Electro World: Data Base Application~


User Name: SiwonsGirl96

Of the 3 names which did you choose: Ayumi

Would you like a nickname? YuMi

Ethnicity: 50% Japanese from her mother | 50% Korean from her father

Birthplace: Seiyo-Ehime, Japan

First Language, Second Language, and Third Language:

  • First Language: Japanese
  • Second Language: Korean
  • Third Language: English

Date Of Birth: April 3, 1993 | 19 years old

Height: Between 5'4
Weight: 118 lbs
Blood Type: AB+

Character's personality: Ayumi is the type of girl that looks sweet and innocent, but is icy and a bit quirky at times. She's often called a dork by her friends, due to her unique personality. Most of the time, Ayumi is in an upbeat and dancy mood, but once she gets angry, her expression can scare anything off. With a warm smile and cold eyes, Ayumi is a moody but mature girl. Although she's only 19, she's sophisticated and organized, always keeping things together. Her favorite things to do are play guitar and dance, anywhere, anytime. Confident and outgoing, Ayumi isn't afraid to express herself, especially through dance and lyrics. When she was growing up, she became more optimistic and open-minded, taking risks and trying new things. She is usually known as the "Expressionate Puppy". Most people label her as this because of how she's cold at first touch, but actually wears her heart on her sleeve.

Hobbies: Swimming | Photography | Firefly Catching | Stargazing

Likes: Nature | Writing Lyrics & Composing Music | Shopping | Orange Soda

Dislikes: Tea (all kinds) | Public Restrooms | Meat | Losing

Specialities or "Gags": Cooking Traditional Kimchi | Drawing Anime | Dancing | Playing Guitar | Singing | Fashion Sense

Habits: Shivers when she's nervous | Stutters when she's worried or sad | Glares and balls her fists against her sides when she's angry or upset | Blows on her bangs when she's frustrated or confused

Extra: Ayumi's eyes change color depending what mood she's in | Her skin is either warm or cold, also due to her mood | Has a tattoo on the middle of her back of a rose with a spiral design that says "Dreams Do Come True" | Is inspired by many famous songwriters, dancers, and composers | Has double-jointed wrists

What do you look like:


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Yura Peko, lol she is my favorite model