Not on hiatus. But something like that.


the internet connection here's becoming a big problem.
I don't know how to explain this to you guys, but I think everything's going to go bak to normal next week. but for now (yes, now) i think i can't really update my stories. HUHUHUHU T.T and I'd have to apologize if it really REALLY takes a long time for me to reply to your PMs and comments. that's the downfall.
but inspite of the arising problem, I have decided that I'll work on the requests while waiting for the net to come around. :)
i hope you guys will patiently wait for me. okay? OKAY? *INSERT CREEPER SMILE HERE*
anyway, I want to thank you (STILL!) for all the love and support.
wait for meeeeee~
THANK YOU! *bows*
- white63


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EXO-K~ just don't forget the picture of MinHwannnnn~ x"3 hahahaha~ and our plan too ;)
Awwwwwww. /cries for your crappy internet. hahaha. Oy, imma work on our chansoo na. hehe