the l o v e scandal ♡ ┇ SooMi Kai Chang




♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ ♡  ♡

what should i call you?; Mimi

character's name; SooMi Kai Chang
nickname(s); Her parents call her Kai since that is her chinese name. Close friends call her Soobo just to . It's a mix of pabo and Soomi. 

date of birth / age; 09/25/93 [19]
birth place; Seoul, Korea
hometown; Gangnam, Korea
ethnicity; Chinese/ Korean
languages spoken; Chinese, Korean, English

ulzzang name;  Lee Jung Ha
pictures; =   
back-up ulzzang;  Pony
height; 160 cm
weight;  50 kg
style;  She isn't the type to be all out there or very plain. She dresses very sweet and subtle. She likes to look sweetly y. = = = =
extra; belly piercing. =


 SooMi is one of those girls who can do things on her own. She's independent and does things for herself. SooMi is very spontanious and outgoing. She likes to make new friends every where she goes. She isn't shy but she isn't boistorous. Since she is the type to get along with others well, girls often judge her. Whether their jealous or just talking, SooMi doesn't like it. She is also a very quick learner when it comes to logical stuff. She's very quick at improvising on the spot. Above all, SooMi is well liked all around. Her only problem is finding friends who won't stab her in the back.

Underneath all her layers of freindliness, she is pretty quick to lose her temper. It doesn't mean she goes psycho, she just throws a small temper tantrum and gets over it. But if you ever do her wrong, she'll make sure you get a mouth full. She can't stand when people harrass and humiliate others. SooMi often speaks up to those who do the teasing. She's very passionate about her goals and her future. SooMi hopes to pursue a career that will help the world understand each other better. That doesn't mean she's an emotional rainbow lover. She wants to make her parents proud and also herself. She isn't the sweetest person alive. She's straighforward and realistic. SooMi is someone who always tries to weasel her way out when she's in trouble. She talks nonsense to confuse others and walks away quickly. She's very slick with her words and can easily manipulate a fun way.

All in all, SooMi is someone you can trust and get along with. Even though she has her raging rants at times, she's someone who you can talk to. SooMi isn't the bubbly type but she can fill your day up with entertainment by just being herself. Her intentions may come off as bad sometimes but she doesn't mean it. She'll sincerely apologize if she knows she's in the wrong. SooMi isn't the type to fight but she does what she has to do to defend herself. Charming and strong, she can either hurt you with her words or sweet talk her way into anything. With her free spirited personality, people will love her or hate her for who she is.
occupation/education;  She is currently attending Seoul National University as a second year. She is majoring in language studies and English to become a international interpreter. She is also working as a tutor in langauges for other students.
dream job;  International interpreter or ESL teacher.

1. strawberries and mangos


3. thai tea

4. curling her hair

5. animals

6. frozen yogurt

7. cooking


1.when people pinch her cheeks

2.foul odors

3.onions and tomatoes

4.sleeping in the dark

5. people who lie

6. stuck up girls

7. mosquitos


2.playing violin

3.journal writing

4.studying new languages

1. speaking a bunch of gibberish to talk her way out of something

2. fiddling with her necklace that Daehyun gave her as a present when worried

3. running her fingers through her hair when she's stressed

4. talking to herself when she's concentrating

fears/phobias; 1. being stalked 2. fear of death 3. spiders
special talents; 1. plays violin and guitar 2. can do latte art

1. Lives on her own

2. has long caramel hair

3. light brown eyes

4. likes to play badminton

5. sleeps with a night light on

6. she wiggles around before sleeping to find a good spot

7. has her driver's license

8. likes nature walks

9. listens to ballads as she gets ready for her day.


Growing up, SooMi learned how to speak Korean and Chinese. Her mother was Chinese and her father was Korean. She traveled a lot since her mother's family lived in China. When she was about 10, she was bullied for being half Chinese. At one point she hated being two different cultures. She learned to embrace it after awhile. SooMi's mother wanted more children but due to PID (pelvic inflammatory disorder) she wasn't able to have anymore after SooMi. Embarrassed, they kept that as a family secret. Of course everyone asked why she was the only child, but they just said they didn't want anymore children. At 12, it was confirmed that she had asthma. In school, girls would constantly talk about her because she was hanging around guys. It wasn't because she was flirting with them, it was because guys don't have so much drama like girls. Students would call her names and make rumors about her "messing"  around. The truth was never able to come out since everyone assumed. She moved schools and began making new friends. But evertime she did, they either backstabbed her by talking behind her back or just used her to get to her good looking guy friends. Her high school life was much easier when she transfered her sophmore year.

She finally found 2 close friends who wouldn't lie or leave her. During high school, her close friend Hyun Woo became an actor. She admired him for his great work. SooMi was really happy for him. That made her want to achieve her goals. So she studied hard in school. She graduated from Whimoon High School with a 4.0 and immediately got accepted to Seoul National University. She was also accepted to Brown University but turned it down to stay with her family and friends. The minute she got accepted, she knew that it was time to move out on her own. Her parents didn't agree, but they knew that she was growing up. She found an apartment that was close to her school a month later. Ever since she's been on her own, she's had a lot more freedom. 

family members; 
FATHER: Chang JaeHyun - 43 - Alive - Samsung Group employee - Ambitious, fatherly, caring - They have a very close bond. Seeing that she is the only child, he wants nothing but the best for her.
MOTHER: Chang SooBin - 41 - Alive -food vending employee - Perky, loving, humble
 - They both have a mother daughter bond. She always covers for SooMi and tries to get her out of trouble with her dad. 

SIBLING: No siblings
Kang Ryu Hee - 18 - SNU student - spunky, sweet, childish - They always shared a bond since both of their dads work together. They are actually really close and tell each other everything. - Both of their dads work together and they always meet at family functions.

Lee Hyun Woo - 19 - Actor - shy, caring, funny - He's always there when SooMi needs him. He's like a loving brother she's never had. They act like twins since they seem to think the same thing majority of the time. - They went to the same middle/high school together and became close ever since. 
his group members; 
Bang Yongguk - 22 - Leader/Main rapper - Shy, awkward, caring - They seem to have a good friendship. SooMi always tries to get him to be more open. He always jokes around with her.

Kim Himchan - 22 - Vocalist/Rapper/Visual - outgoing, talkative, aggressive - He really likes SooMi (not in that way). He thinks she brings the best out of Daehyun. They always have inside jokes.

Yoo Youngjae - 18 - Main Vocalist - outgoing, witty, slick - He's very funny and loves to talk a lot. He enjoys being around SooMi since they are very close in age. 

Moon Jongup - 17 - Main dancer/ Vocalist - awkward, shy, observant - He isn't really the type to say much but when SooMi is around, he tends to talk a bit more. He feels a little awkward since she is a girl.

Zelo - 16 - Lead rapper/ Lead dancer/ Maknae - polite, caring, ditzy - They have a really good relationship because she treats him like a baby brother. They both treat each other as if they were real family. She protects him as much as he protects her.

love interest's name;Jung Daehyun (BAP)
date of birth / age; 06/28/1993

Shy at first, he isn't the type to open up completely. If you stick around long enough, you get to see the real Daehyun. He's spunky and loves to talk. He jokes around and speaks his mind. Sometimes he may blabber on and on but its very entertaining. You can definitely tell what his emotions are because his expressions show it all. He's very animated. He enjoys his career and wouldn't change a thing about it. Daehyun is someone you can talk to when your concerned or worried about something. He doesn't know how to comfort someone but at least he tries. He's very patient and well mannered. Sometimes he can be aggressive and speaks a lot to get out of situations.


first meeting; They first met when Daehyun moved to Seoul to pursue his career. At that time, he was having trouble with the dialects. He's only known how to speak in a Busan dialect. He was trying to figure out his way around Seoul and decided to ask SooMi who was passing by. She had trouble understanding his dialect but managed to undersand where he wanted to go. SooMi didn't want him to get lost so she accompanied him to his destination. After that day, they became close as she helped him speak in a Seoul dialect and showed him around the city.
prior relationship to dating;  close friends
anniversary; Daehyun began to develop feelings for SooMi when they started hanging out every other day. He didn't want to ruin their friendship either, not knowing if she felt the same way or not. Despite not knowing how his confession will go, he decided to take a chance. The next day, while they were hanging out, he decided to take her to the very first place they met, which was in front of the Seoul train station, and nervously confessed his true feelings. To his surprise, SooMi had started developing feelings for him also. The night of July 4, 2011, they celebrated their blooming relationship by buying hand fireworks and setting them off at the Han river.
length of knowing each other; about 2 years
length of relationship; a year and a half

rival; Hyuna (4minute)

his ideal type; someone who is warm and lovely/ shin saimdang (that's all I can really I can't really find a good answer.haha mianhe!)
who she's a fangirl of; Sistar, Ukiss' Kevin, Infinite's L and Sunggyu, Exo M's Luhan and Kris, Teen Top, Beast
her favourite song(s);1. Crash (BAP) 2. Can u smile (infinite) 3. Beautiful night (Beast)

anything else?;  1. A scene where the relationship going public gets out of control and they get to a point where they might break up 2. she shows up at one of his concert 3. he gets jealous of SooMi and Hyun Woo's friendship
do you allow the author to modify your app?; yes :)
password;  DaeSoo 


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