Heaven Application(:


Who are You?

Username: iluvsboba

Link: iluvsboba

Activeness: 7


You're Famous!~

Name: Chung Ha Rin

Nicknames: Rinna, Chungie

Age: 17

Birthdate: March 12 1995

Ethnicity: French-Korean

Blood Type: B

Birthplace: France

Hometown: Seoul

Languages: Fluent in French,Korean, and English. 


It's all about YOU!

Personality: She is like a vampire. She doesn't like to be exposed to sunlight. Even when it gets really

hot, she'll wear a sweatshirt. When you get to know her, she can be a little crazy. Yet she is a quiet

and serious type. She likes to bug people by playing pranks on them and blaming things on them. If

you get annoying, she can hurt you. Often sleepwalks. 


Likes: Rap- because she and her brother used to go to competions together

Dislikes: Sunlight - it damages her skin easily  

Hobbies: TaeKwonDo, Rapping , writing

Trivia: She got 1st place 4 times in rap battles. She is Christian and reads the Bible on her spare time.


You're Beautiful!

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye (Joo)

Links: 1 2 3 4

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Mikki

Links: 1 2 3

Weight: 47kg

Height: 172cm


Casual: 1 2

Formal:1 2

Sleep wear: 1 2

Recording: 1 2

Dance Practice: 1 2




Dad: Chung Jin Sang

Age: 35

Birthdate: May 8 1977

Description: Really caring and smart.

Dead or Alive?: Alive


Mom: Chung Alecia

Age: 34

Birthdate: September 18 1978

Description: She taught you and your brother French and English. She was always there for you.

Dead or Alive?: Dead - cancer


Siblings: Chung JoongHyuk

Age: 15

Birthdate: April 2 1997

Description: He is really quiet. He never bothers you. He wants to be a professional rapper.

Dead or Alive?: Alive




Bestfriends: Amber ( f(x) )

Age: 20

Birthdate: September 18 1992

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: She is funny with you, only you. Not Kyuhyun, Soryong, or Eunhyuk. Just you

How you met: When you were 3, you were playing with a ball and it slipped out of your hands and it 

rolled down the street where Amber lived. She caught the ball for you and quickly you became friends



Name: Eunhyuk (SJ)

Age: 26

Birthdate: April 4 1986

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: He is really funny. Likes to dance and rap, too.

How you met: You two met at a rap competion. You wanted to improve your rapping, so you asked him.


Name: Kyuhyun (SJ)

Age: 24

Birthdate: February 3 1988

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: Really evil!! Plays pranks on you all the time!

How you met: Eunhyuk brought you to his singing contest then you met Kyuhyun after


Name: Soryong (Tasty)

Age: 24

Birthdate: February 25 1988

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: He is really nice but loud!! Really bad at making jokes

How you met: You bumped in to him at the store, and he said that you were pretty




Stage Name: C.Rin

Persona: quiet, sneaky 

Years of Training: 2 years 6 months

Position: Lead Rapper

Back-up Position: Sub Dancer

Personal Fanclub Name: Rinavators

Personal Fanclub Colour(s):        &       


My Love!!!

Love Interest's Name: L.Joe

Group: Teen Top

Age: 19

Personality: Serious yet still funny and cute

How you met: You two used to go to the same school but you moved back to France before he said he 

loved you.

How do you act around eachother?: They act weird in a way. In public, they act like they hate each 

other. When around people they know, they act all loveydovey

Desired Scene?: N/A



Back-up Love Interest's Name: Ren

Group: Nu'est

Age: 17

Personality: He is really unpredictable. 

How you met: When you were in France, you met Ren and his friends at the park. He walked up to you

and asked for your number

How do you act around eachother?: Like brother and sister. Always fighting with each other

Desired Scene?: N/A


Ohh.. I just hate her/him..

Rival Name: G.Na

Group: N/A

Age: 25

Personality: She is really nice to other people except for you. 

How did you become Rivals? She was your rolemodel. A couple days after you met her, she would make

fun of your outfits. You then disliked her.


Say, Goodbye My Love~


Comments: I think this is going to be very enjoyablee(:

Other: :)hi





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