My Love Application | Lee Jihun


Username: KeysLove

Activity: 4




Character name: Park Jihun


Ji - It's just a shortened version of his name. Most of his friends call him this.

Angel - G-Dragon always calls him this. The reason? Well, that's because, for GD, Jihun looks like an angel (and sings, and dances, and speaks... He could go on and on about this).

Sunshine - His close friends, in general, sometimes call him this. It has many motives: he's like the "sunshine" of their lifes. He boils like the Sun when he's angry or mad. Or, maybe, just so Jihun will feel special.

Ethnicity: Korean


Fluent - English, Japanese, Korean

Basic - Spanish

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Age: 19

Birthday: 07/Jun/1993


Park Chihun | Would be 25, but died at 21 | Brother

Blood type: AB Negative

Looks Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Ulzzang name: Kwak Min Jun

Height: 1,72m

Weight: 47kg

Personality: He has a really explosive temper, and gets angry very easily. When he's angry, he screams and shouts and throws insults at whoever he thinks is at fault. He doesn't trust people easily, because he's had many disappointments in the past. He is very selfish, but would never hurt the people he loves. With people he doesn't know well, he's kind of friendly, but keeps his distance and is usually very cold until he's used to the person. He may also come off as extremely arrogant and self-centered. With his friends, he is very caring, funny and protective. He would give his life for his friends, if needed. If he hears someone insulting any of his friends, he defends them with every argument he can think of (which are not few). He gets specially mad if he hears someone insulting G-Dragon, and not only throws arguments, but also insults, and if that doesn't work he resorts to physical strength. He yearns for care, like hugs and kisses, but only asks his closest friends for it. He has a good sense of humor, but his humor is the infamous "black humor", so many people may not understand his jokes, or sometimes even be offended by them. He has a dirty mind, and is a bit erted.

He tends to do many things that are "prohibited". Actually, if it is prohibited, he will surely do it. He's kind of a trickster. He's also a troublemaker, and is very mischievous. He loves playing pranks on people, and causing a fuss. He usually gets himself in the middle of some kind of trouble, too. He's also quite the liar. He never lies to his friends, but to all the other people, it is very possible that about 60% of what he says has some kind of lie on it, even if it's really small and insignificant. He lies, most of the time, so he won't be "punished" for the "wrong" things he does. The only exeption to that are his friends. He always tells them absolutely everything, no matter if it's good or bad things. He worries a lot about his looks, specially his weight. He doesn't want to get "fat", so he's always below his ideal weight, which worries G-Dragon a lot. Jihun also has a great memory, and always remembers things other pople think he already forgot. He is also very smart, and extremely curious, even too much. He tries to be the most original he possibly can. He is very ironic and very sarcastic. He takes pride on his talents, specially in his dancing, and wants everyone to notice how good he is. He knows how talented he is and is not afraid of showing it to others. He always wants to be the center of attention, and is very irritated when that doesn't happen.

Sometimes he can be rather clumsy, so he breaks something or gets a bruise from time to time. He can't ever keep still, and hates doing nothing. He is the type who loves the city life, and could never live a calm countryside life. He always has to be doing something, even if it's just talking to someone else. He gets bored very easily, and hates when that happens. When he is bored, he'll complain about it to everyone, and will be very annoyed. He constantly curses, but not just for the sake of it. He curses when he wants to explain something that can't be explained in another way, or when he's very angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings.

Background: Jihun doesn't remember anything that happened before he was 7. Ever since he can remember, he has lived only with his brother, and he has no memories at all of his parents, he doesn't even know their name. His brother always said they were terrible, abusive parents. He says he ran away from home with Jihun, and that it was for their own good. He and his brother lived in a pretty harsh neighbourhood, where many thugs and gangsters lived. His brother was always gambling, and always got himself into trouble because of that. He also used to drink a lot, and often came back home completely drunk. Jihun always had a passion for music, and dreamed of being a famous idol. He managed to go to dance, singing and rap classes on his own, because his brother would never care enough to take Jihun to his classes. One day, when Jihun was 15, Chihun left home, and never came back. Jihun started to get worried, and decided to go after him. He looked and looked for hours, but couldn't find his brother. It was already late at night when he decided to go back home, but before he could get there he was approached by a group of gangsters. They started beating him up, saying it was "payback for something Chihun did". Not only that, they also him. After that, they just left him there in the middle of the street and disappeared. Jihun spent the night there, crying, until early in the morning, when Jiyong found him there. He was terribly worried, and took the boy to his apartment (where he lived alone). He took care of Jihun, made him hot chocolate, comforted him, made him laugh. After Jihun explained his situation to Jiyong, the older boy decided he'd take care of Jihun. From that day on, Jihun started living with G-Dragon, and they became really close friends. Jiyong was the closest friend Jihun ever had, he was the most important person in the world for him, and he wouldn't change it for anything. He'd even give up his dream, if that meant he would have to leave GD. Jiyong always encouraged Jihun when he was down, and took him everywhere he went, be it a training session or going out with friends. Jiyong and Jihun sleep together, because the older boy has trouble sleeping alone. Jiyong always notices when Jihun wakes up from a nightmare, so he also wakes up, and only goes to sleep again after he makes sure that Jihun also fell asleep.

After some time, Jihun found out his brother never came back, because he died. Chihun was killed by a group of thugs, because of some kind of gambling debts. Jihun was very sad when he found out about that, even if he had never been close to his brother. He spent countless nights crying, and Jiyong made sure to always be there to comfort him. Jihun still visits his brother's grave at least once a week.

Jihun is friends with the rest of BigBang, Teen Top's L.Joe, Infinite's Sungyeol and Myungsoo and DBSK's Junsu and Yunho.

uality: Bi

Crush: Kwon Jiyong (BigBang's G-Dragon)


- Likes the night more than the day

- Loves watching the night sky

- Loves music

- Photography

- Going to cafes/cofee shops

- High places


- Hot weater

- Sports

- Cooking

- Having to spend the day without listening to music (this makes him really mad)

- Being bored

- Feeling alone


- Skateboarding

- Designing accessories

- Taking photos

- Writing lyrics

- Playing the guitar


- He is always fixing his hair or his clothes, because he always wants to look his best

- He bites the inside of his cheek when he's nervous

- He rubs his eyes when he's bored or sleepy

- He always his lips when he's about to say something

Position in the band: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Visuals


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