this is where i say goodbye. thank you.


so, wow. coming back to see all these familiar usernames and those annoying black little side label notification things, what a throwback. 

exactly two hundred and ninety one days ago, i signed up for AFF as carrotpower. since then, i've written, what? seven stories? and made countless friends and memories.

my original plan was to just leave without telling any of you, but i don't think that'll work out since you're probably all wondering where i've gone. maybe you guys already saw this coming? anyway, i've put a lot of thought into it and i've decided that i'm leaving AFF. i've made so many friends the past almost year i've been on this site, and each and every one of you was so, so amazing and awesome. i'm sorry i didn't get the chance to talk to all of the people that friended me or messaged me or even reply to all the nice comments you guys left all over my horrible stories ;; to tell you the truth, i've fallen a little bit in love with you guys and it's really hard for me to go, but this year i'm entering a really critical part of my life and i just really don't have time to be on here anymore; in case you haven't noticed (which you probably haven't tbh i don't think anyone has noticed lol) i haven't been on at all for a while now, and i think it's irresponsible of me to just leave everyone hanging, without telling any of you guys. there are two stories i'm co-authoring at the moment - for now, i may be on a little bit to tie up loose ends and help out for a while, but. i'm moving on to a new chapter of my life. i'll probably regret this in the beginning and want to come back, but i have to do this. i'm really stupid, i want to cry as i type this. i've always been horrible at saying goodbyes, so i'm sorry for that.

thank you all so much for making my experience here memorable and fun and, idk, supporting me even though my writing is terrible, let's be real here lmfao. i'll always remember each and every one of the people i talked on here to, and i'll always - omg sue me for cheesiness okay - keep you guys in my heart. thank you for cheering me on when i was going through a hard time, thank you for spazzing and laughing and crying with me over otps and korean boys. i'm so thankful for you guys. i'm not going to deactivate in case some of you guys still want to read my stories (why would you want to though lmao) and, i don't know, just for posterity. i miss some of you that left before me, and i'm going to miss you guys, whom i'm leaving behind now.

if you ever really want to talk to me, you can get through from my friend olivia. just send her an ask on that tumblr and tell her it's for me, lmao sorry i don't have any thing else really except this. i'd rather not give away my personal tumblr, but just shoot her a message and she'll tell you what it is. pretty much olivia is my only connection to the internet lmfao sorry guys. i might come back sometimes for a visit or to help out my co-authors- ah. and to chiara and ~oppa~: i'm really sorry to leave you guys like this. you guys are amazing writers, i think you'll do fine without me anyways(: but if you do want me to continue helping you, although i no longer have time to write my own stories i can still help out. to you guys and to everyone else i've talked to on this site, i'll miss you guys so much. it took me so long to do this, i've been putting it off for a really long time now but, this is goodbye.

again, thank you guys so much. i'll really miss you. 

goodbye! take care, everyone. 



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hey its okay, im not on here anymore either. im busy with school most of the time and i kinda lost my muse. i write when im in the mood, im not forcing myself to leave. but yea, um, that you're leaving/already left. but well, you gotta do what you gotta do. dont mind too much about my story, ill finish it on my own. but i doubt i will finish it at all, like i said, i lost my muse. haha. well, i hope youre doing okay and good luck with whatever :) you will be missed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
amber_serkly #2
hey! I've always been an avid reader and a fan of your stories..
we're gonna miss you for sure, but it is an understandable reason so we won't throw a fit x)
good luck with everything okay, God bless you amigo♥
OMG I wanna cry, you're one of the sweetest author I know. Come by once in a while, no?
omg i cant believe
you're like my fandom childhood in a way
i will miss you dearly (T_T)
kagaki #5
Even though we haven't spoken a lot, you were a fun person ;A;
I'm going to miss you a lot <3
;_; aww~ im going to miss u and your stories. I hope you live well ok LBM13out
T_T I will miss you~~~~~~~~ I am sad that you are leaving but I can understand why you are going.