Dream-E Application | Lee MinHee




~How do you Do?~




AFF Username: KeysLove




Profile Link: here~




Activeness: 4/5




~Let's talk about you~




Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji




Link: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8




Backup Ulzzang: Lee Jung Ah 1 | 2 | 3




Character name: Lee MinHee




Nickname(s): Min - It's just a shortened version of her name, and most of her friends call her that. She will be really mad if anyone else, besides her friends, calls her that.




Age: 21




Birthday: 30/06/1991




Ethnicity: 3/4 Korean, 1/4 Spanish.




Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea




Hometown: Seoul, South Korea




Languages known:

F - Korean, English

D - Mandarin

B - Spanish





MinHee was always spoiled by her brother, specially after he became a choreographer, and also by the CEO Kim Hang, after she became a trainee. However, she never was and never will be a spoilt brat. She knows how to take advantage of what she has, but she doesn't go around bragging about it. Because of the time she spent in that harsh neighbourhood, she became terrified of getting into trouble. She is the type that does whathever she wants, when she wants, not caring if it's prohibited or not. However, she tries her best to avoid getting into trouble because of those things. She knows, for example, that if she breaks one of the company's rules, she won't get into trouble, because she's Kim Hang's favorite. She is a great liar, and will lie without thinking twice if she has to.


She is always cheerful, smiling at everyone. She's known as the company's "little sun". It is very hard for her to get mad at someone or something, but if she does get mad, she'll be very aggresive, and rather scary. She is very mischievous, and loves playing praks on people (she and Jihun often go around playing pranks on other people, and then end up laughing their asses off afterward). She is very stubborn, and no one can change her mind after she has formed an opinion or made a decision.


She is very loving with her friends/her brother, she's always hugging, kissing or snuggling them. She also always treats all of her friends the same, not caring if they're older or younger then her. She also usually playfully flirts with her male friends. They all know it's just an innocent joke, and always flirt back.






MinHee doesn't remember anything that happened before she was 7. Ever since she can remember, she has lived only with her brother, and she has no memories at all of her parents, she doesn't even know their name. Her brother always said they were terrible, abusive parents. He says he ran away from home with her, and that it was for their own good. She and her brother lived in a pretty harsh neighbourhood, where many thugs and gangsters lived. Her brother always did his best to take care of her, protect her and give her the best he possibly could. However, even if Chihun (her brother) tried not to find trouble, sooner or later the thugs/gangsters came after him. He managed to keep those people away from MinHee for a pretty long time. He knew about MinHee's passion for music, and he always took her to her classes. He, himself, dreamed of being a professional choreographer.


When MinHee was 15, she was going back to her and her brother's apartment, when a group of gangsters approached her. They tried her, saying it was "payback for something Chihun did". Chihun found her just in time, and was so angry he ended up beating those gangsters up. Living in such a harsh neighbourhood, he had to learn some way to defend himself and his sister, and he made sure to put what he learned into good use when there was the need for it. After that event, he decided he would take MinHee and move to a better neighbourhood, for her own safety. He took all of his economies, and bought a small apartment in the center of Seoul. They both soon moved there, and Chihun started chasing after his dream, trying to find any job he could as a choreographer. After some time, he was a well-known choreographer, and he worked with many idol groups, specially the ones from SM. MinHee usually helped him with the choreographies. Chihun became really close friends with the boys from DBSK, and by consequence MinHee befriended them too. Even when DBSK divided into TVXQ and JYJ, she and Chihun kept contact with all of them.  MinHee was also friends with some of the other SM idols/trainees.


Soon, MinHee decided to audition to be a trainee. She decided to audition for CTE, because she heard it was a new company, and she liked the idea of being in the first ever group to debut on that company. She passed it, and was one of the best trainees there. She was CEO Kim Hang's favorite, and she had many privileges because of that. She could do whatever she wanted, and she got whatever she wanted, she just had to ask him. The only other trainee that got a treatment remotely close to the one she got was Park Jihun. Many treinees were jealous, and didn't like MinHee because of that "special treatment" she got. However, for most, it was hard to hate her, because she was always a really cheerful girl, always happy and smiling.


Role in Group:

-Lead Rapper

-Main Rapper

-Main Dancer

-Lead Dancer





-Visuals (this one is in case one of the other two are unavailable ^^)

-Main Vocals

-Lead Vocals




~Everybody's Different~





- Rain (she often sings or dances in tha rain - or both -, and loves sitting under the rain, and even it's smell.)

- Bubble tea

- Any type of baby animals

- Pranking people

- Cold weather

- Cold breeze

- Chocolate

- Coffee shops

- Photography





- She's terrified of getting into trouble

- She has a phobia of small paces (claustrophobia) and also of the dark

- She hates stupid people

- She hates waking up early

- She hates horror movies (she's scared of them)

- Hates hats or caps (they annoy her, for some reason)

- Doesn't like sweating

- Hates sour things

- Hates seing people get bullied





- Helping her brother with choreographs

- Watching movies

- Skateboarding





- Bites her lip when nervous

- Rubs her eyes when bored or sleepy

- Talks in her sleep

- Says incoherent things when she's about to fall asleep, or when she just woke up




Fun Facts:

- She helped on the choreography of EXO's "Mama" and "History", Junsu's "Tarantallegra", and TVXQ's "Catch Me" (all of which her brother choreographed)

- She is a huge fangirl of the boyband U-KISS, and her bias is Kiseop

- She loves K-Rock

- She hates being alone, so she's always with one of her friends (most of the time, it's Kris or Chanyeol)

- She can sleep alone, but she doesn't like to

- Her favorite colour is blue

- She loves dancing hip-hop

- She hates to see any of her friends with other girls (she's not jealous of boys, but she's very jealous if she sees them with girls)




~We all have our Family~





Lee Chihun | 26 | Worked as a waiter when they lived in a harsh neighbourhood, but now is a very famous choreographer | Brother | He is very cheerful, and is normally very kind. He also tends to be rather stubborn and mischievous, just like his sister. | He and MinHee are very close. Now that he became a rich choreographer, he tends to give her whatever she wants. If she wants dance classes, he'll pay the best teachers in South Korea to teach her, if she wants clothes, he'll buy the most expensive ones. MinHee doesn't ask for much though, she's happy only sitting with Chihun on the couch and spending the night talking. Chihun is always teasing and annoying her, and MinHee does the same to him. Whenever someone starts talking about Junsu and MinHee getting together, he acts as if he's against it (he says stuff like "she'd never fall in love with someone like him"). MinHee and Junsu just laugh it off and act as if they didn't care, but they get really hurt when Chihun says those things. Chihun always says that, even though Junsu is his best friend, he is not the type of guy MinHee should date.


OBS: MinHee doesn't remember a thing about the rest of her family, not even their names, and Chihun never told her anything about that.





Park Chanyeol | 20 | Idol (EXO) | Best Friend | He's a happy virus, always cheerful and smiling. He's also very childish, and innocent. | MinHee trusts him completely, and they're the kind of friend who never fight, and are always smiling and laughing together. If one of them is sad, the other can notice immediately. She always calls him "Channy".  He didn't notice MinHee's crush as easily as Kris did, but he still managed to figure it out on his own. She's closer to him and Kris than she is to her brother, and they are the only two people she never lies to.


Wu Fan (Kris) | 22 | Idol (EXO) | Best Friend | He's very social, and always manages to find a way to talk to people, even if they're extremely quiet. He can be rather y and sttuborn, though. | MinHee also trusts him with everything. They're the kind of friends who are always insulting and slapping each other, but will kill whoever tries to do the same. They can sense each other's feelings perfectly, and don't even need words to understand what's happening to the other. They're also always teasing each other (like tickling or being overly sweet). He noticed MinHee was in love with Junsu even before she realized it herself. Actually, it was him who pointed it out to her. She's closer to him and Chanyeol than she is to her brother, and they are the only two people she never lies to.


Kim Ryeowook | 25 | Close Friend | He's childish, and always wants to be treated as the maknae. He is also very caring, and always tries to make sure his friends are ok. | MinHee trusts him a lot. She's not as close to him as she is to Kris and Chanyeol, but they're still pretty close. He was the third one who noticed MinHee's feelings for Junsu (the order was Kris, Chanyeol and Ryeowook). He's very caring towards her, and if she ends up lying to him, she feels really bad, and ends up running back to him and confessing she lied.


Lee HyukJae (Eunhyuk) | 26 | Close Friend | Funny, always joking around, and he can be very airy sometimes (like, he doesn't pay much attention to things and is easily distracted). | MinHee loves hanging out with him, and they always have a lot of fun. He notices when she's sad, but he's not that good on making out her feelings. He didn't notice her crush on Junsu until she accidentaly spilt it out during an argument they had (they, as in Eunhyuk and MinHee). After that, he has been trying to set the two together, but no one knows if it's actually working or not.


DBSK | 24-26 | Friends | They're very loud and funny, and it's very amusing to be around them. | They're Chihun's best friends, so MinHee ended up befriending them as well. They are very protective if anything threatens MinHee, because they treat her like the "maknae of the group".


EXO | 18-22 | Friends | They're crazy, childish, and loud. It's very fun to be around them. | MinHee spends so much time with Kris and Chanyeol, that it was almost impossible not to befriend the rest of the group. They're not that close, but she still enjoys spending time with them a lot.


Park Jihun | 19 | Friends | He was rather cold at the begining, but then warmed up to her and became a very fun person. | She met them because, well, he's Kai's best friend and she is Kris and Chanyeol's best friend. It's obvious they would meet sooner or later. They both enjoy pulling pranks on others together, and always end up running away and laughing their asses off.




Rival(S): N/A




~Let's talk about Love~







Love Interest: Kim Junsu (Xiah Junsu) | DBSK/JYJ | 25


OBS: He is Chihun's best friend (Chihun is best friends with all of DBSK, but you could say he's closest to Junsu).


Personality: He has a very edgy personality. When he's happy, he's extremely happy, and when he's mad, he's extremely mad. He's very independent, and he can be very mature at times. He's very cute, adorable and huggable, even when he doesn't try to be, and that kind of annoys him sometimes. He expects a lot out of himself, and somethimes he pushes himself too hard. He went through some tough times, and MinHee always tried to help him in any way she could. She doesn't know exactly when she started to fall in love with him. Actually, she only noticed it after Kris pointed it out to her. Junsu is in love with MinHee too, and tried confessing several times, but was always interrupted. To this day, MinHee doesn't have the slightest clue that Junsu loves her, and vice-versa. Their relationship is also rather edgy, and it's very complicated for others to understand.


You could say he and MinHee have 3 different types of days, regarding how they act with each other:

One is when they're just all fluffy and happy, and treat each other normally. They always cuddle or hug, just like MinHee does with all of her friends. They laugh together, and usually don't have any arguments.

Another one is when they flirt with each other at every chance they get. In those days, you could cut the tension between them with a knife. They usually keep their distance from each other, and only flirt from afar. On these days, it is possible for them to eventually end up in an argument.

The last one, is when both of them seem to be thinking the same thing: "I have no chance with him/her. He/she would never want to be with me" and stuff like that. On those days, both are sadder than normal, usually avoid each other, and when they do meet, just try not to look at each other in the eye and don't say a word. On those days, it is extremely easy for them to end up in a big fight.




How you met: They met one day, when MinHee was waiting for her brother to finish his work at SM. It started to rain, and MinHee was going to sit near the window, when she saw a boy sitting under a tree, not caring at all that it was raining. She went to sit next to the boy, and turns out the boy was Junsu, her brother's new best friend who Chihun couldn't stop talking about. After a while they started dancing and singing together, having the most fun they ever had, until her brother suddenly showed up. He was a bit wary of the situation, and the atmosphere became a little akward. The three of them later went out for dinner, and even though the atmosphere had gotten a bit better, it wasn't the most confortable of situations.








Back-up Love Interest:  Wu Fan (Kris) | EXO | 22




Personality: It's in the "friends" section :3




How you met: MinHee accidentaly spilt her drink over Kris when she was at SM's cafeteria, and he snaped at her. They started arguing, but then, in the middle of the argument, they suddenly stopped, looked at each other and bursted out laughing. After that, they started chatting, and became very good friends.



~We all have our colors~



Red-Passion, Desire, Love


Green-Fertility, Jealousy, emotional healing


Blue-understanding, depression, truth (either of the two is fine)


Pink-Romance, Adoration, frustration


Yellow- Happiness, Joy, Loyalty


Orange: Happiness, Creativity, pleasure


Black: Death, sadness, power, mystery




~Anything Else~




Scene Requests: Her brother finding out about her and Junsu (after they got together) and flipping out. :3




Comments: I hope you don't mind the fact that I made her the CEO's favorite... I just had this idea and I thought it was really cool ^^ And I hope you also don't mind the fact she and Jihun already met before :3

Seriously, this apply was a pain in the to make, but I loved writing it! xD Like, everytime I was almost finishing it, I decided to change something, and then nothing else would fit anymore! xD And then, when I was happy with everything, I decided to change her love interest to Junsu and had to change almost all of her backstory @.@ But I'm really happy with how it turned out! It is provably my favorite girl apply, by far! :3




Password: here~




~The End~


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OKAY. I AM IN LOVE!!!!! NOT ONLY IS THIS GIRL SOOO REALISTIS BUT SHE ALSO HAS GREAT TASTE IN MEN! You are the first person EVER to gave JUNSU as the love interest!! (HE IS MY ALL TIME TOP BIAS *dreamy eyes*) Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for applying with a female! I will update tomorrow and she will be there!! <3 ^^