Not Really A Rant...

Okay, so I'm sure I should be mad, or pissed, or depressed or something, like I normally am. Especially with all that's happened lately. I would think I'd be sad at the least, but I honestly just don't have the energy to be sad, happy, mad, anything. I know it might not be healthy to focus on dancing and school, but I really don't have the heart to do anything else. Everyone asks me 'What's wrong?' There is nothing wrong, I'm just not as energetic or upbeat as I used to be. I only want to put my energy full forth into dance and school. Why? Because I'm average in everything else. I'm average in looks, singing, writing, everything, besides dance and school, the two things I'm remotely good at. I'd rather spend my time getting greater at the things I'm good at than try and live up to the people around me, who are more talented and beautiful than me. Please, don't think that I'm begging for attention, because I really don't want compliments or anything of the sort. Back to my not-so-rant-rant. Even though I'm tired all the time, I don't even have the energy to sleep, does that sound weird? I have nightmares too often, so my eyes would rather stay open than sleep and dream scary things. I eat on average 2 meals a day, and I don't even feel hungry. I feel full when I get up in the morning, and when I go to bed at night. I used to feel empty all the time, so I would indulge in food, and ate way more than I should've. I'm beginning to feel like a different person, someone who's just trying their best, yet their best isn't good enough. At least when I felt empty and emotional, I had hope. I always had high hopes, even when they were crushed into the earth's core. Now I just don't see the point in hoping for something that's unrealistic. I'm simply living life for one reason and one reason only, to make it through.


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