PSXD Or LCBasic Application

Band name ; PSXD

Username; starlove

Profile Link;

E-Mail; tba

Name; tba

Character Name ; Son Tatsuya Sudkhet

Nickname(s) ; Tats or Khet

DOB ( DD/MM/YY) ; 23rd of Sept, 1991

Place Of Birth; US

Age ; 20

 Ethnicity ; Korean, Thai, and Japanese

Blood Type; A

Looks Like ; Lee Chi Hoon





Style; He dress to inpress. Usually keep it stylish. Have the "Bad Boy" look to his clothes.

Personality ; He likes to keep to himself a lot and avoid trying to get close with people. he's using his cold side as protection. He gives off a bad arua but deep down he's just looking for someone to heal him. His moods varies on whats going on around him. When you actually get to know him, he's actually a very nice guy who likes to help out a lot. He rarely smile so when he does when he does them you must be special to him. He is very competitive and never wants to give up. He work hard for what he wants. He usually very straight forward and always tell people his opinion.   

Likes ;



-guitar and piano and drum set

-mystery books

-jogging at sunrise


-working out

-dogs andother animals

-raining days

Dislikes ;



-being lied to

- crying in front of people


-cleaning his room

Hobbies ;

-playing guitar piano and drums

-sport: b-ball soccer and tennis

- draws anime

-writing lyrics to match his moods

-beat box for fun


Habits ;

-tapping his feet

-sticking out his tongue

-screaming at everyone when angry

- punches the wall when pissed off

-sits quietly in his room when sad

Parents ; Son Lom-father

Mimoko Honda- mother

Siblings ; none, only child

Friends ; SHINee's Key and Minho, DBSK's Changmin

How Long Have You Trained for; 6 years for his dancing and language pratice plus to work more on his vocals and rapping

Trainee History ; He worked hard to get what he wants. He was often left alone as a trainee since his cold image scared others off.


Stage Name ; Tats

Band Persona ; Ice Prince

Personal Fan Club Name ; PS Tats

Personal Fan Club Color; Ocean Blue


Lead Vocal

Lead Rapper/Sub Dancer

Leader/Sub Dancer

Partner ; Lee JinKyong-fictional, age 19, his childhood friend in America, they grew up together and kepy in touch later when he went off to be a trainee, friendship so strong that he didn't see his love forming for her until she visits him in Seoul. He's going to confess before she leave for home.

her look:

(lee yeon joo)

Ex-Partner ; Kara's Nicole

Rivals ; none since he's mostly a loner


Extra; The group should be PSXD

fans are called: PSLuv

Fangroup name: PS:)

fancolor: Grey and Yellow ??

Company under: YG Ent




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hahahahaha thank you! ^_^<br />
? wth? LUCK! XD Good luck!
ONCE AGAIN! GOOD ! ^^b<br />