, my mother thought that it was a nice coincidence that they were going to the meeting about adopting with the adoption agency and that was the day that I was ultimately born.


So, after about a half year of going through the adoption process, which is a process that actually takes much longer nowadays, my parents went to China and got me. The year after, they adopted another child, my sister. And just for clarification, my sister and I are not biologically related. Then, after that, they had two children of their own.


My family is quite unique in that simple way. There are two adopted children and then there are two children that my parents had on their own, but still, it doesn’t matter.


Is it really impossible for you to find your biological parents?

I would consider it impossible. On my birth certificate, I believe there is no one listed as my parents, but then again, my birth certificate is in Chinese, but I don’t see why they would be listed if things were more on the secretive side.


Maybe sometime in the future there might be some way that I have the ability to somehow find them, but for now, I think that it’s practically impossible. I can’t have the whole country of China tested for DNA and even if that were so, I wouldn’t know whether they were alive or if they had passed away or even moved to a different country. Everything is a mystery so I’d like to think that it’s impossible to find them.


But what if you meet them one day? Will you be angry with them? Will you keep in contact?

If I meet my parents one day, I would probably be in a state of shock. It’s not like I necessarily have a picture of them in my mind that I want them to look like because of the lack of information about them. But if I were to meet them…I honestly don’t know.


A lot of things come to mind, like how would I even be able to communicate? If they live in China, I don’t speak Chinese, whether it be Mandarin or Cantonese. I know none of it, so I would have to get a translator, but there would always be that language barrier. Also, due to the fact that I’m living in America, things are different in that retrospect, too. My way of doing things might be different from their way of doing things, it’s things like that.


I don’t think I’ll be angry with them, though. Since they gave me up, I’m pretty sure that they gave me up for a good reason. Even if it’s not a good reason, I wouldn’t be angry because I wouldn’t have this life that I have now anyway. More so than anger, it’s appreciation, thankfulness, and admiration that I have for them despite not knowing anything about them.


I appreciate the fact that they gave me up for adoption so I could have a better life and I’m thankful towards them for doing such a thing. I’m thankful that they wanted me to live a better life, and even if it wasn’t necessarily for that reason, I’m still thankful for them for giving me up for adoption and for letting me life like this. I also have admiration for them for giving me up for adoption. If the reason they gave me up was because they already had another child or because they couldn’t take care of me, it still takes a great deal of courage to give up a child for adoption, to give away your own flesh and blood to someone else that you would never meet. Granted, I was in an orphanage, but they gave me away with the hopes that I would get adopted into a good family and have a better life.


My mother told me that when she was in China and walking around with me before they left to come back to America, people would always come up to her and in broken English tell her that I was lucky for leaving China. They told her that I was a lucky baby to be getting out of there and hearing that made me appreciate what I have even more and knowing that some people in the same situation aren’t able to. It’s because of things like that that I can’t have anger towards my biological parents.


If by some miracle I was able to meet them and find out who they are, I’d love to keep in contact. I’d love to hear stories about them, know about them some more, and just learn about things that every child wants to know about their parents. Those types of things intrigue me and I would want to know them about my biological parents as much as my adoptive parents. So I would love to keep in contact with them.


Is it hard being an adopted child?

I don’t think it’s hard being an adopted child since it’s something that I always grew up with. I mean, an Asian growing up surrounded around white people…something had to be wrong. Although, apparently when I was younger, I didn’t necessarily grasp the concept about me being adopted. I thought that everyone else looked different and I was the normal one, that’s how I thought about it.


And no one treats me differently just because I’m adopted. Most of the time, if I’m by myself and my parents or siblings aren’t anywhere to be seen, people don’t just automatically come to the conclusion that I’m adopted. Most people probably think that I have Asian parents at home and some might be questioning whether or not I know English or Mandarin. I feel as though the latter happens a lot here at college.


But it’s not difficult. I live life like any other person would and sometimes, in complete honesty, I forget about being adopted. Sometimes I don’t even think twice about my parents not being my biological parents. I just treat it as life, just something that I’ve lived with forever so I tend to forget about it. It’s like when you do something a bunch of times and then forget the actual mechanisms of it, but you know how to do it. It’s like that. Living life knowing you’re adopted, but then you forget you’re adopted, but you still live life.


I would say that it’s absolutely not hard at all.


Am I being insensitive?

No, I don’t think you’re being insensitive at all. Honestly, well I tell people that I’m adopted, those are the questions that I normally get asked and I’m all for telling someone something that they’re curious about.


I know that most people don’t say something if they’re adopted, but for some reason, I kind of like people knowing. I like telling people my story and things like that. I just think that it’s something very unique…to be a child of some policy in a foreign country.


I had someone point that out to me when I was doing my college applications. The person told me that I had a unique story and I thought about it for a couple of moments.


I am a product of the One Child Policy.


I was born in China and I was given up for adoption because there is a policy in China stating that you cannot have more than one child. Maybe I wasn’t given up because of that policy, but there is a high chance that I possibly was.


So no, I don’t think you’re being insensitive by asking these questions. I think that it’s purely curiosity and that’s perfectly okay with me. I like answering questions to things people are curious about and that I know the answer to.


In the future if any of you have any more questions, don’t be afraid to ask.


What do I call you author-nim?

Since I don’t feel like giving out my real name—and just as a sort of trivia to my stories overall, I’ve used my actual name as one of the main characters—I’ll give out my Chinese name instead, which I have also used in a story.


My Chinese name is TaiTao, and yes I have used it before in a story just like my actual name, but were they or were they not used in the same story?


Anyway, enough with the playing. TaiTao is perfectly fine to call me and you can also break it up into Tai or Tao, it doesn’t bother me. Any of the three options are available to call me by.



And there are the answers to your questions. I hope they were good enough :)


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Thank you TaiTao-sshi for answering my questions. :)

I hope that whatever there is to life, you'll be one of the happy people.

And don't forget to update your story~ X3
"The important thing is to not let things go to your head very often, don’t stress out about things because that only makes it worse."

Omg, I'm going to try listening to this. I'm only in my sophomore year and I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and procrastinate. :( And to add onto that, I have super bad eyebags/dark circles. alskdrjf.
I wish I was organized like you. *sigh