Pandora Application | Park MinHee



About the user:

Username: KeysLove

Profile link: Here~

Scale of activeness: 9

About your character:


Background information:

Korean Name: Park MinHee

*Any extra names: Name: Esmeralda Rodriguez ||Country: Spain

Stage Name: Euphemia

Ethnicity: 3/4 Korean, 1/4 Spanish

Nationality: Korean, Spanish

Birth-place: Seoul, South Korea

Home-town: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Language: Korean ||Fluency: Fluent

Language: English ||Fluency: Fluent

Language: Mandarin || Fluency: Basic (Kris and Luhan are trying to teach her)

Language: Spanish ||Fluency: Basic

Nicknames: Min - Just a shortened version of her name, most of her friends call her this. (I know you said to be creative, but I needed a nickname for her friends in general to call her, sorry)

Sunshine - Her close friends call her this. It has many motives: she's like the "sunshine" of their lifes. She boils like the Sun when she's angry or mad. Or, maybe, just so MinHee will feel special. Junsu was the one who came up with it, and soon her other close friends started calling her that too. However, she gets very mad if anyone other then those select few calls her this. She does not let her brother use this nickname, eighter.

Angel - It's one of Kai's special nicknames for her. He calls her that because, for him, MinHee looks like an angel (and sings, and dances, and... Well, he could go on and on about that). After some time, Luhan started using the nickname too, but him and Kai are the only ones who are allowed to call her that.

Jewel - Another one of Kai's nicknames. This one, is because of how MinHee's eyes shine like jewels when she's happy. This time, it was Sehun who started using the nickname (he thought that it fit her nicely), and again, him and Kai are the only ones who call her that.

Height: 1,66m

Weight: 43 kg

Age: 18

Birthday: August 13, 1994

 *Blood type: AB Negative


Natural hair colour: Dark brown

*Unnatural hair colour: Red-ish (she constantly switches her hair color between this and her natural hair color, dark brown)

Eye colour: Dark brown, but if you look closely, there's a slight tint of green in them.

*Tattoos/ piercings/ birthmarks:

Tattoos - She has a small tattoo of a pair of wings on the back of her neck, which she did because of Kai, since he always calls her "Angel".

Piercings - Normal ear piercings, and two extra cartilage piercings on her right ear.

Scars - She has a scar that takes half of her back, the result of when she was assaulted.

Birthmark - She has a birthmark on her left wrist which she hates and always tries to hide.

*Style: Whenever she steps out of home, she likes to mix fashionable clothes with some which are more "rocker". For example, she usually wears a shirt that is the latest fashion with ripped jeans or leather jackets. Her clothing style changes a bit from day to day. She'll use this visual for whatever she is going to do, doesn't matter if it is just going out with friends or going to a award show (though in the latter she'll make the visual more stunning). For training, she usually wears sneakers, like Converse, and sweatpants/jeans/shorts with a shirt, and maybe a hoodie on the colder days. At home, she usually just uses one of Kai's/Luhan's/Sehun's shirts or hoodies which are way too big on her and end up serving as dresses. For sleepwear, she uses confortable shorts and one of Kai's or Junsu's tees. For her hair, she eighter uses it down, in a low side ponytail or in a messy bun.

Training: 1 (ignore the vodka bottle please ._.) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

Usual clothes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

Hairstyle: 1 | 2 |

*Appearance complex: She's insecure with her appearence as a whole, but specially her weight



Ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji

Picture links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Back up Ulzzang: Lee Dasom

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6



Temper: Very, very explosive

Optimist, pessimist or realist?: Depends on her mood, but mostly realistic.

Stereotype: The Troublemaker


Personality: She has a really explosive temper, and gets angry very easily. When she's angry, she screams and shouts and throws insults at whoever she thinks is at fault. She doesn't trust people easily, because she's had many disappointments in the past. She is very selfish, but would never hurt the people she loves. She would give her life for her friends, if needed. If she hears someone insulting any of her friends, she defends them with every argument she can think of (which are not few). She yearns for care, like hugs and kisses, but only asks her closest friends for it. She has a good sense of humor, but her humor is the infamous "black humor", so many people may not understand her jokes, or sometimes even be offended by them. She has a dirty mind, and is a bit erted. She is very jealous of his friends, specially of Kai.

She tends to do many things that are "prohibited". Actually, if it is prohibited, she will surely do it. She's kind of a trickster. She's also a troublemaker, and she's very mischievous. She loves playing pranks on people, and causing a fuss. She usually gets herself in the middle of some kind of trouble, too. She's also quite the liar. She never lies to his friends, but to all the other people, it is very possible that about 60% of what she says has some kind of lie on it, even if it's really small and insignificant. She lies, most of the time, so she won't be "punished" for the "wrong" things she does. The only exeption to that are her friends. She always tells them absolutely everything, no matter if it's good or bad things. She worries a lot about her looks, specially her weight. She doesn't want to get "fat", so she's always below her ideal weight, which worries Kai a lot. MinHee also has a great memory, and always remembers things other people think she already forgot. She is also very smart, and extremely curious, even too much. She tries to be the most original she possibly can. She is very ironic and very sarcastic. She takes pride on her talents, specially in her dancing, and wants everyone to notice how good she is. She knows how talented she is and is not afraid of showing it to others. She always wants to be the center of attention, and is very irritated when that doesn't happen.

Sometimes she can be rather clumsy, so she breaks something or gets a bruise from time to time. She can't ever keep still, and hates doing nothing. She is the type who loves the city life, and could never live a calm countryside life. She always has to be doing something, even if it's just talking to someone else. She gets bored very easily, and hates when that happens. When she is bored, she'll complain about it to everyone, and will be very annoyed. She constantly curses, but not just for the sake of it. She curses when she wants to explain something that can't be explained in another way, or when she's very angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings. She also usually playfully flirts with her male friends. They all know it's just an innocent joke, and always flirt back.

*Beliefs: She's atheist, and a strong believer of gay rights.


- Rain (she often sings or dances in tha rain - or both -, and loves sitting under the rain, and even it's smell.)

- Bubble tea

- Any type of baby animals

- Pranking people

- Cold weather

- Chocolate

- Prefers the night rather than the day

- Loves watching the night sky

- Loves talking about polemic topics

- Loves music

- Photography

- Going to cafes/cofee shops

- Loves heights


- Hot weater

- Sports

- Cooking

- Having to spend the day without listening to music (this makes her really mad)

- Being bored

- Feeling alone


- Helping her brother with choreographs

- Skateboarding

- Designing accessories

- Taking photos

- Writing lyrics

- Playing the guitar

*Extra talents: She's learned many different types of dances, and she's pretty good in all of them, but she mastered in hip-hop, jazz and flamenco (it's a spanish gypsy dance). She can play the guitar. She's also a choreographer.

*Special talents: She has a great aim, and can shoot with anything, be it a bow and arrow, a toy gun or even a simple paper ball.


- She helped on the choreography of EXO's "Mama" and "History", Junsu's "Tarantallegra", and TVXQ's "Catch Me" (all of which her brother choreographed)

- She loves K-Rock

- She hates to see any of her friends with other girls (she's not jealous of boys, but she's very jealous if she sees them with girls)

- Her favorite season is winter.

- She loves babies, but hates kids

- She is very jealous when anyone else even as much as starts talking to Kai. Kai always notices when she is jealous, so he starts to spoil her (hug and kiss) while continuing his conversation with the other person.

- Can't sleep alone

- Can't be alone after she wakes up from a nightmare

- While she is asleep, she hugs whoever she is sleeping with

- Never sleeps before midnight

- Only sleeps with the people she trusts

- Likes sleeping with blankets

- She listens to music before sleeping

- When she is really angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings, she likes to rap or sing, so she can let those feelings out.

- BigBang is her favorite band, and her bias is G-Dragon, followed closely by Taeyang. She is a big fangirl of the band.

- G-Dragon and Taeyang are her main influences

- She is always with her earphones on, no matter what the situation is

- She listens to music at every chance she gets, you could say she is listening to music 80% of the day

- Likes every kind of music, from pop to rock and hip hop.

- Her favorite songs are Because Of You by Ne-Yo, Haru Haru by BigBang and Bad Boy, also by BigBang.

- She and Kai created a choreography for the song Lady Marmalade, from the film Moulin Rouge, and they often dance it at variety shows or even actual shows, or anything of the sort.

- She has a great aim

- Her greatest talent is dancing, she can dance everything from ballet to hip hop perfectly

- She simply LOVES dancing hip-hop. It is by far her favorite out of all the kinds of dances she learned.

- She hates plain water, but drinks it, specially when she's exercising

- She has won many competitions in singing, dancing and rapping

- She can also play the guitar very well

- She sometimes holds her mic upside down

- She loves having breakfast taken for her on bed

- She loves when Kai cooks for her (it doesn't happen very often, but MinHee loves Kai's food)

- She is always fixing her hair or her clothes, because she always wants to look her best

- She is a bit paranoid about being followed

- Bites her lip when nervous

- Rubs her eyes when bored or sleepy

- Talks in her sleep

- Says incoherent things when she's about to fall asleep, or when she just woke up

- She is very observative, and she can notice many things about a person even if she only spends half an hour with them

- It is very rare to see MinHee without Kai, and when she's not with Kai, she's either with Sehun or Luhan.

- She has a phobia of needles (high), the dark (high), being abandoned (moderate) and of bugs (low)

- She has nightmares almost every night, and she is very affected by them. They are usually about her time in Tokyo, or the day she was assaulted. But, sometimes, she dreams about the people she loves leaving her and saying things like "You're useless, I never really liked you", or sometimes even dying, and these are the nightmares that affect her the most.

*Prized possessions: A necklace she got as a gift from Kai, a hairclip wich her brother gave her after they moved to the center of Seoul, and a small music box in wich are all of her memories (in a figurative way, like, when she looks at the box, she starts remembering many important moments to her).

*Anything extra you feel doesn’t fit anywhere in the above but you need to get it off your chest: 

About the character’s personal life:

Family: MinHee doesn't remember a thing about her family. The only one person she knows is her brother, and he never told her anything about the rest of the family.

Name: Park Chihun || Spanish name: Baltasar Rodriguez || Stage name (the one he uses as a choreographer): Demetrius || Age: 26 || Relationship: Brother || He is very cheerful, and is normally very kind. He also tends to be rather stubborn and mischievous, just like his sister. He and MinHee are still very close, even after she moved in with Kai. || Extra: He worked as a waiter when they lived in a harsh neighbourhood, but now he's a very rich and famous choreographer.

*Famous siblings or relatives: N/A (well, her brother is a famous choreographer, but I don't think that counts, because it's not true xD)

Background: MinHee doesn't remember anything that happened before she was 7. Ever since she can remember, she has lived only with her brother, and she has no memories at all of her parents, she doesn't even know their name. Her brother always said they were terrible, abusive parents. He says he ran away from home with her, and that it was for their own good. She and her brother lived in a pretty harsh neighbourhood, where many thugs and gangsters lived. Her brother always did his best to take care of her, protect her and give her the best he possibly could. However, even if Chihun (her brother) tried not to find trouble, sooner or later the thugs/gangsters came after him. He managed to keep those people away from MinHee for a pretty long time. He knew about MinHee's passion for music, and he always took her to her classes. He, himself, dreamed of being a professional choreographer.

When MinHee was 15, she was going back to her and her brother's apartment, when a group of gangsters approached her. They tried her, saying it was "payback for something Chihun did". Chihun found her just in time, and was so angry he ended up beating those gangsters up. Living in such a harsh neighbourhood, he had to learn some way to defend himself and his sister, and he made sure to put what he learned into good use when there was the need for it. After that event, he decided he would take MinHee and move to a better neighbourhood, for her own safety. He took all of his economies, and bought a small apartment in the center of Seoul. They both soon moved there, and Chihun started chasing after his dream, trying to find any job he could as a choreographer. After some time, he was a well-known choreographer, and he worked with many idol groups, specially the ones from SM. MinHee usually helped him with the choreographies. Chihun became really close friends with the boys from DBSK, and by consequence MinHee befriended them too. Even when DBSK divided into TVXQ and JYJ, she and Chihun kept contact with all of them.  MinHee was also friends with some of the other SM idols/trainees.

With her brother's busy schedule, he almost didn't have time for her. She often went along with him to work, and helped on the choreographs, but her brother almost didn't have any free time to spend with her. One day, it was still morning and she was going back to her modest apartment, when a gang approached her. They wanted her to give them all the money she had, but MinHee refused to do that. After some time of arguing, one of the guys pulled out a knife and attacked MinHee from behind, leaving a pretty ugly cut that took half of her back. Then, Kai decided to help her, and after managing to make the gang go away, he went to help the bleeding girl. MinHee refused to be taken to the hospital, so Kai took her to his apartment, where he lived alone, and took care of the cut himself. Kai spent the day trying to talk to the girl, and even if MinHee answered his questions, Kai noticed that the girl wasn't being completely honest. By the end of the day, Kai had managed to go through MinHee's "barrier", and they ended up becoming very close friends. When Chihun got home and saw MinHee wasn't there, he called her, worried. MinHee told him where she was, and said that when he got there she'd explain what happened. After MinHee told him everything, he felt like a terrible brother. When she went to get something to eat in the kitchen, Chihun had a talk with Kai. He told him about how he felt terrible, thet his sister had been attacked two times, and he wasn't there to help in any of them. Chihun asked him if it would be too much trouble to have MinHee live with him. He said Kai would be able to take better care of her then he did, since he didn't have any time at all to care for her. Kai accepted, he was also worried about the girl's safety, and if her brother thought it was the best to do, he'd do it. After all, it's not like she would be a burden. Actually, Kai felt very lonely living alone, and he liked her company a lot. After that day, they started living together, and they became really close friends. Kai was the closest friend MinHee ever had, he was the most important person in the world for her, and she wouldn't change it for anything. She'd even give up her dream, if that meant she would have to leave Kai. Kai always encouraged MinHee when she was down, and took her everywhere he went, be it a training session or going out with friends. Kai and MinHee sleep together, because the girl has trouble sleeping alone. Kai always notices when MinHee wakes up from a nightmare, so he also wakes up, and only goes to sleep again after he makes sure that MinHee also fell asleep.

Soon, MinHee decided to audition to be a trainee. She decided to audition for SM, because most of her friends were from there. She is very talented, and quickly became one of the best trainees at SM (if not the best). She was the CEO's and Lee Soo Man's favorite, and she had many privileges because of that. She could do whatever she wanted, and she got whatever she wanted, she just had to ask them. Many treinees were jealous, and didn't like MinHee because of that "special treatment" she got. She always knew how good she was, and made sure everyone else also knew that. She ended up coming off as extremely arrogant and self-centered, and was generally disliked by the other trainees. MinHee couldn't care less about that, though. However, some of the other trainees sometimes said bad things about her and Kai's relationship, such as how MinHee was provably just using Kai because he was "popular and handsome". Everytime MinHee heard something like this, she ended up insulting, or sometimes even hitting, the person who said it, which only made her reputation around the trainees worst.

Kai brought his and MinHee's lunch to the younger girl's training room everyday, and no one dared questioning the action. MinHee often trained 4-5 hours without even stopping to drink some water, and Kai always scolded her because of that. She was known by almost everyone in the company.

Best friend: Name: Kim JongIn (Kai from EXO) || Age: 18 || Relationship: Best Friends || Kai is very caring towards MinHee. He treats her as if she was a porcelain doll, with utmost care. He does not want to hurt MinHee like everyone else did. But, that doesn't keep him from being himself around the girl. Kai is provably more like himself around MinHee then with anyone else. He's in love with MinHee, but doesn't want to tell her, because he's afraid it'll ruin their friendship.


JYJ || Friends || They're Chihun's best friends, so MinHee ended up befriending them as well. They are very protective if anything threatens MinHee, because they treat her like the "maknae of the group".

Sehun || 18 || Close friend || Sehun is kind of quiet, but with MinHee he's always being funny and cheering her up. MinHee loves talking to him, about anything at all. He and Luhan are the only ones who know about MinHee's feelings for Kai.

Luhan || 22 || Close friend || Luhan is very childlike, which makes MinHee want to hug him. He's also very kind and funny, and is always there when MinHee needs him. He and Sehun are the only ones who know about MinHee's feelings for Kai.

Close sunbaes within the company:

EXO || Friends || Since she's always with Kai, it was almost impossible not to befriend the rest of the group. They're crazy, childish, and loud. It's very fun to be around them.

TVXQ || Friends || They're Chihun's best friends, so MinHee ended up befriending them as well. They are very protective if anything threatens MinHee, because they treat her like the "maknae of the group".

Trainee for how many years: 1 and a half

Scouted how?: Audition


Love interest:

Name: Kim JongIn (Kai from EXO) || Age: 18 || How you guys met: When MinHee was attacked by a gang, Kai went to help her, and after that they started living together and became close friends. MinHee is completely in love with Kai, but doesn't want to tell him because she's afraid it'll ruin their friendship. || Personality: He may be a bit self-centered and controlling around others, but with MinHee he is caring, funny, kind and affectionate. Kai treats MinHee as the most precious thing he's ever seen. He always makes sure MinHee is safe and sound, and always comforts her when she wakes up from a nightmare. He also always spoils MinHee a lot, be it with hugs and kisses or simply taking her breakfast at bed. Kai acts like the protective older brother who needs to take care of his younger sibling. He's provably the person who knows MinHee the best out of everyone. He knows MinHee's every fear, knows all that happened on her past, knows how to make her smile. They're incredibly close, and Kai could never live without MinHee. || Relationship: Best friends/Crush. They'll just act like they normaly do, until MinHee gats herself in some kind of trouble (in which she could get seriously injured), and Kai was very worried, and ends up blurting out that he loves her.

Back up Love interest:

Name: Wu Fan (EXO's Kris) || Age: 22 || How you guys met: Kai was going out for dinner with the rest of EXO, and as usual he took MinHee along with him. She ended up sitting next to Kris, and they spent the night talking. They got along very well, and now they're good friends. || Personality: He's very social, and always manages to find a way to talk to people, even if they're extremely quiet. He can be rather y and sttuborn, though. MinHee trusts him with everything. They're the kind of friends who are always insulting and slapping each other, but will kill whoever tries to do the same. They can sense each other's feelings perfectly, and don't even need words to understand what's happening to the other. They're also always teasing each other (like tickling or being overly sweet). || Relationship: Friends. They'll start off as friends, but will gradually start falling for each other.

*Ex-boyfriends?: N/A


Other activities (one max): Variety programs, choreographer, model or DJ (you may choose ^^)

Positions within the group

·         Leader

·         Maknae

·         Main Vocalist

·         Lead Vocalist

·         Main dancer

·         Lead dancer

·         Main rapper

·         Lead rapper

·         Visuals

*Audition tapes: 1 : The first girl (Janelle)

2 : The first girl (Janelle)



5 6 7 8 : MinHee and her brother <3 (Janelle and Dejan)

9 : Rapping :3

*Child/ past: DJ, model, and kind of a choreographer (she helped/still helps her brother with his choreographies)

Any extra details?: Her personal fanclub name is "Sinners", and her fanclub color is dark blue (code: #0000A0).




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