» If I Could Turn Back Time [[Application]] Song Kyung Mi

» If I Could Turn Back Time


Song Kyung Mi, the "Cutie." (Also, try to pretend she doesn't has glasses in this picture.)



 Who Am I?
 User Name: Sparki
 Name: Sparki (or anything to your desire)
▹ Activeness: 6.5                                                                                                                                               
✖  Do You Really Know Me?
▹ Birth Name: [Song] [Kyung Mi]
 Nickname(s): Kyungie
▹ Age: 19
▹ Date of Birth: April 14, 1994
▹ Chose Girl: The Cutie
Kyung Mi is an energetic, flexible girl. She easily attracts people, but isn't really interested in a lot of people. She's a sweet girl, but is headstrong. She is dependent. She is girly and loves shopping. She's a fashionista. She always tries to stay happy, and she is a talkative person. She is not booksmart, but is rather skilled in physical strength and looks. She is arrogant and loves compliments. Kyung Mi  is a confident person and tries to not give up. She is very awkward when it comes to romance. 
Kyung Mi loves nature, but doesn't really do a lot of stuff for it. She thinks she's annoying and a bother to other people. She tends to not eat a lot. She has a big sense of humor. She is willing to fight for others, even if it means death.  She is brave, and usually surprises people with her traits. She is delusional sometimes. She is somewhat a trickster; she makes people think she's weak and pouty, but can actually injure you badly. Also innocent; of course, she knows her stuff, but she doesn't have a dirty mind. She tends to blush whenever someone talks about something ual. She can also be a bit hopeful and cheery about the future; sometimes a little too much. 
She loves the saying "Curiousity kills the cat"- only that she's the cat. Curiousity can easily get the best of her; in other words, she's a curious  person. She can keep secrets, which suprises even herself. She is very descriptive- if you want someone to explain to you on what this looks like or what it tastes like, just ask her. But school-related stuff doesn't count. If you're going to ask her, you might as well expect nothing. 
[Happy] - She sings her favorite songs, shops for stuff like nail polish or new clothes, and sometimes treats herself to iced coffee. She also hangs out with people.
[Sad] - She tries hard not to cry, so instead she bangs her head on something, bites her fingers, and tries to think about happy things.
[Angry] - She's very quiet and still, as if she's playing dead. She gets lost in thought and thinks about all of the bad things she's done, and how worthless she is. 
»Cute things
»The cold
»Clothes that look good on her
▹ Dislikes:
»Being upset
»Taking care of people/things
»Hot weather
▹ Pet Peeves:
»She gets distracted and lost in thought when people talk about her parents, or if they have a whole bag of candy.
»When people have to correct her
»When people are clingy and protective of her
▹ Hobbies:
▹ Habits:
» She smiles a lot.
»She gets moody when she's hungry
»She screams when fighting; she believes it makes you stronger

▹ Fears:
»Completely losing her sight
»Never seeing her parents again
»Having someone dislike her (even though some do)
»Losing someone's trust
▹ Strengths:
»Her flexibility
»Her physical strength


▹ Weaknesses:
»She has a hard time keeping her balance
»Her vision in her left eye goes blurry sometimes
»She can't work alone; nor does she like, too
»She doesn't know how to use a gun
»She can do a complex series of backflips then land in a split- she praticed this so much, she could do it without falling.
»She could tell what a brand of clothes is by just glancing at it.
»She can sound exactly like a duck.
▹ Trivia:
            »She takes gymnastics
            »She's a morning person
            »She prefers juice to soda
            »She hums silently in her sleep
            »She munches on snacks when everyone is sleeping
✖  You Don't Actually Judge By Apperance Right?
▹ Apperance: Lee Geum Hee
▹ Pictures
A/N: It's difficult to all find the same size; sorry for the inconvenience. 

▹ Back Up Apperance: Kim Da Hyun 
▹ Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: 
▹ Height: 170 cm
▹ Weight: 112 lbs.
▹ Description of Appearance:
Long fingers
Medium-shaped dark brown eyes
Dyes hair a lot
Average-length legs
Long arms
Long hair that is usually pulled up
▹ Armour: 1
 Back up Armour: 2
She has a scar, covered with skin, that leads from her wrist, reaching to the middle of her arm. She got this when she was young, when her uncle hit her with his belt. 
✖  Can't You Accept Me For Who I Am?
▹ History / Childhood:
When she was a few months old, her father died. Her mother gave her to her grandmother to take care of. Kyung Mi would visit her mother sometimes, but when she did, they usually talked about the same thing over and over. When she turned 10, her grandmother died. She moved in with her uncle a few months afterwards. She got a part-time job as a cashier at a fast food resturant. She worked four hours a day for $7.25 each hour.
One day, her uncle's girlfriend dumped him; so he started to abuse Kyung Mi. She dropped out of school when she was 16. She then began to get more part-time jobs and worked all the time. She then joined a gymnastics class. She was scared to tell any of her friends about her life, and they began to drift away from her. She began to feel terribly lonely. She then found herself drowned up in work, working day and night, sleeping for only a few hours. She eventually ran away from home a while after she turned 18.
She stilled worked continously and lived in an apartment. She got comestic surgery, to make sure no one would find her. She became satisfied with her life, but became dependent and started to lighten up. She still praticed her stretches, so her flexibility wouldn't get messy. She started going to a gym everyday to work out. People admired her for her strength, but quickly forgot about how strong she was from her personality. She continued to push herself, and one day, some people "kidnapped" her while at her apartment. They explained to her how she was chosen to fight. She hesitated at first; but she eventually agreed, since she thought about how the world would be depending on her. 

▹ Family:
Song Kyung Soon || Mother || Owns Restaurant || Nice, Protective, Kind || Kyung Mi and her mother have an average relationship, with a few fights here and there. She doesn't like how her mother babies her, though, so they tend to talk about growing up a lot. She stopped talking to her when she moved in with her uncle. 
Song Dae || Father || Deceased || Strict, Religious, Has No Sense of Humor || Dae died when Kyung Mi was one, but his wife, Hana, would tell Kyung Mi stories of what he was like, so Kyung Mi has a good description of him. 
Song Haneul || Grandmother || Deceased || Wise, Soft, Caring || When she was alive, she would often bring Kyung Mi to the park and have a little fun. They didn't stay for long, though, because she would find herself tired. She cared for Kyung Mi, but let her have as much freedom as possible, but did not allow her to go to parties or watch too much TV. She died when Kyung Mi was 10.
Song Kwan || Uncle || Employee for factory || Strict, Abusing, Alcoholic || He never really cared for Kyung Mi and only let her have her basic needs. He made her get a job, pay for her food, and left on the weekends to party. He eventually was dumped by his girlfriend and started to abuse Kyung Mi, blaming her for what happened. They never got along.
▹ Best Friends
Kim Taeyeon || Works at her Mother's Restaurant || Gentle, Sweet, Pouty, and sometimes Annoying || Kyung Mi and Taeyeon are comfortable around each other. They talk about everything, and what life is like. They understand each other, and want to try to always stay friends. When Kyung Mi moved, they called each other everyday, and wrote letters. They now rarely talk to each other.


             Stephanie Mi Young Hwang (Tiffany from SNSD) || Taeyeon's friend || Shy, Quiet, and Mature || They usually make small talk, but go to places together with Taeyeon sometimes, although she's usually quiet. When Kyung Mi moved, they called sometimes. Currently, Kyung Mi doesn't really think about her a lot anymore.
▹ (Fr)enemies/Rivals:
 Other Relationships:


✖  Do You Think I'm A Monster Now?
▹ First Impression of Guardian: When Kyung Mi first saw her guardian, she was a bit afraid of it. She avoided him, and tried to act scary around it. 
▹ Relationship: She began to get used to her guardian's presense, and eventually became friends with it. She also decided to call him "Ace" since it never gave up on her, resulting in her wanting to give him an "A+".
▹ Additional Power: Enhanced speed and healing. 
▹ Stats : [Don't make yourself too powerful. Have at least four under 2.]
Agility: 10/10
Accuracy: 2.5/10
Bravery: 8/10
Endurance: 7/10
Intelligence: 2/10
Intuition: 3/10
Observation: 6/10
Perception: 8/10

Resolve: 2/10

Reflex: 8/10
Responsibility: 1/10
Strength: 10/10
Speed : 8/10
Stealth : 5/10
Stamina: 8/10


Offense: 9/10
Defense: 6.5/10
✖  Are You Going to Love Me Back?
▹ The One: Kyungsoo
▹ List: 1. Kai 2. Kris 3.Chen 4. Lay 5. Suho
▹ Interactions:
They like each other, and act even more awkward towards each other. Sometimes they "experiment" what a relationship is like, but only go as far as a few seconds of a kiss on the lips. They care about each other though, and will kindly help each other out.
▹ Ideal Type: Someone who will compliment her, and will love her for her looks and personality. He also has to be someone who can make you smile. 
▹ Additional Details: N/A
✖  Do You Know This Isn't The Real Me?
 Persona: The Sweet and Weak Girly-Girl
▹ Reason: People usually judged her by how she looked and how she acted in front of people; she would act like a kid, but is actually stronger than you think. 
▹ War Cry / Motto: Keep fighting; the world is counting on us!
✖  I Hope We Meet Again
▹ Comment: F.CUZ - No. 1; 2NE1 - Ugly; BIGBANG- Monster
▹ Suggestion: N/A
▹ Ending: Whatever you want, it's fine with me; but if you really can't decide, just PM me.
 Sacrifice: Yes.
▹ Password: We are one! We are EXO!

















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