Match Me Application







Hanseul Do



username :: Caecie

profile link :: Le Link

any name you'd like me to call you? :: Cae





character name :: Hansuel  Do

nickname:: Kon

her birthdate:: 25/12/1995

her age:: 16

her height:: 160 cm






ulzzang name:: Byeon Seo Eun

hq links::

back up ulzzang :: Choi Haneul

hq links::


her style:: She dresses how she feels. If she feels happy she'll wear upbeat clothing that match. If she's sad she will wear clothes that shows she's feeling blue. 


  • she has two scars one on each shoulder blade that appears that she has something ripping through her skin.

  • She is always wearing her crystal jewel no matter what she wears.





4 main traits that describe her :: Secretive, honest, intelligent and creative


  • Secretive: she hides things about herself to keep from being hurt even if she claims to trust the person.

  • Serious: She takes things seriously and rarely ever caught goofing off if she is doing something that she is told to act serious on.

  • Honest: She will not sugarcoat anything for you, she will tell you what she thinks and will not lie.

  • Kind-hearted: When she warms up to people and they do not push her she will be nicer and show who she use to be.

  • Curious: She is like the curious cat she will look and not think that it might just kill her. She will claim that she is smarter than a cat named Curious.

  • Intelligent: She has a habit of memorizing this and using them.

  • Creative: She will misuse a language Ex: “I'm feeling the Aster.”

  • Sacrificial: she will give up something if she knows it will help someone in need and she sees that person struggling everyday because it brings back memories.



  • Kon was born into a poor family with in the planet that happened to be considered to be born from thieves. After a few months of life, she was taken from her family and given to a family who was a bit more wealthy then her old one. As she got older [10] her family abandoned her after being told that her gift was a bad omen and every since then she spends her days on top of the highest buildings, keeping to herself.



  • being light on her feet

  • cookies


  • People who call her by anything but Kon

  • being called names


  • Waking up out of her bed

  • leaving her hair wet in the morning


  • practicing gymnastics and acrobatics

  • reading in the highest place she can get up

  • drawing things that she dreams of

fears ::

  • Thunder

  • being truly left alone


  • She is blind and trained herself to “see” by using her feet and hands

  • because of her gift she is often called a bad omen because it is unusual





name:: Luhan

age and d.o.b:: 19 | 20-4-1993

personality:: He is kind hearted, protective, an understanding person and very smart

how he acts towards you in comparence to others :: he is very sweet to her because he considers her fragile glass while the others see her as a useless person due to her eyes.

current status:: Hoobae/Sunbae

how you met? :: She met him when she was running away from some kids her age. She normally can feel when someone is In front of her but that time she didn't and bumped into him.


back up love interest:: DO

age and d.o.b :: 19 12-1-1993

personality :: he is quiet, calm, collected as well as carefree when he wants to be.

how he acts towards you in comparence to others :: he treats her like any other person. He will at times tell her she matters when she “seems” upset.

current status :: Hoobae/Sunbae

how you met? :: She met him while he was singing once all by himself and she only got caught because she stepped on a thorn and it got in her foot and he heard her yelp.





what playing card are you?:: Red jack of hearts. The heart has a lock and key with his head down. This is because of how secretive she is and how hard it is to let someone in.


what gift?:: She can grow wings that resemble angel wings on her back

favourite colour :: she likes pink because it has a “I” in it

most treasured item :: her crystal jewel that was given to her from her old family.

favourite animal:: a Saola

job on earth:: a Librarian's assistant

what would your pet's name be? :: Kelna





comments :: well there are a lot of things I hope I got right. I don't know about the gift though so if you need me to change it then I can and will. I just read juvenile orion too much [favorite manga book ever] but she normally has control over them unless she has a nightmare that is bad enough to scare her also when they grow it HURTS and they regrow no matter. oh and the application might have Haneul insead of Hanseul. My word doc auto corrects so hopefully it is all the same.

also~I am excited to read this. I hope I did and okay job on the background though. Thats my first worry.

request scenes?::

  • They ask her to use her gift and she says she doesn't want to and storms off.

  • Her wings start to grow while and when they appear she rips them out.

password :: matchme






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Youch, she rips them out?? Anyways, just one problem and yes, its about the background. i didn't understand it. Is english ur first language? Ask someone to help you write it the way you want it to be, because i cudnt understand it really. Sorry and try be descriptive about it.

BTW, I might have to take away the sneaking around part of your power. She can have her wings. It just because that power would be rather big. Maybe something more personal. Try link it to her blindness. She's blind, so what can the wings do to help her? Maybe, when she opens her wings, the wings allow her to see the lining of everything or something. I don't know. You choose.