School. 10/17/12.

Like I told you earlier, today was interesting. Things unexpected kind of happened? I don't know. 

Anyways, so today we got our progress report and I got 3 B's, 3 A's and a P for pass! :) 


So in health today there was some things happening. 'He' said that his friend DJ (My new fwiend's crush ;D Shout out; Dude, we should partner up tomorrow if there's partner work cause then we can talk about the dudes xD) was in the hospital because he had a surgery. Something happened to his leg, everyone didn't think it would be that serious. And I totally forgot to tell you guys that he said next week, he's gonna be gone for the wholeeeee week...sad huh. Suddenly, a vacation was planned...

Anyways, we had to do work in our workbook in health today, and Mr.Roberts said we could work in partners. I had someone in mind but that person decided to work by themselves so I didn't ask them and decided I would work by myself too. x] And I guess he decided to work alone too...cause I saw him looking around and then opened his textbook. I guess if DJ was there, they could've worked together :) So, being as smart as he is, he finished the 3 pages in a short amount of time. While I, being the turtle, worked slowly xD I was reading carefully and finding the definitions. It took me a while to do page 3 because I was like "OMG. Where is it?!" "Oh there!" "Found it!" "*writes*" and yes, I was talking to myself. -.- My dad told me to start stop talking to myself, but I can't control it XDDD 

And so he finished page 4 while I was stuck...and I just sat there and flipped through the pages of the textbook. xD And thennnn, I remember that there was another sevie sitting behind me and he's on my team so I turned around and was like "Heyyy! Are you on page 4?" and I looked at his book and he is on page 4! And his page was blank just like mine XD And I was like "Do you get it?" and he was like "No...I'm stuck and confused!" and I was like "Me tooo...xD" And then I turned around. And guess whut? When I turned around to talk to that sevie, I saw him stretching and glanced at meh xD Oh gosh. 

So then, a few moments later, he stood up and started to walk around. And he walked by my room and he walked by me slowwwwwwly and I think he was looking at mah paperz? I dunno, maybe it was my imagination but yeah. xD And then he disappeared...I'm kidding. He was with his friends on the other side of the room. 

Another time I saw him was when I was like tapping my pencil on my desk and then I felt someone looking at me and I turned to my left pretending to look at something and I saw him looking at me and quickly looking somewhere else XD

And then comes the time where we were walking to our 5th friend approached me :) He was like "Hey! What team are you on?!" and in my head I was like "Didn't I tell him last week? XD" And then I told him "The Wolves!" and he's all "Ohhh!" and then he's all "Who do you like? Oh wait, you like Jeret!" and in my head I was like "Shhh! What if he was back there and heard?!" and I was like "Yeahh!" and he's all "He is tall! What if you try to kiss him!?" and my face was all "Louie! What are you saying?!" and I just laughed. And he's all "He's tall huh?" /Me nods, he continues/ "He'll have to get on his knees to kiss you xD 

Loool. That's about it...? I'll post more later...My back hurts now..blehh...

I'm gonna go tell my dad to sign my papers and do my homework. Byeee! ^^ TTYL!♥

Some pictures for you all cause you're special! ^^

Not so Kpop related but it's true! ;]

Teuk's smile♥ :D


Kay, buh bye![= 


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ooo la la~! ;3 Kekeke Saengggie~ :3