Talk To Me!!! I'm very interesting!!

Well, I know I've been a bit in story writing and chapter updating, thats mostly because I'm school and I'm trying figure wat to do about college. But dang... When I'm on here, no one wants to talk to me. I'm not only good for writing u know!! I'm a pretty decent person when i don't update, and also, just because I haven't worked on Shinee. Innocent? I Think Not! , doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it. I'm just having a hard time trying to write the next part. In the meantime, I started my U-Kiss story and no one commented on it and only subber. Makes me kinda sad... But please support me, u guys are the reason why I wrote alot of docs since joining aff. So please please talk to me also!! I'm not bad u know!! Love Jbunnygirl22


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I want to talk to you!!! Hey!! XD Remember meh at all?
Lol, the blog title just tricked me into clicking XD