Bottle Pop Application~



General Info

AFF Profile Name: SiwonsGirl96

Name: Hwa Song Ki


  • Kiwi: because she is /always/ eating fruit, especially Kiwi.
  • Lyrix: because her name is Song, many of her friends call her Lyrix due to her song-writing addiction.
  • Harmony: this is her American name which many people sill call her by.
  • Dragon: her street name (street fighting and dancing)


  • 1/2 Korean
  • 1/4 American
  • 1/4 Japanese

DOB: 12/12/1994


Place of birth: Trenton, New Jersey

Languages spoken:

  • English-fluent
  • Korean-fluent
  • Japanese-basic

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Blood Type: AB +


Jo Min Young

| 2  | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7


At first impression, Song Ki comes off as 'quiet', 'innocent', and 'angelic', but she is far from being an innocent angel. Her shyness towards strangers is what gives them this impression, but towards her friends, Kiwi is loud, talkative, and expresses herself without hesitation. Being the city-girl that she is, she's used to causing a bit of trouble here and there, and taking risks is nothing new to Kiwi either. Her friends had always been supportive of her, and her family loved her very much, but they all disapproved of her troublesome ways. Song Ki tended to pull pranks on her teachers and classmates, skip class, and start fights with other girls and boys in her school. She could be quite the little devil, and loved every minute of it.

Song Ki isn't just a mischievious troublemaker though, she has her good side as well. Her good side is what people rarely see, due to her lack of excitement and interest towards anything besides music. Dancing and rapping had always been this girl's dream, and she grew up with it being a secret, knowing her parents wouldn't want her into that kind of thing. But Kiwi couln't help it, she wanted to express herself through music and show the world that she was worth something more than a 2 hour detention after school. When Kiwi decids to be a good girl though, she puts on a very cutesy aegyo act that charms and hypnotizes everyone around her. Her innocent, pretty face is extremely tempting and hard to say no to, even when she sets the kitchen on fire or something of the sort.

Another piece of Kiwi that makes her unique is her confident, outgoing trait that shines through when she's on stage performing, in her room practicing, or just thinking about her talents. Many would describe Song Ki as a girl who's always smiling and having fun, because in reality, she is. Everything is fun to her, and if it's not, she doesn't pay any attention to it. This girl's all about the party type of life filled with city lights brightening the night, and living life to its fullest. Her style is very hip-hop-ish, and she hangs around with many groups of people, but mainly the 'thugs' of her school. They really aren't thugs, people just say that because they're scared of them. Kiwi might not make the best decisions, but she's a bright girl with a promising future, and more importantly, a dream that will never give up on.

When she's around her friends and family, she shows her true, dorky self that loves to watch horror movies and make fun of the stupidity of the ironic movie. Her friends would describe her as a fun, loving person who knows how to act tough, yet sweet at the same time. Song Ki doesn't necessarily have a lot of female friends, but the few she does, know her better than anyone else, besides her best friend. Kiwi hides her true personality and emotions behind a blanket of mischief, hoping that no one can see through it. But her best friend knows her best, always being able to see through the playful mask she wears.

Kiwi isn't as emotional as most girls, or moody for that mattter, but she is still a girl, and has emotions and feelings just like any other. Hiding them beneath the surface, Song Ki isn't very good at expressing anger, sadness, or love. The three most important emotions that Kiwi has trouble with, because she feels too exposed when she shows she cares, or is hurt, or angry. No one knows that she's like this, besides her best friend.

All in all, Kiwi is an interesting, unique person full of many traits that make her a powerful girl with a sweet face and mystery. She may come off as shy and innocent, but don't be fooled, she's actually a mischievious girl who wears her heart on her sleeve.


Growing up in the biggest city in New Jersey, Kiwi was bound to live a thug life, seeing as the city was all about hip hop and skateboarding. Song Ki grew up with her mother, father, and sister in the hood part of Trenton, where drinkers, potheads, and street dancers lived. The only part of that hood that Kiwi fit into was the street dancing and street fighting part. She first vowed to fulfill her dream of music when she met her soon-to-be best friend at a street dance battle. Not only did the two kids become close, but they grew so close, that people assumed they were twins. They were far from twins, seeing as her best friend was much older than her. Age didn't matter to them though, because they both shared the most important thing, their love for music.

Kiwi's family watched Kiwi grow up, not really knowing her or what she wanted to be. So when Kiwi told them about her audition with Flashback Entertainment, they were quite shocked and taken aback. First a troublemaker, and now an idol wannabe? What kind of daughter had her parents raised? Little did they know, Kiwi was extremely gifted and talented in dancing and rapping, that she had already become a trainee for the record label. Her parents were dissapointed, expecting her to take over their own family business. Kiwi had never been interested though, and pursued her dream in music.



  • Hwa Lee Rin | Mother | 38 | English name: Monica
  • Hwa Shin Park | Father | 40 | English name: Jerry
  • Hwa Ree Ah | Sister | 14 | English name: Celia


  • Sushi
  • Movies (especially horror and comedy)
  • Lollipops
  • Manga, anime
  • Skinship (she's very touchy feely, in a playful way)
  • Milk, every kind. Especially strawberry.
  • Fake Glasses
  • Street Fighting
  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • Freestyle
  • Parties


  • Tea (any kind)
  • Preppy clothes
  • Taking Selcas
  • Overdramatic/boring people
  • School
  • Chocolate
  • Strong perfume
  • Cleaning
  • Singing in her falsetto voice


  • The Dark; mostly outside at night by herself.
  • Being Kidnapped; she's always been scared of being kidnapped due to the numerous kidnappings happening in her city.
  • Being alone in big places; she hates being alone period.
  • Spiders; although she's tough, spiders crawling on or near her creeps her out.

Have you got any tattoo's or piercings: She has her nose pierced, and a tattoo on her shoulder blade of a dragon fighting symbol.

Love Info:

Love Interest(s): SHINee's Minho or MBLAQ's Thunder

Are you okay with having a ~saucy~ part?: Yes, whatever idea bunnies you have floating in your head, author-nim. ^.^

Rival: CL of 2NE1

Best Friend: Eunhyuk of Super Junior

Friends: Minzy of 2NE1, Amber of f(x), Heechul of Super Junior, Yonghwa of CN Blue, Leeteuk of Super Junior, Junsu of DBSK, Seohyun of U-KISS, and G-Dragon of Big Bang.

Stage Name : Lyrix

Your fanclub name: Fighting Harmonies

Your official fanclub colors:                                          

Years trained: 2

Position: Sub Dancer/ Lead Rapper

Persona: Little Mischievious Dragon Girl

Singing Voice: 

Amber & Henry| 1

Hyorin| 1 | 2

Suzy| 1 | 2


Minzy| 1 | 2

Taemin| 1 | 2

Amber| 1


Minho| 1

Amber| 1 | 2

CL| 1 | 2

Position: Sub-Dancer/Lead Rapper; because Kiwi is talented in both dancing and rapping, especially dancing. Her rapping excels that of many already famous idols, and her dancing is no joke.

Fanservice techniques:

(Towards other idols)

  • Holding hands
  • Back hugs
  • Kissing on the cheeks
  • Winking
  • Spending time with the other members and being skin-shippy

(For fans)

  • Takes Selcas (even though she hates it)
  • Dances to songs and posts videos on her twitter/youtube
  • Has live discussions with her fans
  • Responds to most letters from fans
  • Writes lyrics for her fan club


  • Hates dying her hair all the time.
  • Loves to drink. (even though it's illegal)
  • Isn't the best driver.
  • Is a senior in high school.
  • Wants to raise a monkey because they're fun.
  • Is a very supersticious person.
  • Tries her hardest at everything, besides school.
  • Enters in street fights and dances for money; she usually wins.

Fan Club Name Suggestion: Bottle Caps? (my brain is dead. xD)


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