Vega || New YG Girl Group Application~


     Vega Application      


    It’s Personal

            Username: sakuramimi


            What can I call you? Maegan ^^v

            Activity [On a scale of 1-10]: 9 


    My Identity. Who am I?

            Name: Lee Jaerin

Nickname: LJ

Stage Name: LJ

            Birthday: 08/05/1991


            Birth town: Crescent City, Upstate California, USA

            Hometown: Crescent City, Upstate California, USA

Ethnicity: Korean-American

            Height: 170cm

            Weight: 43kg



Jaerin is the typical silent type of girl. Due to her past, she has developed trust issues, and struggles to put her trust into any one person. She was hurt so much as a child that she rarely even speaks to anyone, let alone trust. When in high school, she found trouble pretty much wherever she went, and had to live with only one friend throughout her school life.

 Jaerin would be described as the quiet and reserved type. She always keeps herself to herself, and it’s very unusual if ever she lets anyone into the enigma that is her own self. Nobody knows what really happened to her as a child. From her outer ‘shell’, many have tried to make sense of what might have happened, but nobody can. Her personality is one of a shy and troubled girl trying to make her way in life, but has been stopped by life itself.

Jaerin always puts on a front. If ever she is with anyone, no matter who that person is, she will always put on a front to hide away the pain that lies beneath. After doing this for so long, she has become extremely good at hiding her emotions, although now it’s hard for those who know of that to understand whether or not she’s truly happy, or whether she’s just putting on an act to hide away. The front is usually that of a more cheerful side of her, which isn’t a common thing, where she appears happy and smiling; so as to not bring down whatever joyful atmosphere may already be about. However, if she gains enough trust towards a person, she can occasionally be truly happy, without having to fake it to hide something else.

Jaerin decided that, instead of channelling all of her pain and sorrows into herself, she would put them down into words. Into lyrics. Jaerin likes to write her own music a lot of the time. She is able to play the guitar very well, and she often writes songs about heartbreak, or mistreated love, though sometimes she will write happy songs, about better times. The better times she wished she had. Once she moved back to South Korea, she knew that she had to somehow become an idol. Singing and dancing are her passions. She loves nothing more than to write and play her songs to her mother, and practice dance to her favourite Korean and American pop songs.  

Even if she had trust issues, Jaerin is still the type to put others first. As long as everyone else is happy and well, her own happiness doesn’t matter in the slightest. She could be severely depressed and still be willing to put her friends before her. She never was a bad kid. She loves her mother more than anyone in the world, and she always did well in school in spite of the fact she was bullied. Jaerin was an intelligent girl who always got high grades in her exams, and never once failed. But she was always an emotional person inside. Even the smallest of things can get to her.

In all, Jaerin is a kind, innocent girl who likes to hide behind a cheerful façade to keep her emotional feelings locked away. She would be described as enigmatic by most, and she never did no wrong to anybody. She aims to achieve her goal of becoming an idol in the Korean pop world, and she isn’t willing to let anybody hold her back from that.



-Panic! At the Disco

-Ed Sheeran

-Long sleeved shirts


-Hot Cocoa

-The outdoors

-Her mother




-Thunder [fear]

-Mushrooms [allergy]


-Rainy days

-Too much makeup

-Arrogant people



-Song writing

-Playing guitar




-Playing with her clothing when sad/anxious/afraid.


-Playing with her hair at random moments.



-Has a pet cat named Mao

-Loves converse shoes

-Likes to keep secrets.

-Is a great listener.



Korean-fluent, English-fluent, Japanese-basics.


Ulzzang: Song Mira

1 | 2 | 3 |4 | 5

Backup Ulzzang: Angelababy

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


    …My History. It shapes who I am.


                Jaerin was born in Crescent City, CA on the 5th August 1991. She was born to a single mother whose husband had divorced her three months prior to her due date. Jaerin was a beautiful little girl, with a light tufty hair that her mother adored. It was clear that she had her mother’s eyes. Jaerin was a happy little girl for the majority of her life. She loved kindergarten, her favourite thing to do was draw pictures with the wax crayons of her and her mother. For a child her age, her drawing ability was exceptionally good. Until Jaerin entered elementary school, things were always good.

                Jaerin’s first year of elementary school was one that will stick with her forever, even though she wishes she could erase it from existence. Elementary school was when the bullying first began. She was teased because she was a chubby little girl. At first, Jaerin wasn’t interested. The bullies were young and childish, just as she was. They were in elementary school after all. But as the years went by, and she and the bullies grew up together, the aging of the bullies just made the bullying so much worse. When she was in her last year of elementary school, the bullies had begun to throw things at her, send her vicious messages, emails, tweets and Facebook messages, and Jaerin was completely confused as to why they were torturing her like that.

                Halfway through the year, and nothing had changed. Except their tactics were getting worse. They would hit her; shove her into lockers if they happened to pass by her in the corridors. Jaerin was struggling to cope. She never told her mother about this, as she was never the type to try and burden others. It was becoming painful to just even think about going to school, and soon enough, Jaerin started cutting. There wasn’t much at first, but by the end of her last year, her entire left arm, and some of her right, was covered in scars. She keeps them hidden as to not become judged by others, and even more so once she realised what her true dream was.

                After elementary school, Jaerin was ecstatic to find out she and her mother were moving to South Korea. She entered into university quite a few years later in Seoul, and made her first real friend that she still has today- Bang Sora. Sora wasn’t the silent type like Jaerin. She was far from it. She was wild and loud, and everybody loved her. Jaerin felt privileged that her first friend was someone who belonged to a clique like that. Sora soon enough found out all about Jaerin’s past, and her scars. Rather than to turn up her nose, Sora comforted Jaerin, and promised to always be on hand to keep her comforted if ever she needed to be. 

                Once Jaerin was out of the nightmare that she called ‘the school years’, she finally felt free. She started to play the guitar again after she’d dropped it in elementary school to focus on school work and the bullying. Her own experience became her muse for her own songs, and she wrote and wrote and wrote. Her favourite song was named ‘Cheonsa’, which meant Angel. It was dedicated to Sora, and the lyrics described how when your suffering so much, and you feel like you’re going nowhere, there will always be someone there to keep you going, someone who is like an angel, or more so a guardian angel.

                Now, Jaerin has written over 20 different songs about love, hate, tragedies, and every one of them as beautiful and as meaningful as the last. She continues to write, and she hopes that if she were to ever debut as part of a girl group that she could write songs for them to sing. Not every one of them would be hers, as they would still need more upbeat ones, but the thought of that still gives her something to smile about before she sleeps every night. Her mother is her moral support along with Sora, and they know she has the potential to make it big.


              Family: Lee Hyunmi | Unemployed | Mother | Hyunmi is a kind, caring and intelligent woman. She will always put Jaerin first, even though Jaerin always puts her first. She is often rather quiet, similar to her daughter, but she’s always cheerful to try and keep the spirits in the house alive |Hyunmi and Jaerin are the perfect mother-daughter pairing. They do everything and anything for each other. Jaerin would gladly to the ends of the Earth and back for her mother. Their relationship is better than any usual mother-daughter relationship. Jaerin wants to become an idol also for the reason that she can give money to her mother.


            Best Friend: Bang Sora | 21 | Hair stylist | Sora is the most outgoing person Jaerin has ever known. She’s wild, energetic and buzzing with excitement all the time. She’s a bit of a chatterbox, but Jaerin just appreciates the fact she actually still talks to her, as she’s always been afraid of losing her. Sora isn’t the type to force people into the crazy things she may like to do, rather she just invites them to join her, and if they don’t want to, then she’s fine with it. | Sora and Jaerin are two of the closest people you will ever meet. Jaerin never wants to lose Sora, because she’s the best friend she always wanted and needed throughout elementary school. The two are brilliant together, always out shopping or singing at noraebangs. They can do even the smallest of activities, and make them some of the best memories they will ever have.


            Friends: Lee Chaerin | 21 | Member of 2NE1 | Chaerin, or CL as better known has a fun and quirky personality. She’s very energetic a lot of the time, and quite a happy-go-lucky girl in general. Even though it’s not what Jaerin’s like, Jaerin still enjoys the fact she has a friendship with CL. CL is still a very kind and loving person, and looks after Jaerin like a little sister. |CL and Jaerin get along really quite well with each other. They’re always chatting away if the 2NE1 girls come in to help out with rehearsals. CL has even tagged along with Jaerin and Sora to the noraebangs on occasion.


            Rival: None


    ...My Love. The feeling is indescribable.

         Lover: Jung Yonghwa | 23 | Member of CN Blue | Yonghwa is a sweet, kind and loveable character, hence why Jaerin likes him. She’s been a fan of CN Blue for quite some time, as has Sora. Yonghwa is quite reserved himself. He’s shy and cute when he gets embarrassed, which is something Jaerin likes most about him. Yonghwa can be cool and suave, but then say one thing and look like an adorable fool. | The two act really well around each other. From the first time they met they bonded well, even though Jaerin wasn’t an idol then. Yonghwa acts a little more nervous around Jaerin than she does around him, but Jaerin feels like she could trust Yonghwa with anything. She hasn’t plucked up the courage to say anything to him just yet, but she feels strongly about it. | Jaerin first met Yonghwa when she and Sora had spent their night at a noraebang. Yonghwa was at the same noraebang with the CN Blue members, and Sora had made them go over and say hello. After that, they hit it off well, and they sang in the noraebang together.


            Back-Up Lover: Lee Hongki | 22 | Member of FT Island | [ same as Yonghwa ] | [ same as Yonghwa ] | [ same as Yonghwa ]


            What kind of relationship is it: Sweet & shy


    …My Group. How do I fit in?


            Main Vocal/ Composer

            Main Rapper/ Sub-Vocal

                        Lead Dancer/ Lead-Rapper

                        Main Dancer/ Choreographer/ Sub-Rapper

                        Lead Vocal/ Sub-Dancer


Back-Up Position:

            Main Vocal/ Composer

            Main Rapper/ Sub-Vocal

                        Lead Dancer/ Lead Rapper

                        Main Dancer/ Choreographer/ Sub-Rapper

                        Lead Vocal/ Sub-Dancer


    …My Life as a Trainee.

                   Years as a Trainee: 2 years


            How was it? Jaerin’s time as a trainee was a lot of fun. There was a lot of hard work and effort needed into rehearsals, learning the dances and songs, but Jaerin enjoyed the time she spent working with the other trainees and also the 2NE1 girls on occasion.


            How did you get in? Jaerin got in after she starred in a production a few years before she was due to leave University. A YG talent scout saw her performance, and was impressed by her vocal ability and dance skill. He spoke to her privately after the show, and Jaerin went home to her mother first to talk to her. Her mother told her to go for it, and Jaerin ended up as a YG trainee.


            Relationship with other YG Artists: Jaerin has a good, strong relationship with the majority of the other YG artists, especially 2NE1 because of CL. She loves all of the YG artists a lot, because she’s been such a huge fan of all of them, again, especially 2NE1. She is quite close also to PSY, who she treats like an uncle. 

    …The Fans. I wouldn’t be here without them.

            Personal Fan Club Name: Angels

            Fan Club Colors:                            

            Persona: Enigmatic Angel

            Should Vega’s Fanclub be Starlights or Shooting Stars? Starlights


    …Miscellaneous. I don’t really know where to put this.

            Comments/ Questions: Alright, this took me like, two hours or something to write xD I really hope you like my character. I apologise if I made her too depressing. I didn’t mean to make her too depressing, so I hope she isn’t. I hope you choose my character, and hwaiting with the story! ^_^v

            Anything I missed? Nope~

            Password: Panic at the Disco - The Ballad of Mona Lisa


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