Thank you for supporting me... NOT. 8-|

I've fallen in love with Super Junior because of Heechul. He caught my eye on a live performance of Bonamana. Since then, I've always loved him. This man named Kim Heechul is special to me.

And it hurts, it really hurts when people bash him. Why do you call him ugly, gay, rude, mean and talentless? Why do you say such hurtful things when you obviously don't know him? 

Sometimes he may act like a diva, but actually he is really sweet and caring. You once saw a picture of him and then you start to criticize him and say rude things.

The truth is, I am really disappointed by your behavior. Yes, I do know that you don't like my tastes in music, but you shouldn't do this. 

I said I don't mind because I didn't want to ruin our "friendship". But you, you already started to ruin it. You always criticize my tastes, even though I don't ask for your opinion nor say anything about "my Chinese gays" or how you call them. When you show me a song you love, I don't say it . I don't talk about the singers you like, because I don't want to hurt your feelings. Because unlike you, I understand that everyone is free to listen to whatever they like.

You confuse me. I don't even know if you are my friend anymore. Sometimes you are nice to me, sometimes you are mean, sometimes you don't even talk to me. And I am tired of me always being the one to start a conversation with you. I think I deserve a "Hi!"

Whatever. I know he won't see this. And since our relationship is already unstable, I don't even want to say this to him. I don't want to lose another friend.


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i know how you feel. and whoever calls heechul these horrible things. i love him, and i know how it feels to have someone special to you called these disgusting things
vic2ry98 #2
OMG! I so agree with you! I love Heechul and I see alot of antis. They're just in jealous of him. He's not TALENTLESS! WTF. He's a very talented guy. AND WHO THE DARES TO CALL ME HEECHUL GAY,RUDE AND UGLY?! Those antis probably has nothing to say OR they think they're just ing hot -___-' Aish. People these days.