Application For New Story: The Super Group

Its a small application but I need you to be as descrpitive as possible because there are only three spots that I could really think of at this time. :( Based on how you fill out the application is who I will put you as. Sorry if that sounds picky :(

Description of story: When a JoyMing has to change schools in the middle of the year she is upset. But when she finds out it is in Korea she is furious! When she gets to her new school she and her older sister are ignored by almost everyone but two people. They soon become best friends. But then JoyMing has a run in with the schools largest "gang" Super Junior. She tries to aviod them as much as possible but two of the guys are making that hard. Soon she starts to become better friends with them. Her other friends soon fall into the group too. All of them soon find love intrsesests :P


Areas to fill: 

JoyMing's sister

JoyMing's best friend

JoyMing's sister's best friend






Like I said its a small appliction but it has to be very desciptive. Please put in a picture of what youwould look like so I can have some one do a poster for me if she still can. I wish all who would apply could be in it but I dont have that much idea's for the story. I might add another charcter but she would be an friend-emeny so I don't know if anyone would want to be that. But you never know so if you do want to be that then just say so. I'm not sure what else to say >.<


Katie (kitkat15)


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